The Nuclear Science and Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is committed to being the premier supplier of comprehensive, leading-edge science, technology, and engineering research to both government and industrial sponsors.

Nuclear Security Technologies
Leadership in supporting the nation's nonproliferation goals
State-of-the-art technology for national and homeland security

Nuclear System Analysis, Design and Safety
Advanced/Systems Reactors
Criticality Safety
Engineering Economics
Facility Safety
Material and Fuel Irradiation
Nuclear Criticality Safety Program
Nuclear Data and Codes
Nuclear Information
Radiation Transport and Shielding
Reactor Analysis
Regulatory Support
Risk Assessment
Space Reactor Program
System Instrumentation and Controls
Thermal Hydraulics

Fuels, Isotopes, and Nuclear Materials
Advanced Separation Technology
Heavy element processing/production
Research and medical radioisotopes
Stable isotopes
Advanced Nuclear Fuels (see photo and caption at right)
Remote Systems and Robotics
Separations and Materials Research