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Office of Advocacy


Testimony of

Thomas M. Sullivan
Chief Counsel for Advocacy
U.S. Small Business Administration

U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Government Reform
Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs

November 17, 2004
10:00 A.M.
Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2154
Washington, D.C.


“What is the Bush Administration’s Record in Regulatory Reform?”

Appendix A

OMB’s 2001 “High Priority” Rule Reform Nominations(14)

Agency Regulation
Department of Agriculture/Forest Service Forest Service Planning Rules
Department of Agriculture/Forest Service Roadless Area Conservation Regulations
Department of Education Regulations Related to Financial Aid
Department of Energy Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Energy Conservation Standards
Department of Health and Human Services Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information
Department of Health and Human Services/Food and Drug Administration Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content and Health Claims
Department of Interior/National Park Service Amendments to National Park Service’s Snowmobile Regulations
Department of Interior/Bureau of Land Management Regulations Governing Hardrock Mining Operations
Department of Labor/Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs’ “60-2” Regulation - The Equal Opportunity Survey
Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration Procedures for Certification of Employment Based Immigration and Guest Worker Applications
Department of Labor/Employment and Standards Administration Proposal Governing “Helpers” on Davis-Bacon Act Projects
Department of Labor/Wage and Hour Division Overtime Compensation Regulation
Department of Labor/Wage and Hour Division Record Keeping and Notification Requirements
Department of Transportation/Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Hours of Service of Drivers; Driver Rest and Sleep for Safe Operation
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures
Environmental Protection Agency Mixture and Derived From Rule
Environmental Protection Agency Proposed Changes to the Total Maximum Daily Load Program
Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Regulations: Cost-Benefit Analysis
Environmental Protection Agency Economic Incentive Program Guidance
Environmental Protection Agency New Source Review
Environmental Protection Agency Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Effluent Guidelines
Environmental Protection Agency Arsenic in Drinking Water
Environmental Protection Agency Notice of Substantial Risk - TSCA

Appendix B

Advocacy’s 2002 Reform Nominations(15)

US Postal Service Commercial Mail Receiving Facilities
Labor/OSHA Sling Standard
Labor/OSHA Recordkeeping for Work-related Injuries
Dept of Transportation/FAA General Operating and Flight Rules; Inspections
Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) - Lead and Lead Compounds; Lowering Reporting Thresholds
Environmental Protection Agency TRI; Addition of Chemical and Petroleum Wholesalers to TRI Reporting
Environmental Protection Agency TRI; Form A
Environmental Protection Agency Regulation of Hazardous Wastes
Health and Human Services/OCR Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Guidance
Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Agency Hemp Food Products
Heath and Human Services/CMS 1-Hour Restraint Rule
Department of Interior/National Park Service Snowmobile Phaseout in Yellowstone, Rockefeller, Grand Teton National Parks
Health and Human Services/CMS Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies and 5-year review
Health and Human Services/CMS Certificates of Medical Necessity
Internal Revenue Service Monthly versus Semi-monthly Federal Employment Tax Deposits
Internal Revenue Service Partnership Investments in Small Business Stock

Appendix C

Small Business Priority Reforms Identified in Response to OMB’s Request for
Office of Advocacy Review(16)

Health and Human Services/CMS 1-Hour Restraint Rule
Health and Human Services/CMS Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Programs and 5-year Review
Health and Human Services/CMS Certificates of Medical Necessity
Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Agency Hemp Food Products
Department of Labor Computer Professional Exemption under Fair Labor Standards Act
Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act Administrative Exception
Department of Labor/OSHA Lead in Construction
Department of Labor/OSHA Sling Standard
State Department Flight Simulators
Department of Transportation Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
Department of Transportation/RSPA Emergency Preparedness
Department of Transportation/RSPA Hazardous Materials Training Requirements
Internal Revenue Service Flexible Spending Accounts
Internal Revenue Service Monthly versus Semi-monthly Federal Employment Tax Deposit
Internal Revenue Service Partnership Investments in Qualified Small Business Stock
Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Release Inventory Alternative Reporting Threshold (Form A)
Environmental Protection Agency Export Notification Requirements
Environmental Protection Agency Storage for Reuse Regulations (PCBs)
Environmental Protection Agency TRI: Lowering Reporting Thresholds for PBT Chemicals
National Archives and Records Administration Disposition of Federal Records
US Post Office Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies
Health and Human Services/OCR Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Guidance
Department of Justice Guidance on Federal Prison Industries
Department of Labor Coordination of Family Medical Leave Act with other Leave Policies
Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions
Environmental Protection Agency TRI Reporting Questions and Answers and other Guidance
Small Business Administration Guidance on Credit Unions
Federal Communication Commission Telephone Number Portability
Federal Communication Commission Broadband Access to Internet over Cable
Federal Communication Commission Remedying Interference to Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band

Appendix D

Final 2002 “New Candidates” for Regulatory Reform(17)

Department of Agriculture Salmonella Performance Standards
Department of Agriculture Phytosanitary Certificates for Seeds
Department of Agriculture Swine Production Contract Library
Department of Health and Human Services/CMS 75% Rule
Department of Health and Human Services/CMS One-Hour Restraint Rule
Department of Health and Human Services/FDA Standard of Chemical Quality - Arsenic
Department of Health and Human Services/FDA Standard of Chemical Quality - Uranium
Department of Health and Human Services/FDA Labeling of Carmine
Department of Health and Human Services/FDA Labeling of Food Allergens
Department of Labor Medical Certification
Department of Labor FLSA Administrative Exception
Department of Labor/OSHA Explosives and Process Safety Management
Department of Labor/OSHA Sling Standard
Department of Labor/OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
Department of Transportation/ Federal Aviation Administration Flammability Standards for Thermal/ Acoustic Material
Department of Transportation/FHA Contract Requirements for Minor Transport. Projects
Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Admin. Historic Preservation Requirements
Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Admin. Traffic Operations
Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Admin. Highway Work Zone Safety
Department of Transportation/NHTSA Roof Crush
Department of Transportation/NHTSA Door Locks
Department of Transportation/NHTSA Bumper Strength
Department of Transportation/NHTSA Side-Impact Protection
Department of Transportation/Coast Guard Marine Safety Manual
Department of Transportation/RSPA Hazardous Materials Training
Treasury/IRS Flexible Spending Accounts
Treasury/IRS Mortgage Revenue Bond Purchase Price Limits
Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Reform for Handling Refrigerants
Environmental Protection Agency Chemical Plant Safety Standards
Environmental Protection Agency Protection for Farm Children from Pesticides
Environmental Protection Agency Definition of Volatile Organic Compound
Environmental Protection Agency TRI Alternate Reporting Threshold (Form A)
Environmental Protection Agency Export Notification Requirements
Environmental Protection Agency Storage for Reuse
Environmental Protection Agency TRI Form R Reporting
Department of Labor/OSHA Multi-Employer Citation Policy
Environmental Protection Agency EPA index of Applicability Decisions
Environmental Protection Agency “Once In, Always In” Policy
Environmental Protection Agency TRI Reporting Forms/Instructions
Environmental Protection Agency TRI Reporting Q & As
Environmental Protection Agency Waterborne Diseases
Environmental Protection Agency Integrated Risk Information System
Environmental Protection Agency Economic Benefit of Noncompliance in Civil Penalty Cases
Environmental Protection Agency Site-Specific Risk Assessments in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act cases
Environmental Protection Agency Sub-metering Water Systems

Appendix E

Regulatory Actions Completed by the Agencies

Agency Regulation Year of Nomination
Department of Labor/Wage and Hour Division Overtime Compensation Regulation 2001
Department of Interior/National Park Service Amendments to National Park Service’s Snowmobile Regulations 2001
Environmental Protection Agency New Source Review 2001
Environmental Protection Agency Proposed Changes to the Total Maximum Daily Load Program 2001
Department of Transportation/FMCSA Hours of Service of Drivers/Driver Rest and Sleep for Safe Operation 2001
Department of Health and Human Services/FDA Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content and Health Claims 2001
Department of Health and Human Services/CMS 75% Rule 2002
Department of Transportation/Coast Guard Marine Safety Manual 2002
Treasury/IRS Mortgage Revenue Bond Purchase Price Limits 2002
Environmental Protection Agency Sub-metering Water Systems 2002
Environmental Protection Agency Index of Applicability Decisions 2002
Department of Agriculture Salmonella Performance Standard 2002
Department of Agriculture Swine Production Contract Library 2002
Department of Health and Human Services/FDA Standard of Chemical Quality - Uranium 2002