BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Luxembourg Local time: 11:48 PM


Questions are divided into two categories to help you search: business oriented questions, and citizen oriented questions.

Business Oriented Questions

Where can my company go to find information on establishing a business in the United States?

An excellent source for business information is the Council of American States in Europe (CASE). However, if the information provided by CASE does not suffice; please contact individual state websites.

I am a Luxembourg firm, how can I find U.S. suppliers?

Please contact Heidi Pichler.

Heidi Pichler
Commercial Officer
U.S. Commercial Service
Regentlaan 27,
BE-1000     Brussels
Tel. +32 2 508 2864
Fax. +32 2 512 6653

Where could I find a list of American companies based in Luxembourg?

The American Chamber of Commerce lists American companies on their website.

Where could I go to find United States sanction information?

Information on United States sanctions is provided on the US Treasury website.

  1. Go to US Treasury website
  2. Click on sitemap
  3. Scroll down to Foreign Asset Control
  4. Look for sanctions by region

How do I find information on patent and trademark information for US products?

The United States Trademark and Patent Office provides a wide range of information on patents and trademarks; including how to apply for a Trademark or Patent; what a Patent or Trademark does; international guarentees on patents and trade marks and much more.

Where can I find information on United States agricultural products, manufactures, and suppliers?

The easiest way to locate agricultural information is to visit the United States embassy website, agricultural section. This site provides large amounts of information on topics such as grains, produce, seafood, lumber, etc.

Is there a listing anywhere that gives addresses for U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide?

The US State Department provides a worldwide list of Embassies and Consulates based upon regions.

Do individual states of the United States have offices abroad? If so, how could I contact a state's international representation?

Most states do have some form of international representation, although not in every European nation. The Council of American States in Europe, provides information and gives contact information for state representatives in Europe.

I am interested in promoting a product / establishing a business in the United States. Is there anyway to locate regional representation in various states?

The U.S. Chambers of Commerce, established a website that links to almost every local chamber of commerce in the United States. These links provide detailed information and contacts for precise areas.

Citizen Oriented Questions

I am planning to visit the United States in upcoming months, are there any visa requirements?

For information please visit American Embassy Visas

I have lost part of an address is there anyway to locate the rest?

The easiest way to locate an address of a private citizen or business is through the US Embassy. This website has useful information provided by the United States Post Office.

In addition, there is an extensive United States telephone directory connected to the page to facilitate in finding a telephone number of a citizen, a business, or a governmental bureau.

The Federal Consumer Information Center is a useful site when looking for federal agency telephone numbers.

Where can I find statistical, economic, legal, geographic information about the United States?

The CIA World Factbook is a good source for general information about the United States. The United States Information Agency has also provided an extensive website on the US economy and different business practices.

I am looking for a job or internship in the United States, where could I find information to aid in my search?

One organization that specializes in international job searches and internships is the the World Education Program. They provide information on programs in the United States including jobs and internships, as well as other arrangements such as working as an au pair or having a farmstay.

I am planning to travel to the U.S. where can I find tourist information and maps?

For tourist information, maps, and a variety of other information please contact the Visit USA Marketing and Promotion Bureau by clicking here: Visit USA Marketing and Promotion Bureau of Belgium and Luxembourg

or by visiting:

Visit USA Marketing and Promotion Bureau of Belgium and Luxembourg
P.O. Box 1
Berchem 3
B-2600 Berchem
Fax: 03/230.09.14