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Small Business Regulatory Review and Reform Initiative

Regulatory Review and Reform (r3) Top 10 Rules, 2008
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Update MSHA Rules on the Use of Explosives in Mines to Reflect Modern Industry Standards
Agency Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), U.S. Department of Labor
Submitter Institute of Makers of Explosives and the International Society of Explosives Engineers
Nominated February 28, 2008
Description MSHA regulations, 30 CFR, Parts 56, 57, and 77, govern the use of explosives in various types of mines, including surface metal and nonmetal mines, underground metal and nonmetal mines, and surface coal mines. The overriding purpose is to promote safety. Key provisions include storage, transportation, use, detonation, maintenance, and other issues. The Part 77 regulations have been in place since 1971, while the Parts 56 and 57 regulations were last updated in 1996. According to the submitter, the rules are outdated and need to be reformed to comport to current industry standards.
Small entities affected According to the submitter, some 29,000 mines operate in the United States, 95 percent of which are small businesses. Nearly every mine is affected by the rule.
Regulatory burden The burdens are both technical and safety-related. According to the submitter, current MSHA rules do not address some fundamental aspects of explosive safety, such as electronic detonation. The submitter notes that a small business could receive a citation for operating in conformity with current industry best practices, which are not consistent with MSHA’s outdated rules.
Proposed burden reduction The submitter would like MSHA to update its regulations consistent with current industry standards as well as with OSHA’s more up-to-date regulations on explosives.

Small entity benefits The submitter believes the change would reduce compliance costs and improve safety by providing greater clarity and consistency.
Status (8/28/08) MSHA has not formally announced its intention to update explosives standards. The group that nominated this issue testified before the House Small Business Subcommittee on Regulations, Healthcare and Trade on July 30, 2008.
Advocacy contact Bruce Lundegren,

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