iiiiiiiiiiimi;iii PROFILE: ILLINOIS REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Grantee: Illinois Regional Medical Program Current Chief Executive: Wright R. Adams, M.D. Profile originally prepared by: 0. Dale Robertson Original date: September 1969 Up-dated: November 1969 Illinois Regional Medical Program Profile Table of Contents I. Geography 11. Demography III. Politics IV. Historical Review V. Core Staff VI. Organization VII. Funded Operational Projects Appendix Geogr@ A. Map of-the region see attached B. .@6graphi shap"e- State boundary; but also with the flexibility to respond to other factors such as medical services and trade areas. Such responses may,be reflected in either direction and IRMP may provide services in a geographic area which overlaps into .another Region's territory or another Region may do the same and overlap into IRMP's territory. "F c A.,. K..E L I L sAtLE D ION AARE. IVDIA611A @GLAS OULIRIL 0 u ACOVPI ."*A K JASIC. CLAY A *1 'c KA,NT .......... xr,c . . ......... .......... .. ........... . ..,Tz ......... . ,xu .... ..... .. c . ...... .. .. ......... C' .......... . .. S'll.L . . .......... . .. ....... ...... . ... T u x II. Demography A. Population: As of 1965, roughly 10.6 million I.. Roughly 81% urban 89% white 3.' Median age: 31.2 yrs (U.S. average 29.5 yrs.) B. Land area: 55,930 square miles C. Health statistics: 1. Mortality rate for heart diseases--422/100,000 (high) 2. Rate for cancer--167/100,000 (high) 3. Rate for CNS vascular lesions--100/100,000 (low) D. Facilities statistics 1. There are five medical schools: University of Chicago; Chicago Medical School; University of Illinois; Northwestern; and Stritch-Loyola University 2. Chicago College of Osteopathy 3. There are 70 Schools of Nursing, mainly hospital based 4. There are 50 Schools of Medical Technology, mostly in hospitals 5. There are 3 schools of Cytotechnology, 1 associated with the University of Chicago Medical Center 6. There are 59 X-ray technology facilities 7. Physical therapy: Northwestern University Medical School 8. There are 333 hospitals with 108,062 beds, the great majority being non-federal. E. Personnel statistics 1. There are 14,009 physicians (136/100,000) and 363 osteopaths (3.5/100,000) in this region. 2. There are 20,254 active nurses (196/100,000) in this region. Politics A. Governor Richard B. Ogilvie (R), 1969-1973 B.' Senators 1. Charles H. Percy (R), 1966-1973 Member, National Advisory Committee on Low-Income Housing Member, Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs 2. Ralph Smith (R) C. Congressmen 1. Sidney R. Yates (D) - Member, House Appropriations Committee 2. Roman C. Pucinski (D) - Member, Education and Labor Committee 3. John N. Erlenborn (R) - Member, Education and Labor Committee 4. Robert H. Michel (R) Member, House Appropriations Committee 5. George E. Shipley (D) - Member, House Appropriations Committee IV. Historical Review Early 1965 A committee of the five Medical School Deans in Illinois, the Illinois Division of American Cancer Society and the Chicago Health Depart- ment, was appointed by Dr. Morris Fishbein, President of the Chicago Heart Association, to discuss possibilities of a RMP. July 1965 Mayor John Daley and Governor Otto Kerner appointed separate Advisory Committees for RMP which subsequently (January 1, 1966) fused to form the present Regional Advisory Committee which were appointed by the Governor. Appointment, responsibility and authority of the membership to the RAC was vested in the Governor until changed on November 25, 1968. July 1, 1965 The initial planning grant application, under which IRMP was established, was approved. At that time and until July 1, 1969, the Coordinating Committee of Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals of Illinois served the function of Trustee, with the University of Chicago being the grantee agency and fiscal agent. The Coordinating Committee was comprised of the six deans of the schools and the administrators of some 16 major medical school hospitals. It had, and exercised, the responsibility for the policy decisions relating to core staffing and administration, and to both planning and operational components of IRMP. February 1966 Coordinating Committee of Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals of Illinois organized by the Deans of the five medical schools (Chicago Medical School and the Medical Schools of Loyola University, Northwestern University, the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois). August 1966 Initial application submitted by Coordinating Committee of Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals of Illinois for implementation of RMP in Illinois but was rejected. May 19 6 7 A revised planning application. was submitted and approved by May 1967 Council at a reduced level for a two-year period of 7/68 through 6/69. June 1967 Planning award granted to new application - 01 year $304,629 (DC) from 7/l/67 6/30/68. July 1967 Second year planning grant awarded. lst year award - $336,336 2nd year award - $520,614 (including earmarked funds for a 3-year hypertension screening program at Pres. St. Luke's Hospital) August 1968 Supplemental award of $32,200 approved (as a Special Council action funding a Continuing Education Study) October 1968 Committee considered a planning supplement submitted and action was deferred for site visit and returned to Committee. November 1968 Council Meeting; approval of a 2nd supplement of $391,199 (for additional staff positions, to develop sub-regional planning, and to support 10 sub-contract planning studies. November 11-14, 1968 Staff visit (Dr. Stanley Olson, Dr. Richard Manegold, Miss Elsa Nelson, Mr. Robert Lawton, Mr. Roland Peterson) Observations: Regional Strengths * Obvious interest and talent of the many Task Forces, committees, chairmen and members. * Beginning of hospital network related (or potentially related) to medical schools. * Planned re-definition of roles regarding RAG and Coordinating Committee. November 25, 1968 The RAC.adopted By-laws. The Grantee Insti tution was given responsibility and authority to appoint future RAC membership. December 27, 1968 The non-profit "Illinois Regional Medical Prograd' was formed. The RAC contained 30 members; the Executive Committee of RAC contained 8 members. February 1969 Second supplement to 02 year planning grant approved by the February Council (to develop an Educational Support Resource at the University of Illinois.) Support recognized by Council for a 3-year period will be annually $174,500 (DC); 3 year total - $523,500. June 1969 Four month award approved - $540,191 (DC) for the year 7/l/69 - 10/31/69. July 1, 1969 Applicant organization was changed from the University of Chicago College of Medicine to a separate not-for-profit organization, the Illinois Regional Medical Program, Inc. V. Core Staff A. Core staff is located in the Illinois Regional Medical Programi Office, 122 South Michigan AVenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60603. B. Major Core organization The Board of Directors is the policy-making body of IRMP and, as such, is responsible for organization and staffing decisions relating to the Program. The Illinois Regional Advisory Committee provides overall advice and guidance to the Board. Initial organizational and staffing patterns were'intended primarily to implement the IRMP planning phase activity. However, increasing attention is now being given to organization and staffing needed for operations (as well as for on-going planning functions). Recent continuation and supplemental applications, approved and funded by the Division of Regional Medical Programs, set forth the present staffing pattern for IRMP. C. Major Core staff Wright Adams, M.D. - Executive Director George A. Lindsley, M.P.H. - Assistant Executive Director Bryan Lovelace, Jr. - Assistant Executive Director Miss Marilyn J. Voss, M.S.J. - Public Information Assistant Robert J. Rom - Planning Associate Miss Lois H. Binkley Planning Associate Joseph J. Gallagher Business Manager ILLINOIS REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Organization Core Operation November 1, 1969 Board o' Directors Regional Advisory Comm. @W. J. Grove, M.D. 0. Paul, M.D., Chairman Chairman (31) [Regional Advisory Comm. Execiltive Director Wrient Ada,-.is, M.D. Nominating Committee D. J. Caseley, M.D., Chrrn, (9) @-Ubregional Asst. Exec. Dir. Planning & Eval. Research Prog. Dev. Asst, Uir. Consultants Geo. Lindsley B. Lovelace Asst. Dir. A@st. Dir. Allied Health James W. @,lae-,ner Asst. Ex. Dir. Vacant Vacant P. Brown, P@.D. Vacant Clerical Staff I i I -7 iVacan-LL -Planning Assoc. @lannin'g Assoc. ning Assoc. Planning Assoc. Lois Binkley Vacant Vacant, Medical School Robert Rom I.Vacant 'Coordinators, Business Vacant J. Galla@ Office Staff Conk-,. Educ. Loyola M. Daugherty Asst. Dir. Subregional J. Suker, M.D.. Office Staff Sec,ty Vacant Coordinators Northwestern M. Kummen C. Clay S. @Ialdsteiri, M. D. M. B--ue-t"nen, M. D. Adm. Asst. Coder Planning Assoc. North Suburban Chicago Medical I. LeBreton Peter Fox Vacant L. R. Brosi A. Lawrence, M.D. Seelty Stat. U. of Chicago G. Dallme4-er Vacant Springfield- Smith, M.D. Typist Coder Public info. Asst. Cen-tral Illinois U. of Illinois B. Juranovich Vacant M. Voss Vandervort, D.O. Typist Coder Osteopathic Col. B. Dujsik Vacant ------------------ Typist Clerical ksst. Coordinators S"Lodki, M.D. Chicago Medical BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1) Robert John Rom a) B.A., Unive rsity of Illinois 1965 b) M.A-, University of Illinois: 1967 c) Ph.D., University of Illinois d) Employed in the engineering department of Western Electric Feb. 1960-September 1961. e) Planning Associate for the Illinois Regional Medical Program 2) Maryilyn J. Voss a) Born Peoria, Illinois, September 1945 b) B.S., Bradley University, Peoria, Ill., 1967 c) M.S.J., Northwestern University, Ill., 1968 d) Research Assistant in journalism, Northwestern University, 1967-1968 e) Public Information Assistant, Illinois Regional Medical Program 3),Joseph J. Gallagher a) Born, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912 b) Temple Univ., Phil. Pa., Diploma 1939 (Major-Accounting) c) Chief Accountaiit, Argonne National Laboratory, U. of Chicago, 1946-1968. d) Business Manager, Illinois Regional Medical Program 4) Paul G. Vandervort, D.O. a) Born Feb. 7, 1931, Bloomington, Ill. b) B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1955 c) D.O.,'Chicago College of Osteopathy, 1959 d) Postgraduate training: Cardiovascular REsearch Training Fellowship Program, Chicago Coll. of Ost., 1962-1966 e) Residency in Internal Medicine, Chicago Osteopathic Hosp. 1967-1968 - f) Medical School Coordinator, Illinois Regional Medical Program 5) Nat. E. Smith a) Born Barton, Florida b) A.B., Erskine College, S.C., 1943 c) M.D., University of Georgia School of Medicine, 1949 -d) Instructor in Medicine, Univ. of Ill., 1957-1959 e) Assist. Professor of Med, U. of 111, 1959-1963 f) Associate Professor of Med., U. of Ill., 1963 - date g) Assistant Dean, College of Medicine, 1962 h) Associate Dean, College of Medicine, U. of Ill., 1968 i) Medical School Coordinator, U. of Ill., IRMP 6) Ann Miller Lawrence a) Born Boston, Mass., June, 1930 b).A.B., Barnard College of Columbia University, 1952 c) Junior Research Assoc., Dept. of Physiology, 1953-54 d) Graduate student, Institute of Experimental Biology, Ph.D., 1957 e) M.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley & San Francisco School of Med, 1960 f) University Fellow 1957-1959 ) Research Fellow in Medicine 1959-1960 9 h) University of Chicago Hospitals & Clinics, rotating internship 1960-1961 i) Junior assistant resident in medicine 1961-1962 J) Senior assistant resident in medicine 1962-1963 k) Resident in Medicine & USPHS trainee in endocrinology, 1963-1964 1) Instructor, Department of Medicine, 1964 m) Assistant Professor of Medicine, 1965 - n) Medical School Coordinator, IRMP 7) Sheldon S. Waldstein, M.D. a) Born Chicago, June 1924 b) Harvard College, Mass. 1941-1943 c) M.B.(1946), M.D. (1947) Northwestern University d) M.S. (Pathology) Northwestern University, 1951 e) Internship, Cook County Hospital, 1947-1948 f) Residency, Cook County Hospital, 1948-1951 g) Chairman, Dept. of Endocrin6logy, Cook County Hospital, 1956- h) Chief, Northwestern Medical Service at Cook County Hospital, 1954-1962 i) Director, Dept. of Medical Education and Exec. Dir., Dept. of Med., Cook County Hospital, 1962-1963 J) Director, Division of Medicine, Cook County Hospital, 1964 k) Teaching Positions: Northwestern U. Med. School Clinical Assistant 1951-1952 Instructor 1954-1956 Associate 1956-1958 Assistant Professor 1958-1961 Associate Professor 1961-1966 Professor 1966- 1) Subregional Coordinator, Illinois Regional Medical Program 8) Martin Edgardo Bruetman, M.D. a) Born Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1932 b) M.D., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencia Medicas, Argentina, 1955 c) Junior Resident in Neurology, Cincinnati Gen. Hospital, Ohio, 1957-1958 d) Senior Resident in Neurology, Cincinnati Gen. Hospital, Ohio, 1959-1959 (Jan.-June) e) Chief REsident in Neurology, Cincinnati Gen. Hospital, Ohio July 1959-Dec. 1960 f) ECFMG (permanent) March 1960 8) Martin Edgardo Bruetman M.D. (continued) f g) Fellow inINeurology, Baylor Univ., Texasp Jan. 1961-june 1962 h) Coordinator Cooperative Study Cerebrovascular Insufficiency USPHS, NIH,, July 1961-June 1964 i) Teaching Positions, Baylor University Instructor in Neurology, July 1962-June 1963 Assistant Professor Neurology, July 1963-June 1964 Member of the Faculty Comm. for Research Projects, 1963-64 J) Head Neurology Section, Instituto de Investigacion6s Medicas de las Universidad de Buenos Aires, July 1964 k) Associate Investigator, Centro de Investigaciones Neurologicas,, July 1964 1) Clinical Asst. Prof., Univ. of Buenos Aires, 1964,65,66, & 68. m) Medical School Coordinator, IRMP 9) Isaac Lewin, M.D. a) B.S., U. of Ill. 1942 b) M.D., U. of Pennsylvania School of Med. 1950 c) Resident, Division of Neoplastic Diseases, Bronx, N.Y., 1951-52. d) Resident, Division of Med., VA Hospital, Bronx, N.Y. 1952-54. e) Chief, Oncology Service, Dept. of Internal Med., Chicago, 111. 1962 f) Medical School Coordinator, IP&M 10) Jacob Robert Suker, M.D. a) Born Chicago, Ill., 1926 b) B.S. Northwestern U., 1947 C) M.S., Northwestern U., 1951 d) M.D., Northwestern U. Med. School, 1956 e) Residency: Dept. of Med. Northwestern U., 1957-1961; Chicago Wesley Memorial Hospital, 1957-1959; Cook County Hospital (Senior Resident), 1959-1960 f) Medical School Coordinator, IRMP 11) Lois H. Binkley a) Born October 12, 1933 b) M.S.Ed. Northern Illinois U., 1959 c) B.A., Northern Baptist Seminary, College Division, Chicago, 1961 d) Planning Associate, Illinois Regional Medical Program 12) Wright R. Adams, M.D. a) Born Sheridan Illinois, 1903 b) B.S-., University of Illinois, 1924 C) M.D.-, University of Illinois, 1929 d).Instructor of Medicine, 7/l/34 - 6/31/38 e)'Assi.4tant Professor, 7/l/38 - 6/30/43 f) Associate Professor, 7/l/43 - 6/30/49 g) Associate Dean, Division of Biological Sciences, 12/l/47-6/30/49 h) Professor of Medicine, 7/l/49 - i) Chairman, Department of Medicine, 8/l/49 - 3/31/61 J) Associate Dean, Div. of Biological Sciences, 4/l/41 - 6/30/67 k) Chief of Staff, Univ. of Chicago Clinics, 41/141 - 6/30/67 1) Executive Director, Illinois Regional Medical Program, 7/l/67 - 6/3Oi69 m) Executive Director, Illinois Regional Med-ical Program, Inc. 7/l/69 13) George A. Lindsley a) Born Monticello Illinois, 1918 b) B.A., University of Illinois, 1940 c) M.P.H., University of Michigan, 1960 d) Social caseworker, Illinois Dept. of Public Welfare, 1941-42 e) Medical Non-commissioned Officer, U.S. Army, Med. Dept., 1942-45 f) Social caseworker, Illinois Public Aid Commission, 1/46-11/46 g) Hospital administrator, John and Mary E. Kirby Hospital, Monticello, Illinois, 1946-48. h) Illinois Department of Public Health, 1948-67 i) Assistant Executive Director, Illinois Regional Medical Program, Inc., 1967 14) Bryan W. Lovelace, Jr. a) Born Wichita Falls, Texas, 1924 b) A.B., Texas Technological College, 1948 c) A.M., University of Chicago, 1951 d) Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Gov., Texas Tech. College 1948-49 e) Administrative Asst., Anna State Hospital, 1952-53 f) Administrative Asst., Fifth Army Hdqters., Chicago, 1955 g) Research Associate, Dept. of Research, Am. Hosp. Assoc. Chicago, 1956-57 h) Staff Representative, Dept. of Hosp. Financing, 1958-61 i) Asst. Administrator, Northwestern Univ., 1965-68 J) Planning & Evaluation, Illinois RMP VI. Organization A. Regional Advisory Committee 'l..Appointed by Grantee Institution 2. Serve 5 year term 3. 31 members including 4 voluntary Health Agencies, 1 practicing physician, 1 hospital administrator, 2 Medical Center officials, 3 members from the Medical Society, 1 representative from the Nurses' Association, 2 representatives from the Department 6f Public Health and 4 members of the Public. 4. The Chairman is Oglesby Paul, M.D., Head of Medicine at Passavnnt Hospital in Chicago. 5. Meets quarterly 6. Functions: to review and approve applications for grants B. Organization relating to operations Operational Program proposals and applications arise in a variety of ways. There are those which come directly from some health resource within the Region - a physician, a faculty member, a voluntary health agency, a governmental health agency, an educational institution, a hospital, or a subregional hospital council. Other proposals may be developed by (or be stimulated by) a Task Force, Committee or Subcommittee. In the latter case every effort is made that the proposal itself be developed by the Region's health resources and not be staff. The principal role of staff and of task forces and committees lp- this matter is seen as one of stimulating action, providing a focal point for coordination of programs and for dissemination to accomplish needed action elsewhere in the Region. The Task Forces and expert Committees have an assigned role in relation to operations, for they have a part in the review process for new and continuation applications for operational programs and proje6ts. ran ee A, IE Organization - Program Operations November 1, 1969 Executive Comm. Board of Directors Regional Advisory Committee W. J. Grove, 1*4. D. W. J. Grove, M.D. 0. Paul, M.D., Chairman -Chairman (9) Chairman (24) Business Adm. Comm. Regional Advisory Comm. McParland Executive Director Nominating Committee Chairman (3) Wright Adams, M.D. D. J. Caseley, M.D. Nominating Committee Chairman D. J. Caseley, M4D. Cha.irmn TASK FORCES CO IMITTEES Cask Force I Task Force IV Core Operations Heart Committee Der,ography & Med. Education See Core Staff D. Nelson, M.D. Cancer Committee Screeni,-ig Comm., 2cohomic Factorp E. Scanlon, M.D. W. Rambach, M.D.,,@ D. Frey Organization CharL Chairman (12) 3f the Region Chairman (15) Chairman (6) Chairman (16) T.C. Troxel, M.D. i Subcomm.' on Myo- "'hairm.%n (14) cardial Infar'cl Subco,,nm. Radia- @ion Therapy Schools I J. D. Hull, 1,1. D. F. Hendrickson,, or commit Cask Force II Task Force V Chairman (14) 'lied. & Allied. M.D., Chmn. (8) Research iealth Pro4Less, C. Smythe, M.D. Chairman Subcomm. Cancer Institutional- ,an-oower (12) Nursing Committee R. Tucker, M.D. IRMP - INA Chemotherapy RIM CoT,,riittee i-C. Perlia, M.D. -'hairm,p-n (13) C. Fennessey, R.N. Chairman (4) Northwestern U. T - Loyola U. 1,Chairman (12) Cask Force III Task Force VI Chic--go Medical i ,onbinuing Ed. Evaluation U. of Chicago '4. Creditor, M.D. -4 Mec@isms Public Informati U. of Illinois @l: "'hairman (20) M. Lepper, M. D, Committee Chicago College Chairman (9) C. @sen of Osteopathy Chairman (13) (Numbei Task Force members or Committee' member@ -ppears in parentheses after name of Chairman) IRMP Review Process The Illinois Regional Medical Program has developed the following review process for all operational project appli- -cations as well as for all activities which would be con- .du6ted by subcontract with IRMP: 1. Persons interested in developing an application are encouraged first to consult with IRMP staff members and with others to whom staff refer them. An Operational Grant Application Guide and forms are provided and explained. 2. The first stage submission of the application is reviewed by IRMP staff. The applicant is informed of staff review comments. 3. The second stage submission, which is to include any additions or revisions resulting from the first stage review, is reviewed in the following manner: first, by appropriate task forces, expert committees, and/or other groups having pertinent expertise; then by the Board of Directors; and then by the Illinois Regional Advisory Committee. Following expert committee review, the applicant may be asked for clarification or for elaboration of particular points. In such cases, further committee action is contin- gent on the applicant's response. A record is kept of the action and recommendation of the Committee. 4. Upon favorable action in the second stage, the application is considered for inclusion in an IRMP Operational Appli- cation for submission to the Division of Regional Medical Programs for federal agency review and approval. The IRMP Operational Application, as well as the project appli- cations it contains, is reviewed and approved first by the Board of Directors and then by the Illinois Regional Advisory Committee for approval prior to submission to the Division. 5. Opportunity for a fair hearing is provided upon request to any applicant who has filed an application and is not satisfied with the action of the Illinois Regional Medical Program or any of its reviewing bodies. This provision also applies to actions for early termination of grant. ILLINOIS REGIONAL @DICAL PROGRAM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT RE@Vj7EW PL.&N P'-'OmpLly Prelir.,ina Provide P.A. No. ass,-gne circulated to: Comments ecutive ea D4,.sou--sio rt cce,4. p-L" Boa--v., Expert Com-l->. within rector W/iR@"P -,t Roixfrh Drift Ac!mowl.edged mi@.tec, Tisk For- Two Wee s @egional Ices, Arlvi.sorv (omm. Co inplet. -'.icdical School Application CoorO.I.nators iJiscu@;-o,,i vrith Appl-'Lcan-k,' given 'Expc-@ Committee da Chairman. IY@o. A@-sianot-4 Completed LrAStrucIL.-Ion and or 'Lasj'c Force Comments art Requests Guidelines for Chairman Circulated Applicai" onple'Llio-,i of In4it'Lal Review G@oup Two Wrij, #,en to Initia'L Sub,-xilk.-V P21ication Comm. Decided ers Critiques Review Vo !R"ll iscal Review upon - Expert y Core Staff Committee, Task li@orce or Ad Foc Comments to Applicant !Board in@@ e Action R,", R e,-@ 1- o n,-t I japproved as Director i- Executive 0 ApDrov d Executive ,review ed Group AC Approved ubm'tl- ed al Advisory IRMP Su'oj ect to C o,-.i m i ',. t 0 c Rev@Lt;ions I Approved Programs for Action I -JAbject to Reviei%, 11,@covisions Rovlslons iD4-SaDproved 1, '.Rc-cormended and Made Di@ L 2 7,1 @., n '\T caction (an-@l by b@, 4- c,-i. r. t l@ one! "Ldvi -wcixdin- 610 y Re,o-- Advisory Comm. L rclq:ue--ted by App Management of Operational Projects and Subcontract Activities The Board of Dire ctors has made provision in the staffing and organization of the Program to comply with procedures required of grantees by PL 89-239, the Federal Regulations, and the Division Guidelines. This includes staff services to directors of operational projects, fiscal and property functions and account-ability, and for the functions of reporting, evaluation, and project continuation. The Board of Directors has adopted Statutes to govern all aspects of the administration of the Program. A well- qualified Business Mana er has responsibility in fiscal 9 and property matters. Other staff have assigned program responsibilities. The Illinois Regional Medical Program recognizes that, while functioning within the Guidelines of the Division of Regional Medical Programs, it must be sufficiently flexible to work with the diverse agencies and organizations of this Region. it is believed that the not-for-profit corporation form of organization is uniquely suited to a Program which seeks to bring these diverse groups together-into meaningful and productive regional cooperative arrangements. METHODS AND ACTION TO ACHIEVE THE IRMP GOAL METHODS OBJECTIVES Organization IRMP staff for liason #1 Prevention Regional and Areawide planning Activities to foster and support local planning #2 Diagndsis Continuing Education Regional Center for Continuing Education #3 Treatment Education Increased health manpower education opportunities #4 Rehabilitatio Research Mechanisms to facilitate Research #5 Service Evaluation Data-basefor planning and evaluation Administrative-structure of R-mp staff Advisory Committee to the Executive Committee Regional Medical of the Advisory Program for Heart Committee Disease, Cancer and Stroke of Illinois Coordinating Committee of Medical Schools and Executive Committee Teaching Hospitals of of the Coordinating Illinois Committee (Five Deans) Administrative Execul Consultants Assistant Direci assistant Executive@' Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Director for Demo- Director for the Director for graphy, Economics, Coordinating Education and Health Manpower Committee VI. Operational Projects #00 PLANNING AND CORE SUPPORT (funded) Approved by August Council but unfunded #1 ORGANIZATION OF A COORDINATED HOME HEALTH SERVICES PROJECT IN NORTH COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Objectives: To secure community acceptance of the recommended Home Health Agency; determine the health needs as related to home health care in the area; find sources of personnel; organize a Board for the Coordinated Home Health Services Agency; locate funding and financial sup- port for the planned operating Agency and develop a manual of procedures for setting up a Coordinated Home Care Agency. #2 MULTIPHASIC SCREENING IN CHICAGO AREA INDUSTRIAL PLANTS TO DETECT CORONARY PRONE PERSONS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SUBCLINICAL HEART DISEASE Objectives: Based at the Chicago Heart Association, pro- poses to expand the screening effort on a refined pilot and developmental basis, to determine its long-term merit and viability--technically, economically, and socially--in industries in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. REGIONAL COORDINATED CANCER PROGRAM Objectives: Develop a more realistic and.efficient approach to the cancer problem by utilizing a team of experts to assist the primary physician in-the interdisciplinary diagnosis and management of the cancer patients at any or all stages of their diseases. Cancer Data Center to include consolidation of tumor registry information from three hospitals with Presbyterian-St. Luke's established register is envisioned as a tool to be used to improve cancer therapy. #5 RADIATION THERAPY TREATMENT PLANNING CENTER Objectives: Submitted by Presbyterian-St. Luke'8 Hospital, Chicago, encompasses a series of interrelated activities designed to improve the quality of radiation therapy and radium dosimetry in the area served by the IRMP. Specific activities are: extension of a Dosimetry Conmunica- tion System utilizing Xerox telecopies and telephone lines to provide transmission of graphic as well as printed material for facilitating treatment planning and patient consultation, and development of the present center to provide centralized service and consultation on the physical aspects of radiation therapy on treatment planning. #6 MACON COUNTY STROKE COORDINATION PROGRAM Objectives: Based at the Illinois Heart Association, Springfield will fund: recreation clubs to ..assist home-bound stroke patients with planned recreational @and socialization opportunities; a family-centered study; professional education; and community education. #7 A COMPREHENSIVE STROKE REHABILITATION PROGRAM IN SELECTED GENERAL HOSPITALS Objectives: Submitted by Chicago Heart Association to organize resources already available in many hospitals and its related community to deliver well known but little used rehabilitation services to patients with completed strokes. Objectives for services and training activities are set forth for the patient, the attending physician, the hospital and lay community. #8 COMPARATIVE ENDOSCOPIC STUDY AND TRAINING PROGRAM-IN THE EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF GASTRIC CANCER Objectives: In addition to providing training for physicians, is to primarily serve a huge segment of the "poor" patients in Cook as well as other Illinois Counties, with a gastric diagnostic service. Teaching and medical practice activities inherent in the project are to bring into coopera- tion relationships attending and house staff members of nine hospitals, faculty members and senior medical students of three medical schools with indigent as well as private patients in search for earlier diagnosis of gastric cancer and possible precursor lesions.