------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMSL Name: BSDER/DBSDER (Single/Double precision version) Revised: June 10, 1991 Purpose: Evaluate the derivative of a spline, given its B-spline representation. Usage: BSDER(IDERIV, X, KORDER, XKNOT, NCOEF, BSCOEF) Arguments: IDERIV - Order of the derivative to be evaluated. (Input) In particular, IDERIV = 0 returns the value of the spline. X - Point at which the spline is to be evaluated. (Input) KORDER - Order of the spline. (Input) XKNOT - Array of length NCOEF+KORDER containing the knot sequence. (Input) XKNOT must be nondecreasing. NCOEF - Number of B-spline coefficients. (Input) BSCOEF - Array of length NCOEF containing the B-spline coefficients. (Input) BSDER - Value of the IDERIV-th derivative of the spline at X. (Output) Remarks: 1. Automatic workspace usage is BSDER 3*KORDER units, or DBSDER 6*KORDER units. Workspace may be explicitly provided, if desired, by use of B2DER/DB2DER. The reference is CALL B2DER(IDERIV, X, KORDER, XKNOT, NCOEF, BSCOEF, WK1, WK2, WK3) The additional arguments are as follows: WK1 - Array of length KORDER. WK2 - Array of length KORDER. WK3 - Array of length KORDER. 2. Informational errors Type Code 4 4 Multiplicity of the knots cannot exceed the order of the spline. 4 5 The knots must be nondecreasing. Keyword: Differentiate GAMS: E3a2; K6a2 Chapter: MATH/LIBRARY Interpolation and Approximation Page No.: MATH/LIBRARY User's Manual page 550