BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Saudi Arabia Local time: 01:02 AM

Customized Market Analysis (CMA)

A Customized Market Analysis can provide your company with detailed information needed to make the most efficient and beneficial export marketing decisions. Your CMA report will give you an accurate assessment of how your product or service will sell in the Saudi market, at a cost much lower than you will find for comparable customized research.

Once you order your Customized Market Analysis, commercial research specialists here in Saudi Arabia will conduct interviews with knowledgeable local resources, such as importers, distributors, end-users, and manufacturers of products comparable to yours. Your report will be sent to you approximately sixty (60) days after you place your order.

A Customized Market Analysis will answer your specific marketing questions, such as:

  • Does my product or service have sales potential in the Saudi market?
  • Who are my competitors? How can they affect my sales?
  • What are the best channels for getting my product to market?
  • What are the prices for comparable products?
  • What factors influence potential customers the most? Price, credit terms, quality, delivery terms, service, promotion assistance, or brand name?
  • What is the best way to gain exposure in this market?
  • Are there any impediments to selling in this market, such as quotas, duties, or local regulations?
  • Who are the best potential representatives and buyers of my product?
  • Are there any potential licensing or joint venture partners in this market?