Marine Mail 

The criteria for Marine Mail, posed as four questions, is as follows:

  • What are we doing that we should be doing?
  • What are we doing that we should do differently?
  • What are we doing that we should not be doing?
  • What new concept or idea should the Marine Corps investigate to improve its warfighting capability?

Submit your comments to Marine Mail through any of the following venues:

  • Email:
  • U.S. Mail:
    Marine Mail (CMC)
    3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
    Washington, DC 20350-3000
    Fax: 703.693.1284 (DSN 223)

I remind you that Marine Mail is not intended to serve as a substitute for the chain of command and other reporting procedures such as request Mast, administrative requests, disciplinary actions/appeals, medical board, eeo issues, etc.  That said, I encourage you to express your ideas.  This is our Marine Corps.  Working together we can serve to make it even better.

Marine Mail