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Visiting Scholars and Scientists

Karen Motylewski photo2008: karen motylewski

Educational Background:

Theatre Arts and English, Boston University, 1965-1968
Ed.M., Adult Learning, Harvard University, 1976

Past Experience:

Special Project Liaison to Library of Congress Preservation Directorate, Institute of Museum and Library Services, 2008-present.
Evaluation Officer, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Washington, DC. 1999-present.
Director, Preservation and Conservation Studies and Senior Lecturer for Preservation Administration, Information School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1995-1999.
Director of Field Service, Northeast Document Conservation Center, Andover, MA, 1986-1995.
Conservation Apprentice, Dennis and Craine Associates, Cambridge, MA, 1984-1986.
Division Manager and Research Technician, Division of Planetary Sciences, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, 1973-1984.

LC Projects:

Special Project Liaison detailed to the Library of Congress Preservation Directorate by the Institute of Library and Museum Services (IMLS) to develop partnership activities to meet complementary goals of the IMLS Connecting to Collections initiative and the Library of Congress Preservation Directorate strategic plan, with particular emphasis on preservation and conservation education and outreach.


Jae R. Anderson photo2008: Jae R. Anderson

Educational Background:

B.S, Mathematics, University of Arizona, 2006
A. S. in Computer Science, Pima Community College, 2001

Past Experience:

Contract Researcher, Smithsonian Institute National Museum of the American Indian, 2006-Present
Webmaster, University of Arizona-Social and Behavior Science Department, 2004-2006

LC Projects:

Conducting comparative deterioration studies on an array of media for the Preservation Research and Testing Division.









Fenella France photo2007: Fenella France

Educational Background:

Ph.D., Textile Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ
MBA,Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

Past Experience:

Scientific Analyst and Project Manager, World Trade Center 9/11 Project, Port Authority of New York/New Jersey.
Preservation Scientist, Star-Spangled Banner Project, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C.
Textile Analyst, American Museum of Natural History, New York.
Research Scientist, Treasures Gallery Rehabilitation Project, National Park Service, Ellis Island, New York.
Environmental Researcher and Analyst, 1812 Period Flags, Peebles Island, New York.
Environmental and Lighting Researcher, Historic House Trust of New York.
Data Manager, Web-Accessible Fiber Reference Imaging Library, National Park Service
Research & International Postgraduate Research Manager/Research Fellow, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

LC Projects:

Scientific analysis of preservation techniques for document anoxic environments, especially for the Waldseemuller 1507 Map.

This includes:

Assisting with the creation of the oxygen-free environment of the Waldseemuller 1507 World Map encasement, monitoring the environment, and training LOC staff in the monitoring procedures.

Analyzing the current state of the Top Treasures cases in the custodianship of the Conservation Division, such as checking the oxygen levels, reporting on next steps, and assisting with the remedy of any malfunctioning encasements.

Conducting comparative research into the various available low-oxygen storage systems. This will comprise reviewing existing systems, and designing research proposals for investigating low-oxygen storage systems including tests on the longevity of various substances in low oxygen systems.


Blake Hannaford (green) conducts Haptic scan2007: Blake Hannaford

Educational Background:

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley 1985
M.S., University of California, Berkeley 1982
B.S., Yale University 1977

Past Experience:

1986 to 1989: Man-Machine Systems Group in the Automated Systems Section of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech.
1989 - present: University of Washington in Seattle, where he has been Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering since 1993, and is currently Director of the Biorobotics Laboratory.
He was awarded the National Science Foundation's Presidential Young Investigator Award and the Early Career Achievement Award from the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

LC Projects:

Using haptic technology to capture conservation handskills for the purpose of advance training in conservation.

photo Sergey Alyukov2007: Sergey Alyukov
Muskie Fellow

Educational Background:

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Vladimir State Technical University, Vladimir, Russia.
M.S., Engineering, South Ural State University, Department of Automobiles and Tractors, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
M.A., Economics, Bowling Green State University.
M.S., Mathematics, Ural State University, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yekateriburg, Russia.

Past Experience:

Professor, South Ural State University, Department of Higher Mathematics, Chelyabinsk, Russia, Doctor of Science.
Director, “Splain” Ltd. (Research-and-Production Company) Chelyabinsk, Russia.

LC Projects:

Statistical modeling of collections growth dynamics, with a focus on forecasting future space and preservation needs of the Library's diverse collection formats. Application of a newly-developed mathematical formula to interpolation of optical data points for the IRENE project.

photo Mary T. Baker2007: Mary T. Baker

Educational Background:

Ph.D., Polymer Chemistry, University of Connecticut, 1986

Past Experience:

Research Chemist, Museum Conservation Institute, Smithsonian Institution, 1987–2000.
Associate Professor of Chemistry, American University in Cairo, 2001–2004. Chemistry Teacher and Curriculum Developer, Montgomery Public School System, 2006-present.

LC Projects:

Analysis of 1507 Waldseemuller map, including calculating reduction of fading rates of colorants exhibited in argon encasement; consulting on
sticky shed audio and video tapes; and advising on Haptic Project to mathematically measure conservation hand skills.


photo Andre M. Striegel2007: Andre M. Striegel

Educational Background:

Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, University of New Orleans. 1996.
B.S., Chemistry, University of New Orleans, 1991.

Past Experience:

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, Florida State University. 2004-Present.
Research Specialist and Senior Research Chemist, Solutia Inc., 1998-2004.
Postdoctoral Research Chemist, USDA National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, 1996-1998.

LC Projects:

Studying the mechanochemical degradation of cellulose in transient elongational flows.


photo Noreen Tuross2007: Noreen Tuross

Educational Background:

B.A., Boston University.
B.S., Trinity College.
M.A., Bryn Mawr College.
Ph.D., Brown University.

Past Experience:

Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health.
Research Associate, Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Senior Research Biochemist and Director, Laboratories of Analytical Biology, Smithsonian Institution.
Landon T. Clay Professor, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University.

LC Projects:

Oversight on installation and training for new state-of-the-art instrumentation for the Preservation Directorate.

photo Lambertus (Bert) van Zelst2005- Lambertus (Bert) van Zelst

Educational Background:

Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Amsterdam.

Past Experience:

Research Associate, Institute for Nuclear Physics Research, Amsterdam.
Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Research Chemist, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Director of Research, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Director, Conservation Analytical Laboratory/Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education, Smithsonian Institution.

LC Projects:

Characterization of the “Sticky Shed” phenomenon in magnetic tapes; development/evaluation of appropriate remedial techniques.

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