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Recovery Talk Radio now in its Second Year!

Recovery TalkRECOVERY TALK debuts at WDFH-FM
In-Sync with National Alcohol and Drug Addiction-Recovery Month

DOBBS FERRY, New York, August 23, 2004 — WDFH-FM in Ossining, New York, today announced the debut of the first-ever program devoted entirely to the subject of recovery, co-produced and hosted by veteran print and broadcast journalist Robyn Leary, and featuring in Ms. Leary’s words, “an impressive array of fascinating people making remarkable comebacks.”

Tune in weekly on the web: WWW.WDFH.ORG
Fridays 1:30 - 2:00p Eastern, with an encore
Sundays 8:30 - 9:00a.

All-New Season begins September 2008



Tune in to watch a news broadcast exclusively devoted to the day's news as it relates to national drug policy, recovery groups that are making a difference in their communities, demographic trends and recovery lifestyle options. How about personal profiles a la Biography that focus on notables in recovery such as Steve Tyler from Aerosmith, Congressman Jim Ramstad, or Betty Ford. Perhaps, historical figures such as actor Jason Robards or Marty Mann, founder of the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence.

Coming soon: An evening talk show with a lively stage band, a parade of individuals with recovery messages, comedians, advocates, researchers, prevention workers, entertainers and business leaders. Watch for a Road to Recovery segment that takes viewers into our nation's communities to visit recovery schools, drug courts, sober dorms, treatment programs and people in recovery just doing remarkable things.

National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month

Recovery Network Foundation
P.O. Box 8969
Briarcliff Manor
New York, NY 10510-8969
(914) 941-2863
Fax: (914) 941-2850


Faces & Voices of Recovery
Faces & Voices of Recovery strongly endorses and supports the Recovery Channel's exciting proposal to publicize and educate people around the country about the growing recovery advocacy movement.
Robyn Leary
Recovery TV & Radio Advocate Named to Addiction Leadership Institute (March 28, 2005) -- Recovery television and radio pioneer Robyn Leary has been selected to participate in the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network's Leadership Institute, which the organization describes as “a unique group of addiction professionals nominated as future leaders in the field.”


Block Island TImes

The Block Island Times
Guest Editorial 7/16/06


by Robyn Leary, President, Recovery Network


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