t I I I m I I B&B ImFoRmikrtom & ImAmF- M^mAkoEmEmT 300 @oo*=c M=nmcon UOULXVAno upposen M,&R@ono, Mawv"040 ZD'77Z 0 USA6 0 C30'1) 24@l 10 -RFNTRAT NP-KL VNRIC RI-I 000 50 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIrw Application - This application requests $655 ,436 for support of 20!projects. (Eleven projects totaling $481,039 weee approved by June Council). All projects are new and are projecting an 8/75 termination date. Four of the twenty projects are in the renal disease and account for about 20% of the July request. Staff - Although-the Region recruited a new Evaluator, staffing should be completed no later than July 31 to insure adequate monitoring of the eleven funded activities, A letter from the Coord nator addressing CHP negative comments has been received and will be distributed. Project #63 Strengthen Perinatal Service - This applicant requested $17,000 for a perinatal ambulance. It is recommended that CNYRMP lease ra@her than buy this equipment if this project is approved by theit RAG. EO/7/15/74 '!DATION JULY CO',%LNIITTEE R'vCO,,@'.rE,% Critique: .ri0 r- c,4o o cv) t 00 C4 Ln m r- Lnw r- cn 00 C) m CD r- Lr) Lf) CD CD (ON (3N C-) 0 C) Lr) r, ko CY) CII) C,4 ID :c 3c VI C) kn In -t C3 tn O -t o m 0 co 0 cn co 0 C4 ol 03 a) .c W ol 0 cn 0 m C4 N 0 0% C4 0% 4i w Ca C3 a tn la ui 14 oo N N C,4 m (Ii P4 It C)N ci -W ol I I I I ix (14 P4 I- 0 0 co 0 i r, i 60 4J 0 0 0 u tn 10 ui LU co U% t4 0 LU NO bo z CZ 10 In In V4 0 -o C) r- o a u,% o 41 L) V) co 10 fn C) co 0 m co 0 N ol N W LLJ t 0 U) m In N a co 0 O. N (3f co 10 I- 14 I- It O. m 0 co co 0% 0 LU -t co m 0 $41 cfjt 4J C3 04 0 (1), IL4 r 0 z C3 co Z> t44: Z) CA U. F- 41! C3 z Cl Lli r- w z LU @ 0 10 u) a. o x w C( 14 c3r U ui ui 3c _j ce z 44 U Ce z z z z LU C) 0 cti z I z > 0 0 u cc tn LLI (4 z C3 ui LU ui t LU >< C3 ce ui z w LLJ z 2: LL -i U 7: 1-4 0 -i U. U) Of u z ki u w -C u 0 ui LLJ Z 0 >. LL) zc ce 0 L) 10 x u w I- z Ln t-r Z Z 0 LU z w C4 Le 0 :D c I r CZ r a. tii o 0 C) C3 Ca, UJ W L) 0 L) I z z z :c Lr) CL a W. u U. Cl) CY) CY) cli r4 o 0 z 0 N N C-i um" tn- 0 0 0 4 tn .4 w C3 z C, I z LI CENTRAL- N.Y.. IIAY/.)!",:::-'. '@)74 ReqLi(@s L: $796,986 committee l@cc:o,,,iiii.--,iiciation: 1615 000 ovcti.,,].l asscssii-i@,iit- by incii.vidtial revi(-,i.icrs, Aver Critique: Reviewers found the CNYRMP RAG to be active and effective. The Region was noted to omit its Goals and Objectives from its current application and presented its program in terms of thrusts. The present number of staff-relative to the multiple number of activities raised serious questions concerning the Region's monitoring capability. Hoxqever, proposed staffing patterns seem adequate. The Region's accomplishments in the North County in reference to recruiting sixty physicians was cited as a remarkable gain.- Also the local matching identified in the CNYRMP tMS activity was considered deserving of credit. The hypertension project's lack of CHP comments was found to be an oversight on the part of the Region and will be corrected by the next submission. JULYIAUGUST REVIEW Estimated requqst as of May 1974: $11,1503,000 EO/5/27/74 NATIO'.\AL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 Council-recommended that the Central New York RNP application be 'funded' at the level of $706,379 rather that $615,000 as suggested by the Committee since the request was primarily for continuation support, DafP FLP,,'.DING DECISION - $6711,180 EO/7/3/.74