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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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Information Alert Listing

Information Alert - Issuance year: 2007

Click the document number to view a specific issuance.

# Issued Expires Subject Audience
130 09-17-2007
10-13-2007 Expired Attestations by Facilities Temporarily Employing H-1C Nonimmigrant Aliens as Registered Nurses Foreign Labor Certification
129 09-05-2007
11-05-2007 Expired Request for Comments – National Agricultural Workers Survey Wagner-Peyser, MSFW
128 09-05-2007
09-17-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Tax Credit WOTC
127 09-04-2007
09-13-2007 Expired Notice – Advisory Committee on Job Corps (ACJC) Meeting Job Corps
126 09-04-2007
10-23-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Application for Permanent Employment Certification (ETA-9089), OMB No. 1205-0451 Foreign Labor Certification
125 08-30-2007
11-30-2009 Notice - Implementation of Federal Financial Report, ETA-9130 All Programs
124 08-14-2007
10-12-2007 Expired Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – Improvement to the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Disability, WIA, Wagner-Peyser
123 08-13-2007
10-12-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Nonmonetary Determination Activity Report (ETA 207) UI
122 08-10-2007
09-09-2007 Expired Request for Comments – YouthBuild Reporting System YouthBuild
121 09-25-2007
10-31-2007 Expired CHANGE 1: Solicitation for Grant Applications for Community-Based Job Training Grants All Programs
121 08-10-2007
10-10-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) for Community-Based Job Training Grants All Programs
120 08-06-2007
09-30-2008 Maximum Per Diem Rates for the Continental United States (CONUS) All Programs
119 08-02-2007
Continuing Labor Certification for the Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States; Establishment of E-Mail Address for Receipt of Reports of Potential Non-Compliance Labor Certification
118 07-31-2007
Continuing Government Auditing Standards, July 2007 Revision (GAO-07-731G) All Programs
117 07-30-2007
Continuing Benefits, Timeliness and Quality (BTQ) Data Collection System, OMB No. 1205-0359 UI
116 07-18-2007
08-17-2007 Expired Notice – Availability of Surplus Equipment All Programs
115 07-13-2007
09-11-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Resource Justification Model UI
114 07-13-2007
Continuing Notice – Procedure Modifications for H-2B Temporary Labor Certification in Non-Agricultural Occupations Foreign Labor Certification
113 07-11-2007
09-10-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Attestations by Employers Using Alien Crewmembers for Longshore Activities in U.S. Ports, OMB No. 1205-0309 Foreign Labor Certification
112 07-11-2007
09-10-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Application for Alien Employment Certification, OMB No. 1205-0015 Foreign Labor Certification
111 07-09-2007
Continuing Notice – 29 CFR Parts 2, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22, 70, 71, 75, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99; Final Rule and Technical Amendments All Programs
110 07-06-2007
Continuing Notice – Coverage under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Final Rule Older Worker
109 07-03-2007
Continuing Notice – Special Guidelines for Processing H-2B Temporary Labor Certification in Tree Planting and Related Reforestation Occupations Foreign Labor Certification
108 07-02-2007
08-31-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Benefit Appeals Report UI
107 06-29-2007
Continuing Notice – Senior Community Service Employment Program; Performance Accountability, Interim Final Rule WIA
106 06-29-2007
Continuing Notice – Compliance Assistance Resources and Points of Contact Lists Available to Small Businesses All Programs
105 06-29-2007
07-31-2007 Expired Notice – Advisory Committee on Veterans’ Employment, Training and Employer Outreach (ACVETEO) Open Meeting VETS
104 06-28-2007
07-28-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Job Corps Health Questionnaire Job Corps
103 06-26-2007
Continuing Notice – Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations; Revisions to OMB Circular A-133 All Programs
102 06-25-2007
07-10-2007 Expired Notice – Advisory Committee on Job Corps (ACJC) Meeting Job Corps
101 06-21-2007
07-21-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Job Corps Enrollee Allotment Determination Job Corps
100 06-20-2007
07-20-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Confidentiality and Disclosure of State Unemployment Compensation UI
099 06-19-2007
07-19-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Job Corps Placement and Assistance Record Job Corps
098 06-18-2007
11-28-2007 Expired Call for Papers – Center for Faith-Based & Community Initiatives; White House National Summit on Prisoner Reentry All Programs
097 06-13-2007
07-13-2007 Expired Notice – Availability of Surplus Equipment All Programs
096 06-12-2007
Continuing Notice – Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations; 2007 Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement All Programs
095 06-04-2007
Continuing Notice - Determination of Lower Living Standard Income Level All Programs
094 06-01-2007
07-31-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Data Validation Requirements for Employment and Training Programs; OMB No. 1205-0448 All Programs
093 05-31-2007
06-30-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Survey of Employer Perspectives on the Employment of People with Disabilities; OMB No. 1230-0NEW Disability
092 05-30-2007
06-30-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) - Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS); Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Stand Down Grant Requests All Programs
091 05-30-2007
07-30-2007 Expired Request for Comments - High Growth and Community-Based Job Training Grants; General Quarterly Reporting Form and Instructions; OMB No. 1205-0NEW HGJTI and CBJTI
090 05-24-2007
Continuing Appointments to the Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship (ACA) and Notice of a Public Meeting of the ACA Apprenticeship
089 05-09-2007
06-07-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications - Multiple Education Pathways Blueprint (MEPB) Grants, SGA/DFA PY-06-12 All Programs
088 05-17-2007
Continuing Notice - Labor Certification for the Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States; Reducing the Incentives and Opportunities for Fraud and Abuse and Enhancing Program Integrity; Final Rule Labor Certification
087 05-14-2007
06-30-2008 Expired Notice - Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 167, National Farmworker Jobs Program, Program Year (PY) 2007 Allotments MSFW
086 05-14-2007
06-14-2007 Expired Notice - Incentive Funding Availability for Program Year (PY) 2005 Performance, Workforce Investment Act WIA
085 05-14-2007
04-30-2008 Expired Notice - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda All Programs
084 05-14-2007
05-31-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Domestic Agricultural In-Season Wage Report, OMB Number 1205-0017 MSFW
083 05-11-2007
05-31-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications - Youthful Offender Registered Apprenticeship, Alternative Education, and Project Expansion Grants; SGA/DFA PY-06-10 All Programs
082 06-14-2007
07-03-2007 Expired CHANGE 2: Solicitation for Grant Applications - YouthBuild Grants, SGA/DFA-PY-06-08 All Programs
082 05-22-2007
07-03-2007 Expired CHANGE 1: Solicitation for Grant Applications - YouthBuild Grants, SGA/DFA-PY-06-08 All Programs
082 04-26-2007
07-03-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications - YouthBuild Grants, SGA/DFA PY-06-08 All Programs
081 04-25-2007
06-25-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Attestations by Facilities Temporarily Employing H-1C Nonimmigrant Aliens as Registered Nurses, OMB Number 1205-0415 Labor Certification
080 04-25-2007
05-23-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Eligibility Data Form: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act and Veterans' Preference, OMB Number 1293-0002 VETS
079 04-24-2007
05-04-2007 Expired Notice - Procedures for H-2B Temporary Labor Certification in Non-Agricultural Occupations Labor Certification
078 05-11-2007
05-29-2007 Expired CHANGE 1: Solicitation for Grant Applications - Workforce Investment Act, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program, National Farmworker Jobs Program, Housing Assistance for PY 2007, SGA/DFA PY-06-05 All Programs
078 04-24-2007
05-29-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications - Workforce Investment Act - Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program - National Farmworker Jobs Program, Housing Assistance for Program Year 2007, SGA/DFA PY-06-05 All Programs
077 05-11-2007
05-29-2007 Expired CHANGE 1: Solicitation for Grant Applications - Workforce Investment Act, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program, National Farmworker Jobs Program, Program Year 2007, SGA/DFA PY-06-04 All Programs
077 04-24-2007
05-29-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications - Workforce Investment Act - Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program - National Farmworker Jobs Program for Program Year 2007, SGA/DFA PY-06-04 All Programs
076 04-23-2007
05-16-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Transmittal of Unemployment Insurance Materials, OMB Number 1205-0222 UI
075 05-14-2007
05-25-2007 Expired CHANGE 1: Solicitation for Grant Applications - Preparing Ex-Offenders for the Workplace through Beneficiary Choice Contracting, SGA/DFA PY-06-14 All Programs
075 04-23-2007
05-25-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications - Preparing Ex-Offenders for the Workplace through Beneficiary Choice Contracting, SGA/DFA PY-06-14 All Programs
074 04-23-2007
05-14-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) - Urban and Non-Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) Grants for Program Year (PY) 2007, Solicitation #07-07 VETS
073 04-23-2007
05-14-2007 Expired Solicitation for Cooperative Agreement - Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) National Technical Assistance Center Cooperative Agreement(s) for Program Year (PY) 2007, Solicitation #078-08 VETS
072 04-23-2007
05-04-2007 Expired Notice - Public Briefing on the H-2B Temporary Non-Agricultural; Worker Labor Certification Program Foreign Labor Certification
071 04-23-2007
05-04-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Benefit Rights and Experience Report, OMB Number 1205-0177 UI
070 04-23-2007
06-04-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Health Questionnaire: Form ETA 6-53 Job Corps
069 04-23-2007
06-04-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Job Corps Enrollee Allotment Determination, OMB No. 1205-0030 Job Corps
068 04-23-2007
06-04-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Job Corps Placement and Assistance Record; OMB No. 1205-0035 Job Corps
067 04-23-2007
05-31-2007 Expired Notice - Solicitation of Nominations for the Secretary of Labor's New Freedom Initiative Award; Extension of Period for Submission of Nominations Notice Disability
066 04-23-2007
06-30-2007 Expired Notice - Program Year (PY) 2007 Workforce Investment Act Allotments; Program Year 2007 Wagner-Peyser Act Final Allotments; and Fiscal Year 2007 Work Opportunity Tax Credit and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit Allotments. WIA; Wagner-Peyser
065 04-23-2007
05-08-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications - Workforce Investment Act - Small Grassroots Organizations Connecting with the One-Stop Delivery System, SGA/DFA PY-06-11 All Programs
064 03-27-2007
04-26-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Work Application/Job Order; OMB Number 1205-0001 Wagner-Peyser
063 03-26-2007
05-25-2007 Expired Request for Comments –Confidentiality and Disclosure of State Unemployment Compensation Information/Income Eligibility Verification System; OMB No. 1205-0238 UI
062 03-26-2007
09-30-2007 Expired Maximum Per Diem Rates for the States of California, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, South Carolina, Utah and Wyoming All Programs
061 03-14-2007
03-16-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Evaluation of State Implementation of Section 303(k) of the Social Security Act; OMB Number 1205-0NEW UI
060 03-08-2007
04-04-2007 Expired Agricultural Services Technical Assistance Training, April 4-5, San Antonio MSFW
059 03-12-2007
05-01-2007 Expired Request for Comments – YouthBuild Reporting System; OMB No. 1205-0NEW Youth
058 03-12-2007
03-31-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Quick Turnaround Surveys on Workforce Act Implementation; OMB Number 1205-0436 WIA
057 03-12-2007
Continuing Notice – Renewal of the Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship (ACA) Charter Apprenticeship
056 03-12-2007
04-13-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications – Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development Initiative-Third Generation, SGA/DFA-PY-06-09 All Programs
055 02-22-2007
12-31-2007 Expired Notice – Labor Certification Process for the Temporary Employment of Aliens in Agriculture and Logging in the U.S.; 2007 Adverse Effect Wage Rates; Allowable Charges for Agricultural & Logging Workers’ Meals, and Max Travel Subsistence Reimbursement Labor Certification
054 02-21-2007
04-05-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications –High Growth Job Training Initiative Grants for the Long-Term Care Sector of the Health Care Industry, SGA/DFA-PY-06-07 All Programs
053 02-15-2007
04-09-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Veterans’ Employment and Training Service/Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act/Veterans’ Preference (VETS/USERRA/VP) Form 1010; OMB No. 1293-0002 VETS
052 02-13-2007
04-16-2007 Expired Solicitation for Grant Applications – Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) grants, SGA/DFA-PY-06-01 All Programs
051 02-12-2007
Continuing Notice – Annual Update of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Poverty Guidelines All Programs
050 02-12-2007
02-28-2007 Expired Notice - Meeting of the Native American Employment and Training Council Indian & Native American
049 02-08-2007
02-22-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Senior Community Service Employment Program, Implementation of Performance Indicators Older Worker
048 02-08-2007
04-09-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Domestic Agricultural In-Season Wage Report, Form ETA-232 and Wage Survey Interview Record, Form ETA-232-A; OMB No. 1205-017 Labor Certification
047 02-07-2007
03-09-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Job Corps Application Data; OMB Number 1205-0025 Job Corps
046 02-05-2007
Continuing Notice – Government Auditing Standards, January 2007 Revision (GAO-07-162G) Financial Managers
045 02-05-2007
Continuing Notice – Privately Owned Automobile Mileage Reimbursement; Federal Travel Regulations, FTR Case 2006-304, Final Rule All Programs
044 02-05-2007
03-01-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Workforce Investment Act: National Emergency Grant Assistance - Application and Reporting Procedures; OMB Number 1205-0439 WIA NEG
043 02-05-2007
02-26-2007 Expired Notice – America’s Job Bank Phase Out All Programs
042 01-22-2007
02-21-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services Activity and Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services Outcomes; OMB Number 1205-0353 UI
041 01-22-2007
Continuing Notice – Unemployment Compensation - Eligibility; Final Rule UI
040 01-22-2007
03-13-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Transmittal for Unemployment Insurance Materials; OMB No. 1205-0222 UI
039 01-12-2007
02-12-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Labor Condition Application Requirements for Employers Seeking to Use Nonimmigrants on E-3 Visas in Specialty Occupations, Filing Procedures; Proposed Rule Labor Certification
038 12-28-2006
01-25-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Survey of Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors; OMB Number 1205-0NEW Apprenticeship
037 12-21-2006
01-19-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Preliminary Estimate of Average Employer Tax Rates; OMB Number 1205-0228 UI
036 12-21-2006
02-20-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Implementation of Policy Changes to the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act; Amendment of Regulations; Proposed Rule WIA, Wagner-Peyser
035 12-20-2006
02-28-2007 Expired Request for Comments – State Unemployment Tax Avoidance (SUTA) Study Implementation Survey; OMB No. 1205-0NEW UI
034 12-20-2006
02-13-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Work Application/Job Orders Record Retention; OMB No. 1205-0001 Wagner-Peyser
033 12-14-2006
12-18-2006 Expired Notice - Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Improvement Plan All Programs
032 12-05-2007
01-04-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program Reserve Funding Request Form; OMB Number 1205-0275 Trade
031 12-05-2006
01-04-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Occupational Code Assignment; OMB Number 1205-0137 LMI
030 12-05-2006
01-04-2007 Expired Request for Comments – Overpayment Detection and Recovery Activities; OMB Number 1205-0173 UI
029 11-30-2006
01-29-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Quick Turnaround Surveys of WIA; OMB No. 1205-0436 WIA
028 11-28-2006
12-27-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Reporting and Performance Standards System for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program; OMB Number 1205-0425 MSFW
027 11-21-2006
09-30-2007 Expired Notice - Labor Surplus Area (LSA) Classification under Executive Orders 12073 and 10582 LMI
026 11-21-2006
01-22-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Job Corps Application Data; OMB No. 1205-0025 Job Corps
025 11-21-2006
01-16-2007 Expired Request for Comments - Workforce Investment Act; National Emergency Grant (NEG) Assistance - Application and Reporting Procedures; OMB No. 1205-0439 NEG
024 11-21-2006
Continuing Notice - Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program; Certifications for 2006 under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act UI
023 11-20-2006
Continuing Notice of Federal Agencies With Adequate Alternative Safeguards UI
022 11-20-2006
12-15-2006 Expired Request for Comments – Survey of PY 2002-2006 ETA Grassroots Grant Recipients; OMB Number 1290-0NEW FBO/CBO
021 11-16-2006
12-15-2006 Expired Notice - Public Meetings, Webinar and Open Comment Period - YouthBuild Program Design All Programs
020 11-14-2006
01-16-2007 Expired Request for Comments – ETA 218 Report, Benefit Rights and Experience; OMB No. 1205-0177 UI
019 11-08-2006
12-22-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Project GATE; OMB Number 1205-0444 All Programs
018 11-06-2006
12-05-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Workforce Investment Board Survey; OMB Number 1205-0004 FBO/CBO
017 11-06-2006
12-20-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Workforce Investment Streamlined Performance Reporting System; OMB Number 1205-0NEW WIA, Wagner-Peyser
016 11-03-2006
11-27-2006 Expired Public Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship (ACA) Apprenticeship
015 10-31-2006
12-26-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Worker Profiling and Reemployment Service Activity, and Worker Profiling and Reemployment Service Outcomes; OMB Number 1205-0353 UI
014 10-19-2006
11-17-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Evaluation of the Individual Training Account Experiment; OMB Number 1205-0441 WIA
013 10-19-2006
12-18-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance Benefits; Amendment of Regulations; Proposed Rule Trade
012 10-17-2006
12-15-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Proposed Implementation Guidance for Title V of the E-Government Act, Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act All Programs
011 10-13-2006
11-09-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Financial and Program Reporting and Performance Standards System for Indian and Native American Programs; OMB Number 1205-0422 Indian and Native American
010 10-11-2006
Continuing Notice - Foreign Labor Certification; Reduction-in-Recruitment (RIR) Conversion; Extension of the RIR Eligibility Date Labor Certification
009 10-10-2006
10-29-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship Training; OMB Number 1205-0224 Apprenticeship
008 10-10-2006
Continuing Notice - Standards and Guidelines for Statistical Surveys; Office of Management and Budget All Programs
007 10-10-2006
11-20-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Proposed Extension of ETA Form 9117 (formerly ETA-9023); Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Reserve Funding Request; OMB Number 1205-0275 Trade
006 10-10-2006
11-20-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Proposed Extension of ETA 205; Preliminary Estimates of Average Employer Contribution Rates UI
005 03-19-2007
08-07-2007 Expired Employment & Training Administration (ETA) National Financial and Administrative Forum Grants Management
005 10-10-2006
11-02-2006 Expired Request for Comments - Public Availability of Government Accountability Office Records, 4 CFR Part 81; Proposed Rule Al Programs
004 10-06-2006
04-30-2008 Expired Notice - Establishment of the Advisory Committee on Job Corps Job Corps
003 10-03-2006
Continuing Notice - No FEAR Act Posting Requirements; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) All Programs
002 10-02-2006
Continuing Notice - Labor Condition Applications & Requirements for Employers Using Nonimmigrants on H-1B Visas in Specialty Occupations & as Fashion Models; Labor Attestations Regarding H-1B1 Visas; Final Rule Labor Certification
001 10-02-2006
Continuing Notice - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) - Revision for 2007; Office of Management and Budget All Programs