-- NEW - i BEGINS RN GREATER DELAWAREVAT.LE -.--- X-1 000-26 ! . I JyLy f ". 1 "' c: 71, ; IT '1 L-....-;..- This -.-.L. '12. I application requests support for continuation of projects 37 jand 38 (both,EMS related) 1 p us eighteen new projects at a cost of $1,070,;750. All support is for the period 7/74 to 6/75. Projects for which support is requested are classified relative to, recently revised and approved goals and objectives of the progra& i Review and comment letters were received from 4 CflP "b" agencies apd reflected wide ranging reactions. Some stated that time was too sport for review by CHP boards and reflected actions by staff only. ! . EO17/15/74 t . . : ! ! , ! ! ; ' a ; . : I ! I : t j 1 , I ! i : : ' :. ; ! 0, , b f' / i' I i .! i ! I : 1 , ; t f ,; ' : I : , : ; . ' ! L ! ; I ` I : . . ' I i i f I ! I ` i ! i I 8 , . . i I t 1 . 0 0 i G m i* ! i ,!- I i i i I 1 I . : : 1 : w cf Y . J- ! j . i 1 9 I 8 j *I I I 1 t : RMP GREATER DEJ$IJBBE_YBLLEY_ `.. ._ RM 0002 - . MAY/JUhTE 1974 REVIEW d Request: $2,809,108 Committee Recommendation: $2.300.00() I Overall assessment by individual reviewers: Above Average 1 . Critique: Two reviewers, both of whom had previously site visited this program, concurred.that many improvements have been made and that many of the prior expressed concerns about this region appear to have been resolved. -.t - It was noted that the program'now has good leadership, a RAG which . (since reorganization and elimination of the Board) now provides the' proper program leadership and direction and a democratically elected' . Executive Committee. * . The 'program's goals, objectives and priorities are consistent with needs identified in the region as are projects and activities proposed for funding -in this application. This program appears to have been quite effective in bringing together providers to improve both quality and accessibility of health care., . , Overall,relationships with CHP appear,good. I The review panel did express a concern with the program and recommended this concern-be transmitted to the region. This concern is not new, having been raised by most reviewers and site visitors of the past: namely, the continued. practice of supporting salaries of medical school personnel, '. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated request as of May 1974: $1.386.898 \ E0/5/27/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 . Council concurred with Committee recommendation bRMP FUNDING DECISION - $2,185,391 - E0'/7/2j74