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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Trade Representative Announce New
Industry Trade Advisory Committee Structure

The U.S. Department of Commerce and the United States Trade Representative (USTR) today announced that the agencies have restructured their jointly-administered industry trade advisory committee system to ensure the committees reflect today’s U.S. economy and vision for the future. The trade advisory system provides the private sector and civil society the opportunity to advise the Administration on trade issues and is an important part of the Administration’s outreach efforts.

“This new structure better reflects the 21st Century economy and will provide our negotiators with critical and timely advice during trade negotiations,” said Commerce Secretary Don Evans.

“The current committees were put in place more than twenty years ago. This new structure reflects important changes in the U.S. economy since then, and will give us the advice we need to continue crafting state-of-the-art trade agreements that will benefit U.S. workers, companies and consumers,” said U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick. “We greatly appreciate the input we receive from committee members because it helps us bring back win-win trade agreements.”

A new Industry Trade Advisory Center was announced today, with 16 new Industry Trade Advisory Committees (ITACs). The restructuring is consistent with recommendations in a recent U.S. General Accounting Office Report, “International Trade: Advisory Committee System Should be Upgraded to Better Serve U.S. Policy Needs” (GAO 02-876), and reflects the commitment of Commerce and the USTR to improve the trade advisory committee system. Commerce and USTR consider the new ITACs, as well as those advisors who serve on the committees, to be an integral part of the U.S. trade policy making process in advancing the Administration’s ambitious trade agenda to improve economic opportunities for the United States as well as its trading partners.

In announcing the new ITAC structure (attached), Commerce and USTR will be working diligently to complete the chartering of the new ITACs and the appointment of members to the new committees. Implementation is expected in March 2004. The two agencies also intend to implement a new calendar of meetings, with plenary sessions of all ITAC members during weeks when individual ITAC meetings are also taking place. This will increase efficiency and improve the sharing of views and information across sectoral


The trade advisory committee system was established by Congress in the Trade Act of 1974. Today more than 700 advisors participate on committees jointly administered by USTR, the Departments of Commerce, Labor and Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The largest component is the Industry Sector Advisory Committee and the Industry Functional Advisory Committee (ISAC/IFAC) system, now the ITAC system, jointly administered by the U.S. Trade Representative and the Secretary of Commerce.



Committee of Chairs of the Industry Trade Advisory Committees

(ITAC 1) Aerospace Equipment

(ITAC 2) Automotive Equipment and Capital Goods

(ITAC 3) Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Health/Science Products
and Services

(ITAC 4) Consumer Goods

(ITAC 5) Distribution Services

(ITAC 6) Energy and Energy Services

(ITAC 7) Forest Products

(ITAC 8) Information and Communications Technologies, Services,
and Electronic Commerce

(ITAC 9) Non-Ferrous Metals and Building Materials

(ITAC 10) Services and Finance Industries

(ITAC 11) Small and Minority Business

(ITAC 12) Steel

(ITAC 13) Textiles and Clothing

(ITAC 14) Customs Matters and Trade Facilitation(ITAC 15) Intellectual Property Rights

(ITAC 16) Standards and Technical Trade Barriers

Industry Trade Advisory Center
U.S. Department of Commerce
Room 2015-A
Washington, D.C. 20230
phone: (202) 482-3268
fax: (202) 482-4452

*Note: The Committee of Chairs is comprised of the elected Chairs of the sixteen ITACs.




  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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