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How Can I Help?

Visiting Washington

Washington, D.C. is full of exciting and educational opportunities with numerous hot spots to visit and enjoy.  I encourage my constituents to visit Washington and tour and explore the many fun opportunities that our nation's capitol has to offer.  I would like to extend the invitation for you and your group to stop by my office and visit with me and my staff.  My office can also assist in booking certain tours and reservations such as: the Library of Congress; the Supreme Court; the National Archives; the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Kennedy Center. 

If you are interested in visiting Washington and would like help setting up tours of the Capitol and other places around the city, please e-mail me and my office will help make your experience an enjoyable one.

Also, please visit the House of Representatives web site to find out all that is available in Washington as well as the best ways to get around the city.