BYLAWS OF THE REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE OHIO REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Draft, January 1972 @ARTICLE I 'Name and'Defihitions The'name of this organi ation shall be the Regional Advisory Council of the z Ohio Regional Medical Program. The Regional Advi! will hereinafter be designated as "RAC" and the Ohio Regional Medi( "ORMP.ii ARTICLE II Purposes The purposes of the Regional Advi 1 be: s and ob io Regio- (a) To-establish goal iial Medical Program to follow in carrying n its Articles of Incorporation, in Public Law 89- et. seq.), and all other Federal stat- utes, rul, irectives stated in relation to the Regional Medical P (b) To establ s iorities for these goals and objectives; (c) To encour ge rvise the development of programs which will fulfill these goals and objectives; (d) To establish standards and procedures for evaluation of applications for the Ohio Regional Medical Program's support and to determine which appli- cants and which activities the Ohio Regional Medical Program shall support; (e) To establish standards and procedures for evaluation of, and to evaluate, the Ohio Regional Medical Program and the Ohio Re ional Medical Program 9 goals and objectives and to report annually such evaluation to the Regional 2 Medical Programs Service; (f) To provide general consultative assistance when appropriate to partici- pants in the delivery of health care; (g) To cooperate with persons engaged in similar activities. ARTICLE III Powers RAC shall have responsibilities an d authority for establishing, implementing and evaluating plans, goals, objectives, priorities and performance of programs operating within,the Ohio Regional Medical Progra nce with accepted fiscal and administrative practices of The Ohio S rsity Research Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "OSURF") serving as RAC shall be responsible for select @mn ndii OSURF for appointment of the ORMP the OR!IP Admini er and other key personnel of the ORMP Coordinat Unit. T (a) Number of Me er@. Advisory Group shall consist of: (to s ORMP Executive Director, ex officio (non-voting) v ORMP Administrative Officer, ex officio (non-voting) (b) Qualifications: Members of RAC shall be (to be completed) (c) Appointment: Persons shall be appointed to RAC by the Council acting upon nominations submitted by the Membership Committee of RAC. (d)- Term of Office: A member of RAC, unless filling an unexpired term, shall be appointed for a three (3) year term and may-be appointed to a second three (3) year term. The terms of Council members shall be staggered so' that one-third of the Council members are appointed each year.. (e) Alternates: A member selected to represent a specific institution or organization may designate in writing to the Chairman a qualified alter- nate from that institution or organizat- sent that member at a given meeting. .(f) Non-Attendance: Failure of a memb alternate to attend three (3) consecutive RAC meetings equa- planation to the 'Chairman shall be resigned a Council and replaced. ART (a) Elected Officers airman, a Vice Chairman and a Secretary- Treausre t the RAC Annual Meeting in June and sh hold off mencing the following June. Prior to e Annual M shall name a Nbminating Committee consisting of three (3) rc RAC which shall present nominees for the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer and members of the Executive Committee. At the time of election, additional nominations may be made from the floor. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: 1. Chairniani The Chairman shall assume the usual duties o a pre- siding officer and shall presides over meetin s of RAC a nd the 9 4 RAC Executive Committee. He may delegate areas of activity and authority. He shall, with the assistance of the Executive Com- mittee, prepare the agenda for the meetings of RAC.- He shall appoint, after appropriate consultation with the RAC Executive Committee and RAC members, all standing and ad hoc committees of RAC except for the Executive Committee. In the absence or inabil- ity of the Chairman to act, the Vice Chairman shall have the power to perform the duties of the Chairman or to designate from among the Council members a Chairman, 2. Vice Chairman. The Vice Chairme n the absence of the Chairman, exercise all th f the Chairman. In case of death, resignatio nent disability of the Chair- man, the Vi.ce Chair s Chairman until a successor is duly elected and 3. Secretary- ary-Treasurer shall be responsible f he minutes of all RAC and RAC Executive c He shall, with assistance from the ORMP A icer and OSURF, make such fiscal reports to RAC a xec ive Committee as may be considered necessary and appropriate by these bodies. OPIA P C. c 0 (Z -D) AI,4 TO k (b) Appointed Officers RAC shall have an-E-x-e-e@ve @c-tor and an ORMP Admini- 4 strative Officer who shall be selected by RAC and recommended to OSURF r appointment to the Coordinating Staff of ORMP. These appointed officers shall serve as ex officio, non-voting members of RAC and the RAC Executive Committee. COO A01 Ali4TO it @t)b P, @ I IVA-TD The ORMP e r shall be pro- fessionally qualified i.n the field of medicine. He shall be the princi officer of the Ohio Regional Medical Programit.@ sbrvin is@@ei@on'of gAt. He shall be responsible@for co=-@ E.(RMP activities of the various participating institu- tions, organizations and individuals. He shall direct the overall internal and external affairs of ORMP and maintain liaison between IDAC and OSURF, as grantee, on administrative and fiscal requirements. He shall serve as a ex officio, non- er of OAC and the ZAC Executive Committee. r, P4 The ive-',Officer,@shal be qualified in the areas gram inistration and fiscal management. He s staff of the Coordinating Unit under the direction Director, ORMP. He shall be responsible I onitoring administrative and fiscal policies and 0 tent with requirements of OSURF, grantee, and b be followed by the various entities, in thei ORMP. He shall prepare such reports as may be require ecretary-Treasurer, OSURF or the granting agency. He shall be a ex-officio, non-voting member of RAC and the RAC Exe- cutive Committee. ARTICLE VI Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary- Treasurer, immediate Past Chairman and three.(3),additional RAC Members appointed through Council action. The ORtiP Executive Director and the ORMP Administrative officer shall be non-voting, ex officio members. Appointments to the E xecutive Committee shall be for a one (1) year term beginning I July each year. The Chair- man shall preside over meetings of the Executive Committee. Five voting members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting and any action taken by a majority.of these members in attendance at a given meeting shall for all purposes be an act of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be charged with the conduct of such business as may be delegated to it by the Council and shall have the authority to act for the Council in the interim between regular meetings of im Actions of the .Executive Committee are to be presented to RAC for The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing ORMP programs and p n king recommendations on these to RAC. The Executive Committee sha a c ee on committees and shall coordinate and integrate the us committees. The Com- mi@ttee shall be advisory to the OR@IP E and the Coordinating Unit Staff in the interpretation of res for the operation of the Ohio Regional Medical Program. T assist the Executive Director and his staff in the cooi ous ORMP activities and in maintaining liaison with OSURF a! mmittee shall also assist the Executive Director with various e ionships essential to ORMP. ARTICLE VII Functional Committees All standing and ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the Chairman of RAC, in consultation with the Executive Committee, and shall have a-member Of RAC as Chairman. Except for the Nominating Committee, all standing and ad hoc committees shall have a member of the Executive Committee as a member to provide liaison, and the OR14P Executive Director shall be an ex officio, non-voting member and the standing committee may include members who are not members of RAC. One- third of the membership taken of any committee will constitute a quorum at any meeting and any action in attendance at a given meeting shall be an act of that committee. by a majority of the members/ All functional committees shall report td the RAC Executive Committee and may at the request of the Chairman report to@the Council at a regular RAC meeting. a. Standinq Committees: The committees of RAC that have a continuing'function shall be designated as standing committees and shall'be continued on a year to year basis. The term of appointment for standing committee mem- bers and chairmen shall be one (1) year. The RAC Chai man shall be respon- sible for review of committee personnel an nts. a. 1. Membership Committee: There shall ng committee on mem- bership charged with the responsib' ting members to RAC as stipulated under P s co@ ee shall report to the RAC Chairman thirt advance of the RAC Annual Meeting. All voting me mmittee must be members of the Council. tive Committee shall serve as a liaison ttee and the ORMP Executive Director shall be officio 4nember. 2. "O mmittee: There shall be a mitt( orities to receive and develop program plan, an sh priorities for these program plans. This com- mittee shall submit recommendations to the RAC Executive Committee and shall counsel the Executive Committee, the Council, the ORMP Executive Director and his coordinating staff in the interpretation of the recommendation and in the preparation of program proposals. The chairman of the committee shall be appointed from the membership of RAC, but not all members of the committee need be members of RAC. A member of the Executive Committee shall be named to serve as a liaison member of the Committee and the ORMP Executive Director shall o member. be a non-voting ex offici a. 3. Evaluation Committee: A standing committee shal 1 be appointed to effectiveness and performance of the various ORMP program activities. The committee shall submit no less than once a year to the Executive Committee an analysis and evaluation of the various ORTIP efforts. The Committee shal 1 counsel the Com- mittee on Programs'and Priorities, the Executive Committee, -the ORMP Executive Director and his staff on matters pertaining to program evaluation. b. Ad hoc Committees: The RAC Chairman, in co with the Executive Committee, appointed hoc committees t task shall be assigned. The term of appointment o o an oc committee shall normally be for the duration o ned task unless o therwise specified by the RAC Chairman. b. 1. Nominating Commi TI g committee shall consist of thre( named by the RAC Chairman and shal' past Chairman of RAC who shall be des' The Nominating Committee shall present thirty (30 nce of the RAC Annual Meeting a slate of officers (Ch e Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer) and Executive Committee appointees to the membership of the RAC for consideration. ARTICLE VIII Meetings a. Time: There shall be at least four (4) meetings of RAC held each year Of which one meeting shall be scheduled in June and designated as the Annual Meeting. b. Notice: The Executive Director acting on instructions-of the Chairman shall send each member of RAC a written notice not less than thirty (30) days in advance of each meeting stating the date, time and place. c. Quorum: One-third of the members of RAC shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Council and any action taken by a majority of members present shall be an act of RAC. d. Procedure: Points of order and procedures not by these Bylaws shall be governed and covered in accordance with Robert's Rilles of Order Revised. 'ARTICLE IX Operating Guidelin--e The ORMP Executive Director anc ing Un taff, in coopera- tion with the RAC Executive Committe e an be responsible for developing guidelines for consistent administrativ rocedures essential to effec- tive and efficient operation of P nd with the requirements of OSURF, as grantee,and the spb idelines shall be reveiwed and approved by both the e and OSURF and shall be revised from time to time as nece< ICLE X Amendment laws Amendments to these Bylaws may be submitted to the Chairman of the Regional Advisory Council in writing by any member at any regular meeting. Upon submission, the Secretary-Troasurer shall notify each member in writing of the proposed amend- ment by sending a copy of the proposed amendment along with the notice of the next regular meeting. A two-thirds vote of the members present at such meeting will be necessary to pass such amendment.