B&B ImFoRmA,,riom & lm@E MAkm^mEmEmy 300 @lmoc M=Itncon U=uLxv^no Ulmonew M.%PtLaosto, "An 040 Z077Z 0 U a^ 0 (20 1) 249-01 1 0 RMP Intermountain RM 000 15 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW CYCLE Application: This application requests $480,906 for support of 19 new project activities. June Council recommended $2,350,000 for the May application. Six projects address Health Quality Improvement, three Qualiq Assurance, two, Availability of Health Assistance, two, Accessibility to Health Care,.three, Availability oT Hea th Care, and three, Quality of Health Care. The application includes CHP comments and action,of RAG and staff to them. MCO 7/15/74 RMP Iti'Lernioun'L.aiii RM 000 15 MAY/JUt@E 1974 REVIE@,' Request: $3,849,425 Committee Recommendation: -$2,000,000 Overall assessment by individual reviewers: Above Average Critique: Concerns were expressed by the Committee regarding the failure of the region to add more minority members to staff. The Program's efforts in this direction were thwarted by the planned phase-out in February 1973. The IRMP insists that the minority effort continues. Support for reduc@Tons in the amount requested is based on past experience with the region's habitual "inflated" fund proposals. The Program has demonstrated its resilience in the past and will continue to react positively with a restructured program based on the funds awarded. This positive ability to react has been one of the Region's outstanding talents. Project #63 - Health Information Assistance to Regional State Legislatures ($111,894) raised concern regarding its increased budget. Past fun ing for 6 months was $19,349. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974: "$400,000 500,000 MCO 6/4/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 Council recommended that the Intermountain RMP application be funded at the level of $2,350,000, rather than $2!'@000,000 as suggested by the Review Committee. DRMP Funding Decision $2,232,899 MCO 7/9/74