" i, I - fit i@l ti i , it I @@ illililif @ilittitilli i@oiltlilli 11 CUP,UNT STATUS OF THE MIIAGE '@ENT IIT4! OR14ATIO!q SYSTEII (MIS) The PDTS IIanagement Information System has made only moderate progress in the past few months with principal emphasis placed on developmental activities. These activities include improvements to the descriptor sheets for operational activities, a refinement to the financial data record for handling all budget and fiscal activities of the Regions and the development of a standardized profile of each Region. We are currently applying a series of 12 descriptors to each operational component presently being funded by PI@TS. The undertaking of this back og has been rather difficult and slow since, in addition, we have been codin- all requests for funding received from the Regions in order to maintain an up-to-date record file. Begin-,iin- iiith the May 1 npplicatioti submission deadline, we will undertake C> a new coding schera,,e which ties qLinlity control built in. Two independent reviews of the application are undertaken and two separate descriptor sheets coded for each operational co-@mponcnt. These sheets are sent to the IIIS team and compared before inclusion into the computer. If any differences are noted, the corrections are requested prior to placing the information into the data base, Outputs from these descriptors have found wide popularity in staff usage. we are able to present a pictorial representation of each Region according to these various descriptor characteristics of all funded activities being supported by RIIPS. These are associated with the dollar amounts in each activity such that by reviewing the sum,,-,ary sheet for each Region, one can get a very specific idea as to what types of activities the Region is currently supporting, hoi-7 the money is proportionately distributed, and a percentage breakdown @-ecording to each characteristic. A similar set of descriptor code-- is being developed for Core activities and should be ready for implementation with the applications received by the ilay I deadline. Another area of current concentration by the I',IS activity has been in the refinement of the financial data record, a sin.-le form which will be used to report all activities in the applications made by the Regions. 'Four Regions submitted their applications in the most recent cycle and this provided a good test bed for us to test out our output program. We do not, as of yet, have all fiscal elements ine.luded in the IIIS that are necessary, and a concentrated effort is being planned, particularly for historical data, to get all pertinent dollar items auto the desired format. The Management Information O-ystezits Liaison Committee has been actively working trying to identify those elements that make up an effective profile of the Region6 The aspects of this profile that are to be automated versus those that will be kept in a wAnual file are under le consideration, and it appears that final steps are being taken in the 2 development of a standardized profile outline. A test case has been developed and is being analyzed at-present. Since we are still runnina two systems,. the old mechanized reporting system, 0 and the new TellS under development, an additional effort is being made to 'close out the old system, converting all data to the new format by the end of our fiscal year (June 30, 1971). The elimination of this redundant activity should give us further flexibility in responding.to questions asked of our data. The involvement of I-IIS efforts with other activities within Fa,:!-,S is at the highest peak it has realized'to.date. Coriputer proornri.,nc,.rs on the laS team are actively working with people in the Regional Development Branch, the Grants Review Branch, ..lnd the Grints Branch in order to more accurately study their activities and facilitate the development of more effective programs for management utilization. Throu-h the efforts of Dr. Pahl's ProcedLi,@,o,,i Cor,@ittcn@, the 14IS is receiving inputs from l@ey operatin- persoitp.,@l within concerning those pieces of infoin'l-)tion and data they need,at selected points in our Revicii Cycle. These points will be examined by the IIQS tcnm cind the appropriate inputs defined in order to provide the outputs to these users at the time they request, We Are currently responding to approximately 15-20 inquiries a week from REPS personnel. The average time it takes us to process a request is 1.5 days. It is expected that as the system becomes more versatile, the number of requests will increase exponentially and the time to respond will reduce.