------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMSL Name: SDDOTA (Single precision version) Revised: August 9, 1986 Purpose: Compute the sum of a single-precision scalar, a single-precision dot product and the double-precision accumulator, which is set to the result ACC = ACC + a + x*y. Usage: SDDOTA(N, SA, ACC, SX, INCX, SY, INCY) Arguments: N - Length of vectors X and Y. (Input) SA - Real scalar added to the computed dot product. (Input) ACC - Accumulator. (Input/Output) ACC is a double precision vector of length 2. On input, ACC contains previous dot product calculations. On output, ACC contains the sum of SA and SX dot SY and the input values for ACC. SX - Real vector of length MAX(N*IABS(INCX),1). (Input) INCX - Displacement between elements of SX. (Input) X(I) is defined to be SX(1+(I-1)*INCX) if INCX.GE.0 or SX(1+(I-N)*INCX) if INCX.LT.0. SY - Real vector of length MAX(N*IABS(INCY),1). (Input) INCY - Displacement between elements of SY. (Input) Y(I) is defined to be SY(1+(I-1)*INCY) if INCY.GE.0 or SY(1+(I-N)*INCY) if INCY.LT.0. SDDOTA - Real sum from I = 1 to N of X(I)*Y(I) plus SA plus previos dot product calculations. (Output) X(I) and Y(I) refer to specific elements of SX and SY. Keyword: Level 1 BLAS; Inner product; Scalar product GAMS: D1a4 Chapters: MATH/LIBRARY Basic Matrix/Vector Operations STAT/LIBRARY Mathematical Support Page No.: MATH/LIBRARY User's Manual page 1144 STAT/LIBRARY User's Manual page 1506