B&B ImFo;tmjkrtom lm^ne MA6N^oEmENT 200 @l@tcc n W,-Itnz*m BOUL" UPRISEN M,%RLMORM, Ma No zo-ITZ 0 ua^ o taol) 2,4@1,10 S Y OF REGIONAL 14ED= PPOGRAM REVIEW CMWTTEE DELIBERATIONS ON ISSUES TO BE RESMVED IN MAKFNG SPECIFIC RECO ATIONS ON OPERATICINAL GRANTS PROPOSALS On January 14-15 the Review Committee considered in great detail the four operational grants applications from Missouri, Kansas, Albany, and Utah. on the basis of approximately nine hours of deliberation.' Many @ortant issues were explored which relate to the basis on which decisions can be reached on operational grant applications including both the amount of the award and the terms and conditions associated with the award, This document summarizes the discussionb,, concentrating on the emphasis given in the discussions to the relation- ship of the particular parts of an application to the whole Regional Medical Program and to the need to encourage decision making and priority setting on 'the regional level, In the course of these deliberations other issues were also identified but no summary of these will be attempted in this document since they are considered by the Staff to be somewhat peripheral to the main issues faced by the Council in reaching decisions on the operational grants before it at this time, The Committee noted that approximtely $22 million of the $43 million committed to grantees for the Regional Medical Programs for FY 67 would probably be spent by July 1. 1967,, lea@ a carryover into PY 68 of $21 million, @ver, there was no confirmation as to what additional funds would be forthcoming in PY 68 for the Division, Since the four operational grants,...tf funded as requested, would take a sizable amount of the funds available, the Comittee discussed equitable of allotting the funds so that funds would remain available for regions which were to request operational funds later' in FY 68, if their programs warranted support, Of.part@ar concern to the Committee was the criteria to use in dete@ing a level of funding for a regional program,, and allied to this concern was the question of how fast funds should be provided (i.t,, how quickly should 'be provided a region to achieve ultimate level of support deemed satisfactory by the C@ttee,) The C@ttee agreed that since awards are not to be made on a formula basis, there must be some way of determining how much is reasonable for a region, based on the application submitted. After much discus- sion it was suggested that where parameters are not completely defined, or where funds are limited so complete support cannot be given, those aspects of the program which the re-gion believed to be most essential should be supported first,, with the remainder to be supported *a experience indicates that the gap areas have been identified and as more funds become available. There was unan @ ty that if there are aspects of a proposed regional program which are clearly supportable and after giving consideration to the total availability of funds, the Committee should recommend support mahout delay, 2/16/67