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Iceland Local time: 10:10 PM

Business FAQ on Iceland


I am looking for an Icelandic lawyer?

  • There is a list of Icelandic lawyers and realty agents at the website of the Invest in Iceland Agency: Also contact us for a list of Icelandic lawyers.

I need contact information on an Icelandic firm?

I need information on Icelandic tax issues?

  • The Internal Revenue Directorate ( has good information in English on income and capital tax, VAT and double taxation conventions.

Where can I go to find information on establishing a business in Iceland?

  • The Invest in Iceland Agency ( has good information on how to establish, and do business in Iceland.

Is there a listing anywhere that gives adresses for Icelandic embassies and consulates worldwide?

  • Visit the official website of the Icelandic Foreign Service ( for a list of Icelandic Embassies and a wealth of information on Iceland.

Where can I find statistical information on Iceland?

I represent a U.S. firm and I would like to export to Iceland, where do I start?

I need to ship something to Iceland, where can I get customs information, duty rate and etc.?

  • The Icelandic Directorate of Customs ( has comprehensive information on exporting to Iceland.

Where can I get information on the fisheries sector in Iceland?

  • The Ministry of Fisheries has a website called Responsible Fisheries ( with information on the Fisheries sector.

Where can I find information on the franchise sector in Iceland?

I need a credit report for an Icelandic company?

  • Lanstraust Ltd. ( offer all kinds of services regarding credit reports and background checks.