Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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  Ulmus rubra Muhl. image
Photographer: Dennis W. Woodland           

Botanical Illustration

Dennis W. Woodland
Family Ulmaceae
Ulmus rubra Muhl.
red elm, slippery elm
Ulmus: the classical Latin name for the elm
rubra: Latin for red
County distribution map- click for detailed distribution maps.
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Status: Native
Plant: perennial tree 60'-110' tall with open crowns; brown to red bark with deep, irregular furrows
Flower: inflorescence a tight, erect cluster with 8-20 flowers; blooms late winter into early spring
Fruit:yellowish to cream, roundish samara with broad wings and smooth edges; seeds thick but not inflated
Leaf:obovate to oval, base unequal, edges doubly toothed
Habitat: moist; floodplains, streambanks, wooded bottom lands

More Information Natural Communities Herbarium Specimens
All Ulmus list Ethnobotany Information Google- Images or Text

Flora of North America (off site)
Ulmus crispa Willd.
Ulmus fulva Michx.
Ulmus pendula Willd.
Ulmus pubescens Walter

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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