i I nii(I v\ to @litilot-iiN, ti (I %%-oill(I I)!. . I ol) III(,II to I, Il:lt 1011, so (Knolls or tile @t:it(I do s'N.@t. fol its , (,n'Ol't@ .111'%' iloNvev(,i.. collitllit (It (.o i I I t ot to it AvIii(.Il tll(.v t-o the colil- iiitn-. Aft(,." ,ill tlioii (1(.Vot(, o\vi) 1-0 I-)Ilvs to foiii-tli )I.iol,itv is lint ill ,t tnit q]] is 1-(,rocriiiz(ld tllit in cliiiicill)-, q),(, I)IIY! iii,),nv ill tile Tli(, to 'IT, ilitv of is (I(,tel I/ iliffli@PI File .26(l of q licglilifill 1111(l II)qllv Tli, f;,I(I- . in-ys tll(, (I(,I-Vlol)lllrllt the 11. tll(, is n-n Nvlliell will TE is tl(,(,Offlli-".(@ul tl)@,)t tl)i-, (11,11):,Illlll- for ny(li,-il it e,,n Ile -,l,ON,%-n tll.-i )Igiiiiin!z colirl(lil?)(Isr-,I-;tll tll(' iii(liviclii,,il 1111(l ll"vior '\Vifll I-X-Ne@ - -111(l lie, ni, con- to IIPIlill Iltll iii-, leLi ion tribal to 1)(,oill,(,'s trip i)i-ogi"lm-, f iiii@l(,r t coiicci-ii -tvitli Si Oil (I fl(.tol..,. lioili@! ]ill )Cmedic,il cire bv the lc"islatioii@s eml)liisis on iiie-dic.,il PAR.T B-IlrALTIT SysTr-.is Acr,-N-clrs nFATTIT SrT"*71CP ArrAS New section 1411(,-). tli(, -st-tl)lislini(,,it of licqltll service tile tllroiiL,,It()iit ;, NV itli I-O'zl)ect to liealtli C;,V,.;t(@iiis I!-rellcies ,ire to 1)0, (I(,SiLllii-(,d iin(loi- se(,tioii 141.@). Specifies the following, rcqi,,il.elll"lltc; to I)C., iiiet bv eacli licaltli iiiii.@t I)e i !zeoL@i-ai)liic cont,,iiiiiiiff a '-,-e r,,ill-" of lie.,iltli .Iil(l of -I siiitable- for tll(, efte(.tlN.e @qiid (!(,i-elol)iiieiit of li(,q'lli (2) 'I'o the iiiiist -,it ]east one, colite@i- fol- tile I)I-ON-i@;on of -,I)eoiilize(I lipaltli (3) 1;1),)]) the :ti-ea iiiii@t liave ,i T)OI)IIIatioli 1)(,tlveell .500)000 ,iil(l tlll.(,t, liiiilioli. -ivitli tll(, followilia tile I)OPIIII- tioii iiitv ii)illioii if the ,politaii @titi (,t@ (let(@i-iiiiiied I)v ill(, Onic(, of ,Illd i I)ol)iil;itioii ot' iiiol-(, tli;iii iiiillioii 1)(@i-sniis: Iiid -tile of.,Ill l@t- t'li:lil ;.;I cii-clil)l- staii(,es.@7 I)iit iit)t, l@;; iliiii 200.000 in '-Iii!ilil.v cii-eiini- c is located if (11(, of t!ie @etei-ii@ilics. tli:il tll(' 11.("l lll(,(Its tll(, otil(.). or lo:). -iii(I iiii- @ii-e to I)v ill(,. (4) 'I'o tli(@ tll(' ai-vi Unit li(@ (,ooi-(Iiii-it(@(I Ni-itli tile of 1)1-of!,.@ioiial jol-@S, eXiq Colitiill(,([ NN-itliiii the botill(t.,Il.ik@sof ollclIL'.11tll @el.\-icc, iiiII(@ss tl)(. of I (,'Ojlt:li I) oi I l,@- 1):ii-t ofII ie iii 'oi,i IC I, to lll(!(!t t ]IC ot II(.I. ]-(@(l II il-(-Ill('Ilts It is -lilt 'I (.i 1) :11.@(I I)N- tIlk. lll:it tllvst- '%Vill I('@icl to tli(@ 1)@', (lo%-(,I.llr)l.sol, fol. tIlf-@ of iiid too siiiill iiol- too to CfTL,(.tiN-(@ lililit:itioll (111 tll(- illlxi- iiiiiiii of a i)lziiiiiiii!-, tli;lt ',Is ti)CSz(l ,-I.ow too I ,, iii I)ol)iiiiti(,ii itid I -soiii -L,s. it 1),,coiii(,s lil(@ to reflect qll of' tll(, 1111(lil'S ill tlle l@llililliliL, :I(.ti%-iti('S of tll(, -.III(] to ioll oi' tli(@ POI)1.1'1,!tioll @il. tll(,. I)o;ll.(I. AN-ill to ll:t\-e ))Ol)lll,ltiolis tll:iii i)iillioit a citN. i@-, iii(-Iiid(,(l '%V]lO-,(' I)OI)IIIItioll illillioll I)Ilt. ill tll(- il,,:Ixilliiiili is iiiteii(l(-d to ,ii-e soiiio (,iiij)@iisis to i locii (-Iti-,tlity iii tlle 'I'll(! @)(10.000 pcopl(- niiiiiiiiiiin Ili(,. exp(,i-i(,iic(, tliit (effective lic,,,Iltii 1)1;!Illlillt.: C',Ill 1)(' oiilv -%vitli (iii ide(iiiite 1):is(, of I)oi)it- litioii ill(] lieiltli to 'I rl.o(-@S5;. tile. is S(,I.ioll,; ill I-lie @?Oi').OOO Ill(l (loes not ilit("])Cl tile ill '-'Iiiiiisit 'al" oi- @lli-illv liiiiisii,,il'l cil,ciiii-i- to I),- ii-,t,d -it is tliit Ill(, i,e Sl)'l pol-)Illat('Cl pilots of tll(@ coiillti--% ill t',I(@ tile of IiOO.000 ivi)iild ii; tic siz(,, of tli(, so vist, as to I)e Tii tli(,F(- ciscs. -,V;tll tl),- ai)l)l.ol-.Il of tied tary, it is ClIN-isioll(@cl tliit ,ill A,.-itli ,I ])Oi,)itlatioii less tliaii 50,'),OOO or in -i f eiN- -'-)00.000 v 1)(, O,(,si f File ted. The foi- tli(, iiieltic:iqii o-l' :I center for the I)i-oi-isinii of gs ,i in(,(Iic,,il selool. ])earth ce",t(,I.. 01- iii;ljol- the dvs;i-e iiiit tile lie:iltli -i iiid Colill)lete (If sei-x-icop, silelli tll-lt ',Ill iii(lix-icliinl tll(, ,il@oill V"Oitl(l i-ai-elv if ei-or liive to loivc it iii order to obt.,iiii needed medical care. sillc(, it is I-oco-iiizefl tll,,tt tie(" I)OIlli(Ini-i(,s of -,II.(,,Is (lorillc,(l fr)]. ent ci)iiiot ill 1)(, id(@'iitic@il. tlif@ fol- cit,@iali..-itioli of IC. ideiifi(--,il (In iiot i-e(iiiii-e tli,,it ]_;' ivitli tIloo,(, fol. "S'PO 01- I-il,-Iiillill!z -(,r. to rare i-.i- xiiiiiiiii e7zteiit felsil)le7 find ti tlie.-,c slioiild 1)(@ clns(,]N- Tlilis. ,i liciiltli s@i-N-ice ir(,a coiitaiii-, none t to. -iii slioiil(l 1),, iiiii(le to i!i(,]!ide two oi- noi-(@ P,'Nl'%Os. If i li(,qlllli ,ii-ea is iiol, to i(-Ieii- -,vitli tIlo@p of eoiiilcils of it Nvolll,-l be preferable tl"qt tll(, II-ei iiielli(l@ tile II-c-,,is of tNvo or iiioi-(, Avliol(, coiincils of 147illilly. if Ill.V -,iiell ar(, to ])O (livi(IVCI Illloll.L, liciltil areas. t I I i- (I i i- i @; Oil Sli(, I I I (I II(, I -,I I I.\- f ol 1. o \\- (,-N is! i) lie !,(,oj)ol i t i e:i I boll 1 I(] - standard iii(!ti-ol.)Olit@iii stqti@ti(,Il tli(, Coiiiiiiitte(, li,,is repo ' aiiized S'@\fSAs as ii.,(@fiii (I(-Iiii(,,ifiolig (,f oiii- iiigiol. 1)1(,tl.ol)olitiii ,iil(l feels A-el.,v F-t-@,oii,-,Iv tll:it lic,,,iltli slioill(I ]lot the I)OIlil(lql.ies I)OCalls(, ilicti-o- polit,,Iii ii-(,:is oft(,ii (lo. tli@ Coiiiiiiitt(,e -,I illaiol- t Iiis will -.il@o ci-o,@ tie(, Stiie 11-iiii(@ is lli.,I(le foi- lvqiv- iii,,, tlii,; witli tli(@ 11)1)1-OVll of ti'.(@ it is Illtici- pited tli(it il!(@ NV:iivei- Nvill I)t, I)oi-iiil)s Ill sitiia- tioii,; tile \-ol-l'oll@, liis olie cotility ill iioi-tli- cast LNol.tll NCNV -,(,Ctioll 1111(l)). the NN-itliiii tliii@tv dii-s Of eliictl)l(@lit of tlii.; to iiotil'v tile of (@:1(11 St@ite ill ,%I-I.itilig of tie(' initial io!l of r)f-o@-C('tli!i to laterite tlil-oii,@lioiit II](, ]lilts( of the of 11 I I treat 11(@,iltli till.oll!--Iio,,It tile (1))) .1 stzitvlil(,Ilt of the tli(@, I)i-oce(till-es pi-esci-iL)od by this sectioli foi- the (resignation of lioaltli Vill, +n4 rc -"If(, of II;-, Plf +' ri to 01' COIIR II(, ,(.I% i - @+,i 6+11(%I- nIl "I Tf of Si.. to eoilzi;tllft- of ("I(-II of ilip nii,l tile for Tii +lif, C"F:(, 9"nnc! fr +111, Tniic!f. Pei-nill;@ll Ill(l I'll'ill;cll ;" '+'In T' (Irrnl cliiclii-icr llnfif%- fl,@ lll;elaocl Tli(, to (,gf- prccQc,,,,.7 to I%oiii-irlql-;r.Q li-e czilllliijti-,,cl TliA cx-qtr.IlIq Of f.1c. I-ii-orri---Iillq still ill rl @lloi- iq to I)V lylill(,C of co(-t;nll tll- 1".(, to 1)(, -911(i to 111'1011 Tf tlic- @'Ze(re- Flo lli(,Pt Q'iell lie II-lii-zf )lot; r@ ti", Of tlio jzljl (1)) Ill(' Of ll(,flltll f fill, I-;il-ioiicz Ftitpq '1'lir, ' st,i-vice. ql.(,qq to fill, ic; to oiilv if flic lie q -,v lot ii,pt. if ,I qok-eriioi- foi -.Iltli !zf@i F :I ql,)(Itli (,If,(l i 0 -of iii(@ -1, ., -(, 9 I,( v-o (,.,, if -iv(,I- of if, -A - -I)OI-S fiil to iiielli(le ill -,Illy Nvlli(.Il ill(, C-tovei Tiiiq l,')St roilliti-v Ile fol. tilp tioii of 11(@,iltli foi- tell, flpczi!!Il:ltioii i'lill(lili,v of pI.oc(,F::, :11)(I is t!l,;Illts fol ilgellcit@- I()7.@,. ,I,, iiiteiit. Tii. -,it'loii to iilzii@(, tlttt do iiot itecessitlite