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Home > TCYorktown > Information > CGC GUYAHOGA



On October 20, 1978 CUYAHOGA, while on a night-time officer candidate school training cruise, collided with the M/V Santa Cruz II in the Chesapeake Bay and sank about two minutes later in 58 feet of water. The CUYAHOGA sank quickly due to massive damage to its hull and rapid down flooding as the much larger Santa Cruz II bulldozed the cutter underwater at about 13 knots for at least one minute. Eleven shipmates died in the tragic collision.

CUYAHOGA was raised, examined, and deemed too damaged to warrant repair. CUYAHOGA was eventually returned to the deep off the Virginia Capes where it still lies upright in 100 feet of water.

As a partial result of this accident the Coast Guard instituted more stringent controls and certifications. These include periodic examinations for deck watch officers and rigorous seamanship refresher courses for all prospective commanding officers and executive officers.

A memorial to honor our shipmates who lost their lives aboard CGC CUYAHOGA is located across the street from the Coast Guard Dining Facility and Lincoln Hall.

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Last Modified 9/9/2008