LIBRARY ACTIVITIES OF REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Fe bruary 1969 rTi 0 co ----------- mC) C3 --LIBRARY ACTIVITIES OF -REGIONAL IEDICAL PROGRAMS 0 1969 February co co A n C aace This report was at a-i @-,rr-crmati-on e-cc.-ia-.i,,e brap'v,-,_:as@ rile--icr in Denver 4 @4 n- z mee dur--n7 !--'ne !@-d@cal 7 -;:)rar-- Association Co or t c t'@ letter was s ell t cn .L-i jure 19'03. p@ iat mee@4.i, a Regional p@02ra- Ccord-nacors as'@ing them t-:) id@-nti-@ !4r,cr in their Re-,-on. A sabseQuert the -,erson ha-,id-@ < 14brnry representatives letter was sent t the-i to attend t'.ae 7.p-et4--,g -to exchange ii@@crmat4-on on Re-,ion-P! @@led4-cal- Procra7@ 14.D-,=--,y pro4ec@@s. About 25 veoDle res-oor,ded to the and 58 v@ople, represent4Ti2 35 Regions, attended the breal@=Last, e'le Brod-,.iar-, @,a---nan, Librar-7 Est The meeting was hosted b@i Dr. -L -a Recr-;cnal @tedical Proaram anc -Miss Al==-= S,dD-Committee of the Bi--Sta" Schneider. The attendees were asKed to briefly summarize 12 rpr,,i activities planned or operational under their Recicnal '.edical Procrr=m. The mtetiny coir-nenrs were t=-DeA-, and subsequently transcribed and then sent to the Lor tie4--@ editi-@ia, aooro,;-al-. ,iiDda-.l'nz and add-;@t-i-ona',- co.=ents. A br-'-e--' re@ort or the session was made 4 to tie Executive Counc-'-'! of t-ie @le 1 Library Association a t.i e end of tqe Convention. A follow-u@ letter we- sent in December to Coordinators or all- Regions from who.-,i reolies had riot been received at that time. Some telephone follow-un was also necessary to t'nose wro had not returned their edited commeits. The first set of reports rom < the meeting participants, alona with the replies to the follow-up, comprise this report. Sone ed4-toria',- preroaati-ve has been exercised z bv the Division of Reaional @fedical Proarams and Editor. 0 Although some of the content of the individual reports is outdated or perhaps historical at the time of this distribution, it is felt that this conspectus of activities with 51 of the 55 Programs reporting will be interesting and useful to those 0 0 Regions which are planni-,ia library projects, and may indicate new directions for those which have operational lib@ary projects. z it is hoped that another information exchange session will 0 be held at the Medical Library Association meeting in October 1969, m with one or two representatives from each Reaion, to further eicouraae 0 the involvement of medical librarians in the purposes of Regional Medical Programs. m ('4iss) Aleene Schneider > Editor and Researc'n Assistant > Medical Planning Bi-State Regional Medical Pro-ram 0 0 m 0 Co CONTENTS REGION PAGE Alabama ................................................... I m -2. Al'oany .................................................... 1 4a. Co Arizona ................................................... 2 Arkansas .................................................. 3 B4-State .................................................. 4 0 m Cal4-l'orn--a ................................................ 5 Cen,@ral New York .......................................... m x Colorado-19yom4L-1.@ .......................................... 6 Connecticut ............................................... 6 Florida ................................................... 7 Georg-;-a ................................................... 7 Greater De'-Iawa---e Val'----y ................................... 8 Ha;,rai i.................................................... 9 Illinois .................................................. 9 Indiana4 .................................................. 9 I-,itermounta4--@i ............................................ 10 Iowa ..................................................... ii Kar.isas ................................................... 11 Maine .................................................... 12 5;, Mer-qphis .................................................. 12 Metropolitan Washin-ton, D.C ............................. 0 12 Y-i en i an ................................................. 13 M4 . . . ................ sslsslDD1 .............................. 13 Missouri ................................................. 14 Mountain States .......................................... 14 Nebraska-South Da-,ota .................................... 14 0 New Jersey ............................................... 15 z New Mexico ............................................... 15 New York Metropolitan .................................... 16 North Carolina ........................................... 16 C7 North Dakota ............................................. 17 Northeast Ohio ........................................... 17 Northern New En-land ..................................... 17 Northlands ............................................... 18 Northwestern Ohio ........................................ 18 2. Ohio State ............................................... 18 z Ohio Valley .............................................. i9 0 Oklahoma ................................................. 20 Oregon ................................................... 20 Rochester ................................................ 21 South Carolina ........................................... 21 Susquehanna Valley ....................................... 22 > 4 m Tennessee Mid-South ...................................... 22 Texas .................................................... 24 > Tri-State ................................................ 24 Virginia ................................................. 25 Washington-Alaska ........................................ 26 It m Western New York ......................................... 26 0 Western Pennsylvania ..................................... 27 m 0 West Virginia ............................................ 27 q m Wisconsin ................................................ 29 a n The Alabama %edi-c@-I Program is submil------'n@ ai aDolic-ation for in f o r,-@,a o n-enter. The enpha- a pilot project co-@icer-i4-i- 14-brar,., as ar. 'dir sL -As cp. prov,- the physician wit.q curre s nt inforia@-,.-n ouici-,lv and regardless of his geo---PDh-c@l location. There is a !4brar,, with five satell-'-re libraries and d-;-rect: ccrrxii-,rication bell-.@ee7. --he Univers4-tv of C Alabama @led4@cal Ce-i--er -ect 7-n order to obviate > T4brary and t'.e pro., o t,ie need for surve,7s b-7 var4-cus grouTis ar.@ cro-anizat-@',@-s, one grou-o has been 0 o c; < designated by the R:-!P t-c surjeli the medical and areas in eacn M co rt-i. As hosj-'talq a-- s-.;rlreyed, 14--Drary is -@'nC7 U@e,-: u x The Alabama -@-!P 'nas held meetings w4---h everyone on r--.e various committees and wit-a individual persons and groups In the R--:P. They have emphasized role of tL-le physician in t,ie and tile need f or his suodort of all! the programs. Contact- @iary Ann Knotts Unive@s-'-v o-- A-a--a,-,.a @led4cal Center ALBA:4Y 2. E The Albany Re--li-cral- @'edical Proc-ra7,, has funded ecu@Lo-e@-it tor trE establishment of sel-f-instruction center in four hosD4-@-al-s: Albany @ledical Center, Ellis HosDital (Schenectadv), BerN-snire @ledi-cal Center (Pittsfield) and Vassar Brothers FosDital (Pouchkeepsi-e). This proara@. is bein- developed by rrLe-@aoers of the Depart-@aent of Postgraduate Medicine. The self-instruction centers will be equipped with a medical ju'@-e box for reccrdincs, video tapes, z carousels of slides, etc. Operation will- beain in Fall 1968. @IP funds will service the centers initially, but each hospital will contribute anrruallv to the operation in order to keep the material current and to become self- sufficient in this area. The self-instruction center for Albany @-edical Center will be housed in t,ie library when the new facilities are completed and will be part of the library operation. In all hospitals, tne self- K instruction centers will be administered b,! the librar-1,7. A special committee of consulting librarians is now being established z to plan library services for the Region and to develop proposals for iL,!P 0 considerations. This Consultina Group for Library Services had its first meeting October 7, 1968. An initial survey of hospitals in the Region included data about libraries and their resources. Contact, > (',Ilrs.) Ursula H. Anker > Librarian Albany @Nledical College > m 0 m 0 m > .'%RIZONA 4 '-,he Arizona ReIY4-on is part-@'aljlv funding some of the Arizona C ,Ied4ca' Library @iet-wor'--. This -Ls conceived as a l'our-pc4-,nt lDrogram e7.tai7' a co-,imun-;-cati-on retwor@, (2) literature suDlDlv se@--,7--'@-e, (3) field co,s,!- C') taticn service and (4) conference and training suDDort. C c; m @@'@anni-n2 includes Dreparat4.or. of a arant recuest-- for fundin- to sun-@ort the Arizona Medical L4-brar,7 Network, with 'i7i,@ and co"'_.,-ct-call telephones for request input, involving five i-ist--"@uL.-@;ons (@-.'lr-e of wi-l-;-c'n are non-,ned4-c---!-'). In adc'@-;.t4-on to these recommended locations for installation, use of 17-i-@ Ser,,4-ce exist-.;@--- at Governmental institutions sucn as Veterans Ad-.ninistration hospitals and P-abi-4-c Health Ser-ii-ce Divi S4 ealt',i hosDi---als is plai on of Indian H ,iec. Free photocopies will be suDDlied to health sciences Dersonnel ti-.@-oucnout the State from six medical "resource" libraries. There is Dartial fund-'@n- bv the Arizona Regional @led4-cal Proaram. services will include consultation at the 'local (.iosD-;-@al-) by a trained medical librarian funded bv t.,ie P-NIP. -,-he Z-i---',.d-Librar4@an will work w--'::i other R:,!P personnel in a current awareness prccrran which is i-@l t'.ia early developmental staaes. sDokes,-ian for medical libraries has had plann-'@ncl- 7.eetinas with the Coordinator and Associate Coordinator of the Arizona @fP in Tucson. Su-oocrt is be4-.rg requested for workshops of t'Lie '-Iedical Library Group of Arizona, and for field-librarian participation in State-wide meetit-s of health professions (with stress at the latter on "selling" our services). Surveys were deemed unnecessary due to the obvious and known lack of resources and services presently existing as well as the fact that the medical library community is so small and works so closely toaether that most survev type data were well known among the group. Contact: David Bishop Librarian College of Medicine Library z University of Arizona 0 !7 m m n -c 0 H 0 m 0 a; -2- c ,A ?@\'S AS ,@he,i Pro@ram funds become available an incoming -de @rea Telephone Ser,ii-ce line w4-7, !-be DrOV4ded to facilitate and e: m ol-@ the Continuing EdLcat-@on Committee a-,id cha4@---.a-,, o the For=er s-;ts as a r -,IU4 r --ee. t4 rar,7 is composed r member of the Conti .,a, Educat4-on Com"-iit+ T'.a e -@b 'led.;.Zn' Center c 0- representatives 04-: tle Was,-li-ii'aton and St. Lou4--@ L-;-brar--'es and other medical li-oraria-is i-.i the area. n c On SeDte.=er 12, 1968, t,ie Bi-Star-m- P,2@IP hosted a meeting sponsored b-,y < the Continuing Educat4o-i Committee at -ie St. Lou4-s -Med-4cal Soc-et-. C' @ef s m d@L Staff, Administrators and Li'o-@arians from 'ics-o-'-"Ial-s in the -@e,,7z.-On were x a!' attendees waa '.ie,d --,i the and -;-.-,cluded invited, A joint sess4-cn oL presentations by the B-;.-State Planning Director and Associate Directors for Heart, Cancer and Stroke. In tie afternoon separate sessions were held for n (1) CLi-;.e-fs of Staff, and (2) Administrators w-.t,i Librarians to discuss suggestions for possible projects. Based on 4-nfor--at-;-on abcur- o@@'.,ier RZ.E? i.-@":Dral-7 and suaaestions at this mee t4- each atteidee -.7as asked to five ideas listed in order of the-;---r interest and prior--'-@-. Attendees were also asked to i- send in copies of the AP.A li'orar-@7 sur,7e,j, for use as t)lann-ir.- -i-For@ti-on. As a result of t'a4.s mee+--4-na, severa,- ideas emer-ed. Those ideas o@ --eatest-, number were wo@-'%-slicos for librari@--- -nsu7-tat-4-on .L,iteres, to the g co .Lor hos:)-'-ta'L libraries 'oy librarians with more and e::-jer4-ence, and .':-. Cat)e union of serials. Wcrksions on journals held at '- o s T) 4-,-- a 1. s ,NL,Lssour-'L, for the southern Dart of t'-Ie Reaion and a t-- S p r a 1 d , C@--'rardeau, Illinois, in the nort-iern part of the Re-,-'-on, tne fpcul-t--@. were Ted-'-cal- 4 librarians from the St. Louis area. 7-'le t)rol,-rn--7q also -o a:: c a t i- o r by physicians and a' -.i-strators in local aren- hoso-!-a,s spea - 4 a:; li-o--ar,i users. A Workbook and Syllabus was developed b,,, tle L4 brary S-,fo-Co=@ittee for 0 use at these and future workshops. At the workshOD at Cape Girardeau on NoveLbe.- 21, facult,7 we--re from z libraries of Washinaton University Schools of Lfedicite and Dentistrv. The workshop held in Sprin-field, Illinois, on Jaiuary 23 had faculty from the a C, VA Hospital and St. Lo uis Medical Society Libraries. ,L-i operational proposal has been s@omit-.ed by the libra-@,, stft)-corrlmittee to establish a region-,wide information system for health professionals based upon a cooperative hospital library network. The system will consist of an 11 information and assistance net-qork emanating to satellite libraries from the 0. core medical library resources and services Wnich already exists in the reaion. F, All Bi-State hospitals will be invited to parti-c4-t)ate. Provisions are made for z 0 subscriptions to literature indexes, workshops, a field librarian and additional C) user and resources surveys. Contacts: (,Miss) Aleene Schneider Bi-State Recioral Medical Program > Dr. Estelle Brodma-n, Chairman Library Sub-Coinmittee rn 0 m 0 -i m C) -4- co n C, CALI-70@NIA -;-bra-@-,7 is cooder- The U-,iivers4-, > o@ Ca,,-=or-ii-a-Los Angeles Biomedical L a4 a IV) and ati---ia with the UCLA Re,,-onal- '4edical Programs (Califorlia P-@-Are 0 4on Service for nine counties. has -@3rODOsed a Medical Li'Drar, and InzLormat- 3asec on a SUD-rej4on;il network, the Seri4-ce would provide T)hysic-.ans and health professionals rapid and easy access to the published literature. It would complement t-e National Library of Medicine's plan for re-ional medical libraries D, on se@7ice to the health professional in 0 his e-@-@orts to better the treatment of patients. Local hospital 'nfor--a@--i-o-i points bacl Louise Darling, Biomedical Librarian m University of California - Los An-eles > Nelson J. Gilman Assistant Biomedical Librarian m m :a 0 m -5- m a co n Z 'NEi yo'-V- mc funded tqe d@@s-@rii)ut4or. 0: ec,4onal 'Aed-'-cal Pro@ram Central New Yor",, R c- - 0 with jr,@@o-@"ation 0'0 s- to all bosp-;---al-s in t@ie Rec',@-on alone Cc S-,.-,\Y -t;nion Li loan ser@74-ce to rec-ues@- e@s can use li7Drar-,, and their sta ;,ee Xero--c how hospitals and use photocOl@'! service to rece--Ile C books or periodicals 'de,; lov t.,ie @',!P to 0 T reques@- forms are prove - - = M St)ec-;al IL- printed -t-o-date -Ln-o@t-:-t,,n -is of articles. @-t of new acquisitions and uo rr A new the above, a x 't 04: ea&, library ach monta to eac'- hos-jital. As a re,;uL distributed e has been seen at Uvstate Li:Drar,@ n requests for materials times increase i bra@j for t,, A librarian W411 be hired to work in tie Upstate Li L ui t-;,,,, for this pro,,ra,-i. Reaicnal Medica',- Program, cur@-entl,! rec- en ton operational Plans for a workshop have been made, but are depend funding o -act, H. Pi-zer Director of Librar-,i 5i' State Universit%7 of LNe@,7 o ric Upstate '@,ledical Center COLOR-ADO-T@LO'L%IIY@G The Colorado-',iyoming Reaior 1 Medical Program is in the planninc, stage -a 0 0 0 so far. There has been a suggestion and has no library seament to its proaram z uld be provided on heart, Cancer and stroke, usin, that bibliographies co the IFEDLARS tapes. r7 Contact: Dr. F. Brad Roaers Lio --ar:7 University of Colorado Niedical Center z 0 CONiqECTICUT am, through a survey and onnecticut Reaional Medical Pro,r The C 0 rsity of Connecticut discussions between C @ officials, the Yale and Unive Library Consultant, has established the medical librarians, and Lee Ash, > ovide services and allocate resources. m need to pr IIP is supporting a library project to determine the > The Connecticut Ri- Researchers relationship of this project to the Region #1 Medical Library. > serving the relationship between the Recional -< have the opportunity of also ob co m library and possible sub-Regional activities. 0 Contact-. m m Sam Hitt 0 co Medical Library -< University of Connecticut FLORIDA C)= No library activities are funded by tLie Florida Reaional Medical Proaram at ties ti-"Ie. A grant application is beina written for PI-T > sudoort-- for expansion of present services and to include some new ones. m0 No surveys at this time, but plans are bein- made for future sur-ve,,s m .1 C0 with t-ie Of@@4-ce o-@ Continuing Education, and the Executive Secretary of the Florida Hospital Association. An initial plannin@ meetin- and workshop have been held at t.qe Health Carter Library. A studi 'nas been done of the 0 Z' m increase in loan for period julv 1966 JL,1-7 30, 1963. Present -,P m V4 x ser @ces include xerox copies, b--bli-o-,ra:)hv service 1-;---ited to three to five year periods, T,,Tl- service, out-o@n- Wide Area Telepho-,ie Service line, union list of serials distributed to hospital librarians for use in interlibrary loan. n Contact: E Elizabeth S. Eaton 0 Assistant Librarian C- J. Hillis Nfiller Health Center Library University of Florida .G7-ORGIA 2. The Georaia Re-ional Nledical Program is supporting an interlibrary loan program through which the A. W, Calhoun Medical Library, Emory University, 2 < Atlanta, and the Medical College of Georgia Library, Auausta, will provide free pnotocopy in lieu of loans of oriainal materials to the institutions participating in the Georgia Regional Medical Pro-ram. During the first z year of operation each institution will receive a maximum of 3000 pa,,es free. The medical school libraries will refer loan requests they are unable to fill to appropriate sources. The pro-ram will be received and modified as c: indicated after the first year. Funds have also been allocated for the preparation of a union list of serial holdincs of the two medical school 0 libraries; provision will be made for the addition of the holdings of other libraries. 0 C. The Task Force on Continuing Education of the Georgia Regional Medical z Pro.-ram is the body responsible for planning library services. Several Task- Forces mentioned in their reports the need for better interlibrary loan services, and this is the first library service to be offered. m A modification of the questionnaire prepared by the Tompkins-iNIcCaw Cl) Library, Medical College of Virginia, and the University of Virginia Medical Center Library will be used in an RNFP survey of the libraries of the 121 m institutions participating in the Georaia Reaional Medical Program. The 0 I > results of the survey are anticipated in the late sprina of 1969. > The Institute on Hospital Libraries, sponsored by Georgia &NT was co m held in Atlanta on December 12-13, 1968. Faculty included librarians from Medical College of Georgia, Emory University Medical Library and Dental 0 Library, National Communicable Disease Center Library. Session topics m m -7- > were "Interlibrar,7 Loan Transactions", and "Bui-',-d4L-.ig Collect,@ons". -q m0 Problem cl-@nics were he'd on "Start-;-n,,,, a Hosz)i--al Li' r-q "Administration and Public Relations", and "St)ecia, ?--oble=,s o--= Hospital Libraries". A general sess-i-,-,- was presented b, .7 t,ie Chief, Facilities and Resource Division, National L-'-brary of Med,-c-;-ne@ on Ili-,Ipl@-'-cn-::i-ons of t-Le 0 Medical Library Assistance Acz for Small %led 4cal Libraries@'. The Education oz mCD and Trainin- Coordinator for :'.-ie Geor-,ia @LP Dresided at ce-ieral sessions 0 0 rr, and gave a presentation about the Georg-;-a Regional Program. xo Contact: C) iMiriam H. Libbe,.7, Librarian A. W. Calhoun iMed-ical '@-;-'orar@7 Emory Universit7i 0 0 0 GRE--k----.@ DEI-A,14ARE VALLEY Library activities have been along tie ceo-rar,'n-'-cal lines st)ecif4-ed 6 by the Regional Medical Libr---v Program (,-@fT.P) rather than the Greater 0 Delaware Valley Reaional Me@--'--,al Proaram. The College of Physic-;-----is has recently been desi-nat-z@- as the Re-ional a) 0 CD Medical Library for an area --'ncludina all of Pennsvlvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware with a total population of about 14,000,000. The Greater Delaware V.--!ley @%IP has no specific library committee, but z there is a close liaison wi!--'-. its Continuina Education Co=4.ttee. In one sense, the @NIL-@ has been "operational" for some time since the College of Physicians suppl--'z2d about 40,000 loans within t,ie Re-ion during -ional the year prior to its offit4il designation as the Re. fedical Librarv. The &MLP actually represents a strengthening of exis'lina service patterns, which in this particular ar@--@ have been re-ionali-zed for some time. The College is currently enaaged in some planning and in a survey, which will Cl. establish the existing trar--@-:ctional pattern for Interlibrary loans within the Region. In conjunction. -.@ith planninc, the KILP, the College of Physicians z 0 0 has held a number of meetin:,-s, two of which involved several hundred repre- F) sentatives of the Region's ii raries. m b Contact: Richard H. Orr, @I.D., Director Institute for Advancement of Medical Communication (For Elliot Morse, Librarian > Colle-e of Physicians) m 0 m 0 m -8- 0 c ,Re,,74-cnal i@ledic'2-1 m 0 ct associated with the Ha@,7ai4- There is no library proje Program at this time. Contact: 0 C7 < M ,Nlasato Hoseaawa) 14.D. Director 4Cpl Pro2 Regional '.m e d -n.2 of Hawaii m x ILLINOIS t this time. John Crerar No library project planned for reaion a .nated the NI-'4 Regional Niedi-cal- Library. 0 Library in Chicago has been desic, 2 C- Contact: CD Wri--ht Adams, @I.D. a F)' Proaram Coordinator 0 Illinois INDIANA 0 tension of existing WA7iS line system. The p Proposed projects include ex is a part of t,ie z icine Library terminal at Indiana University School of Med State Library teletype network and is on an open line to terminals in public 3' libraries in twenty-two Indiana cities and to the State Universities. In 5 1 U-M, the computer-produced list of Library s serial holdings has been sent to all Indiana hospitals and TWX terminals with funds received through a Medical Library Resources Grant. It is hoped that these and other traditional 0 services could be funded through the Recional Medical Pro-ran grant bein- proposed. In addition, assistance would be offered to small hospital libraries z in Indiana in order to bring about better services for their medical staffs. 0 4 This goal would be reached through seminars in library techniques for personnel in such libraries, and a consulting service designed to assist in development of good library collections. A survey of hospital library collections with the intention of eliminating duplication, developin- cooper- cn ative acquisitions, and 'improvina interlibrary loan cooperation among hosoital > libraries is planned, as is a union list of the serials available in Indiana hospital libraries. > To aid physicians directly, selective dissemination of information services > '< such as Chemical and Biolo-ical Activities and four other alerting services are C3 m available on a state-wide basis. Audio visual tapes describing the use of certain important reference tools such as INDEX j.-iEDICUS have been prepared 0 0 m -9- bv the School of Medicine Li-brar-! st---7-@ and tle,7 are wc--r'c-;-rl- on a K,,ii.< r > index to Public Healt'- Ser@7ice publications, National Research Council publications and certain mi-14-1--ar-, med 4cal publications. The IC@IK INDEXES would be distributed to all- hospital libraries and telet-7ue terminals in Indiana, and the audio visual tapes would be sent to any interested irsti- m c tut--;on on request. It- is felt-- that the above can best be realized t':,,rou-h the establ-.s,i- n ment of li'orar-,r e:@te-isi-cn ser,74@ces with sol-e responsibility in these areas 0 0 < .T t and Regional Medical Pro-@ram 'Ldnds are be4@n@ sou@ht to the-- end. rr x 0 Contact: t3 Miss Mary Jane Laatz, Librarian Miss V4-rc,,i--@iia Gillet-.a, Assistant to the Librarian Indiana University Medical Center INTE@@'40U@ITAI@T A ful.'L-time librarian be-an Juiv 1, 1968 at t,-ie U-i@-versitv of Utah Medical Sciences Librar-,,, and is tie extension 14-:)raran participatin,c in the Intermountain Re-4@onal Medical- P-oaram. .11 -,rant anolication for support of a Librar-@,- P@o4a-t is be--'-@i- -.,;ritter,. A number of requests for assistance in imdrovin- medical information CD communication and resources have been received from hOSDitals and physicians in the Re-.ion. The IR..!P has established an information service in order to 0 make available to practicin- physicians current -.edical literature appropri- p - 0 z ate to their needs in stroke. The IF-'4P tumor registry will brin-, the most pertinent selected medical references from a bibliocraphy of current references on the reaistr7's hospital and physician reports following the listing ot cancers of each specific site. These references will chance at least every six months. Contact: (Mrs. ) Marion A. Chavez z 0 Extension Librarian 0 Intermountain Reaional Medical Program m co m 0 -4 m C) co C The Iowa Re@-4-onal Medical Program is present'-,,- 1-1:1.dertak4ne, develop- ment o@ a comn@-eheisive, education proiara:-., -or practicing m z -n physicians in Ic@qa and is contemplating a multi--face@----,-4 education program -on equip- t,iat would include such items as the provision c@ v-suni educat4 ment for use b-- phvS4 cians at their convenience; ut4'-::ation of t,ie Wisconsin Regional Med4-cal- Pro,-.-am's "dial access" taped in.@o-@-a-,-@'cn s-,7stem; a C, coordinated s-@eaker's bureau; and communication s-,7s@@e:n bet,.,Tee-.q medical libraries of hospitals and t'@-ie Colle.-e of Librarv and the Nat---onal Library of Medicine @@IEDL.LRS. Contact: William J. Schaa-' Field Consult:nnt Iowa Reg-;-onal @le,-4ical Procyram K.LNSAS Kansas Re-ioral Medical Program has an Office for Library Services with a staff of five who act as consultants and adv---so-@s to those who wish to estab!4s,i medical library ser-zices or to uozrade existing services. They render ser@iices to other pro--rp-s of the KR-@f? suc.-i as co,7.D-14ng bibliographies aid providing a "ready" reference service supplying needed materials. The program also serves health Drofessionals in other Kansas toNns on a limited basis. In the future, an enlarged staff and collection, the goal of the proaram is to make its collection and holdin-s known and to give professional medical library services to all health personnel in the State at very low cost. A meetin- held in April 1968, in Merriam, Kansas, was attended by 35 people interested in medical library services for the State, And included hospital administrators, librarians and physicians. Plans for state-wide medical library services were explained in discussions led by four M-fP staff members. Other topics included the goals and progress of the KF-MP and Re-ional Medical Library system of the National Library of Medicine. z 0 Contact: Desi B. Schaeffer Executive Director for Library Services Kansas Re-.ional Medical Program > -H rn m C C) @T -iTE r c !Os a i4 -"I the N@.7 En,,Ii and ':he Maine Medical- Ceiter Library w o r,-@ I- r- 1. '-ished ,Reaional med@cal Liorar,;7 Proaram at CountWa'7. A has been Pi-,o@ V. mz soc-;-ati-on Journa, Zee 1-4-brarv ser,7ic- .:l the @lai-ne Medi-cal As 14= all physicians in the State and to all hospitals. request for -@ree C 4ved from Some T' s ?rovided z D'notoconying service are race- lai-Te hosp4-:@- - @,7@ @ I -asolrcas. Cor-@-,i-, tan'@ 0 ous centers, but most rely on Count-,,Tay @o var4-' S. TV 0 service is offered free to any li'orar,T in Ma-;-,ie, cr :)ne-day bas,- 0< proaram is conducted for in ttip- manaceien@@ addition, a trainin, Z) s in hospitals that are served by the Y::-'ne @iedical Ceiter. of li-brarie AudiotaDes and books are loaned to physicians outs@---:a area @,7'no cc--e to medical conferences one day per weeK. X4St-; Z A proposed surve,7 of e L -n-, li':)raries is b@--@ conducted throuyll t'a e l@- n a '3. a An outi-L -14-onal Medical Pro-ram. @ -a s,,:r-,re,i 'Mi) - -ne c@ a s- la survey letter are available. Contact: 7-- 1- a an o r C a 4- r an a ne i.4edica,- @-nter .@@!PH The Memphis Re-4-otial Medical@ Proaram has a Science and Services 0 c c; Committee Twh4c@ is currently in the process c@@ d@-,:elo7n4--ia plans for conti-,-u-'---, L education Drograms in library science and biomed4.:al- communication. z Contact: 0 .A-ndre,,7 Lassic, D. E7 Professor and Departven@- of Medicinal Che----'stry, University of Tennessee Units. WASkiiiiL,Iulli IJ--- 1,4-ETROPOLITAN WAS'RIINGTON D.C. z 0 The Metropolitan Washington D.C. Regional @iedical Proaram at this 0 0 time does not have a library project associated with its Proaram. It hopes to establish a library and build library resources to be located in the Regional Medical Program administrative office based in the Hos-o4-tal Council of the National Capitol Area, Inc. , pendina awar--: of funds f rom the C) m Division of Regional Medical Programs. The Reaion plans to provide library service-= to the 31 hospitals in > a) m rn m -12- 0 0 5 the region, which include four Federal- hosD4-t-@-i-s -- one Vetera@s A-@:-,4-n4-stra-Lion and tiree service hospitals (Ar-@,,, Narl aid Air Force). The f.--,,;r are included in as --uc,i as the-7 are coonerat4@,rg with Re-ional Med4 Cal Pr@@r@- educational program and have reDresentat4on or. the Committee or Coit4-7,u-!n@ m 0 @led4-cal Education. All members of tiie Co=it@-ee are ph@7s4-cians. c: Contact: Oti-s L. Anderson, M.D. < Associate Coordinator Conf--i--iuinz Medical Education m ,Metrojol--'tan liashin-ton D.C. Medical Program @f T CH I GA-,N T'ne Michigan Recional Medical Proaram is at'-enDtiny to de,:e':@on project for document deliver-7 services and a hospital health sciences 1--'orar7 education pro-ram; a-id is concerned with the problem o--@ lforar7 service in areas where no such service ex4@sts. Contact'. Vern Pii-S, Medical Librar4;=- School c.L@ @ledi-cire Wa,,rne State University 0 Mississippi The librarian at the Rowland Medical Library, University of Mississippi Medical Center, serves on the Cormittee for Ccntinuin- Education for the Mississippi Regional Medical Program, and the library has a sr,-.all a--ount of money from the Regional Medical Proaram for a survey of licensed hospitals (greater than or equal to 60 beds) consisting of a preliminary short question- naire followed by an interview. The survey concerns itself with plannina information on resources and z personnel, and hospital trainin- and related pro-rams requirin- library 0 service. The survey follows closely the one done for the Northeastern Ohio P-MP by Dr. Alan Rees, and the information is being gathered by the librarian and a second senior staff person at the library of the University of Mississippi Medical Center. m Contact: Irene Graham, Librarian Rowland Medical Library, Universitv of Mississippi Medical Center m 0 m m -13- 0 ,4ISSOURT > '4issouri '4ed4-cal Library is provi-di-,ig library > The University of services to the Missouri Regional Nfedical Program and also offering 0 m0 xeroxina at 5c a sheet to practitioners. Dial- access taces on curreit 0. medical topics are available. The '@,a4P has had a NEDL.@,S Strategist as C:0 of September 16, 1968, who works in conjunction with t7-e Fact-- Bank oro4ec--. > This project utilizes microfiche retrieval via c-,mDl-,ter (@fcsler Prototype). n3 0 Fact Bank will- contain information on a number of subjects and a thesaurus M will be used to get to the information. A proposal is being orepared fo--- @.P m x the P-@EP to evaluate the clinician's information needs. Contact: Charles Sar-ent, Ph.D., Assistant Director 0 3 Medical Center Comnuter Program Fac-ul---7 CD School of Library and 'Lnlormati-on Science 0 MObNT@'l@T STATES The '-fourta-@'n States Re,-,--;on 1--'as bet@,7een three 'Tat--'ona'- L-@"ora.-7 o -f Medicine Regional Medical Library areas and the Pro-ra--i is rec2-i'vinc, c: substantial interest from all three sources. All three are ea-er to ser@ie some par!-- of the Mountain States Re-ional Medical Pro-ram. Ho@.7ever, the--re is presently no library acti--i4-,@-7 under @fcunt-a4@n States .1leaianal @tedi-cal Program sponsorship. 2 Contact: 0 p John W. Gerdes, Ph. D. z Coordinator for Operational Pro--rams 0 Mountain States Regional Nfedical Procrazi NEBP-KSK-N SOUTH DKKOTA K CD T'ne resources and services of the University of Nebraska Medical Librarv have been extended to all health personnel in the State for many years, z supported by University funds and the Nebraska State Medical Society contri- 0 butio-,is, and more recently by the Medical Library resources grant. There is 0 no R.MP funded library activity at this time. Contact: > (iXrs.) Bernice M. Hetzner, Librarian m Professor of Library Science > University of Nebraska Medical Librarv CD m 0 -A m m -14- 0 CD c NE-@.4 JERS7-Y cl, A li'orary p--oiect is i-n the ear7-: s@a-@es of development. An informal > Librar,, Project Cc-,Tnitt-ae, which incl-ld&q representatives from New Jersey Colle-e of and Dent-.'str-:, 'qe@; -erse,! Academv of @led4-cine, Rutorers Uni-iersitir, tie c-@4ned 1:Coraries oz State Deva-t:nent o@ Hea'th and A-.ric,-,lt-are and t-e Hackensack -@oso4- as been meeti-na.. The praii-minar-@- c 4 purpose o, t.,ie P--oiecL is to szre7,,,tqen hosdital- --,:)--ari-es throu-hl) u the Rec,-on to be@-@=-r -2,juio 6hem to physicians with u-j-dated infor-.n- at4on on Hea.-@- D 4se@se, Cancer, SLrokz an4 -elated diseases. 0 The Cc=,4-@@e is e-z-olor-'-n--l var4-z)us aspects 0 Z 1 4b r ar-,, services, such as electronic a4-d:-z to in.z ns:2i,-al, 1--"nk-a-e wi-r'-i Re,-4onal Librari-p-s ormatio-i tra z in PhiladelDh4.a and New York, and the re!-=-t4-onshi-D o-z 14.bran,7 services to continuing education. Ali;-;-- A. Fl@orin, L@f.D. Ccerr-4,--F-,iator 'L\7 aTersev Recional- Medical Pro-ram The New @le- m 03 m -0 m 0 m -15- m NEW YOP,!C @LF-TROPOLIT-kLl > resource li-brary was be--un b,r the New Yor'l- Metropolitan Re,-ional @Med4-c;=' Pro-ram about January 1968. It is a reference librarv of Dubl@i-cat4-ons m 0 perti-,ient to Regional Medical Pro-rams, established for researcn use bv the C:0 Regional Medical Pro-ram staff. Contact: C 0 ,Mrs. .4Lnne Cu,-li-anl'-, Di-rec,lor m x Research and Evaluation Peter Marano Research Associate New York Metrouolitan Re-ional Medical Program NORTH CAROLINA The Extension Library Service of the North Carolina Reaional Medical Proc,ra-- be@an July 1, 1968. The general provision of interlibrary loans by the three medical school libraries to hospitals or individual physicians has been a fairly well established procedure for years. By coordinatin- a-,id publicizing this traditional kind of service the Extension Librariao ncan bring aoout a considerable increase in the amount of information dispensed to local physicians and can stimulate demand for information in a new group of physicians. Another aspect of the program, of great interest, involves a fairly z high level bibliographical reference service to a limited test group. Hope is that future development will lead to a small core of two or three librarians 2 who will provide bi'oliographical reference service for any physician in the 0 E7 State, and that loan service spontaneously requested will continue to be provided cooperatively by the medical school libraries with reimbursement coming from the Regional Medi-cal Program. A brochure about the extension service, including assi-runent of hospital library referral inquiries to one of the three medical center libraries, is available. Two workshops have been held, each one coordinated by a Medical School z librarian. 0 Contact: G. S. T. Cavanagh, Project Director > Duke University Medical Center Library m Mary Ann Brown Extension Librarian < Duke University Medical Center Library co m 0 m 0 m -16- NORTH DAIKOTA E > c The Medi-ca'- School !--'bra@i provi-des photocot>v service -for ar.7 doctor who q wants 4our-ial- art--T--!-es. Ot',i@r Proarams such as Dial Access Ta:)'es 'nave r- m c developed thr@-uc,.. 'he mechanism of the Re--ional -Medical Program. c 2 Contact: 0 Theodore H. Har-wood, i@I.D. 0 Proar-n- Coordinator rr 0 North Da-,ota Re,-ional Medical Program NORTHEAST OHIO C) -;rectin- C- The '.,iortn-enst Oh--'-- Regional Medical Program is primarily d- e@-orts a-- data and on expanding services and area throu-h the sr-@-M: a similar efcort is bei-,ic, car---'@ed on at Way-,ie State s,-,n),e'7 07 _rlosDi--,a'L J----"orar-7 resources, personnel and tra4-.14-,I- pro-rar-is C, 0 '-ias been done 'a@l- D-. Alan Rees o@ Case Wes,,-r-,i Reser-.7e Un-vers-'!--,7. 21 Contact: Robert Ci,.eshi-er Cleveland Health Science Library. 0 z ,NORTHEKN NEW ENG@ND The Northern New Enaland Reaional Medical Program is developin- an in-house filing system for pertinent reprints. It is not providing or planninc li7orary services for people outside the Regional Medical Proaram 2. staff at this time. z 0 Contact: -q 0 Dr. Jeanette Forsvthe Director of Planning and Evaluation N,&r,t+- -o Re-ional Medical Program > m m 0 m 0 m -17- n C G) NOR'.rHLViDS > There is no overat-Lonal library project in the Nort@lilands Regional @fedi-cal Pro-ram at this time. Projects will be planned in order o--@ t)r-;-oriti-es after orientation to the states of health science libraries and librarians in mc Minnesota. C Possible future areas for plannina include: Survey, wor@shons, free sullli-ng li'orari-ans, meetinas of librarians, T T xeroxing, con Dial Access 0 0 Tapes, literature SUDDI@7 ser7iice, and collect calls into me--;4-cal- Qen--er for cl ;z recuests from outlyinc, areas. rr x Contact: Mary Jane Ryan, Liaison Librarian r, 0 Northlands Re-ional Medical Proaram 3 0 NORTHWESTERN OHIO The Northwestern Unio Region is within an area (Kentucl-,y, @@f-;-ch4.can, Ohio) which is plannin- Regional Medical Library. The Regional Medical Proaram is in the process of prepar4@na an operational la,-rant proposal to su--vey the regional hospital libraries and assist them in aua,..nentin'7 their facilities in order that they may qualify for parti-cinati-on in the @lational Library of Medicine Re-ional Medical Librarv complex. Staff plan to visit the Wisconsin Regional Medical Proaram to survey CD 0 0 the Dial Access Tape facility for use as central information resource by Z' LA. physicians and nurses in the Northwestern Ohio Reaion. 0 z Contact: 0 C, C. Robert Tittle, Jr., ill.D. Proaram Coordinator Northwestern Ohio Regional Medical Proaram < OHIO STATE z 0 Traditional Library Services are provided to the Ohio State Regional Medical Program by the Ohio State University Collece of Medicine Library. The MEDLARS facility serves the University campus at this time. U) Contact: m Dr. Charles White, Associate Director Ohio State Regional Medical Pro-ram m 0 rn 0 -18- i m 0 OHIO VA.LLEY > rm- @v, o7 present resources and nee@s of hospital lbrar4es through- out -Lie ""---'o Va,@@Le,7 Regional Medical Proc.,r@-i Re-ior. has been prooosed to be per@@:)r:n(=@- b-7 new personnel recruited with Ohio Valley Re-icnal Medical Proaram funds a-.i,-: added to sta'L.L@s of the Medical Center resource'librar-Les (Universit- 0 0 of Ken@.ucK-7, L--u--'s-,7-@'lle, a-id Cincinnati). T-e sur-.,e@7 would be si-milar to one 0 < done b-: Case Tves-le-@ Reserve Universi-@17 rr. x 0 A o--= in@or@-a@ion dissemination concer-iin- li-brary extension L L c services available from the three '.Iediza'@ Center resource libraries will be dE,.re'-loz)ec' in con-.unction with tLie above survey. n The -National @ledic=-l Proaram also proooses new programmed expansion serv@ces to community hospitals .from the Medi-cal Center resource faci-liti-e-c. Tie new proaram wi-11 include an expansion of direct services, 0 0 the prOV4 s-on ol local consultation, and the traininc, of hospital- library I C- personrel-. guidance would be a,.Tai-lable on the development of approDria--@- core coll-ect4-on for hospi-tal libraries and assistance would be gi-ven ago in determination of appropriate sta-Lr-,-=in@ patterns, and in the de-veloD-"e-t-- of @Laci-lity and equipment need Dia-,is. Extension service librarians will need to be added to each of the three resource libraries and will function as assi-s"-a-,its for extramural affairs to university Medical Center librarians. These extension services libraries wi-11 also initi-ate a Droaram of in-ser-;4-cm- t--a4-@nin@ for ex4Lstina hospital library personnel as well as those to be recruited, and will also develop semi-nars for continuing edu- <. cation of hos 1)4 tal librarians and technicians. Essential to this to otal effort will be recruitment of appropriate and adequate library staff for community hospitals participating. Lon,, term Dlans call for linkage to 0 v resource libraries for telecommunications by T'@-@' network. C7 The Task Force on Library Services will be continued and will recruit a Library Servi-ces Coordinator to give full-ti-,ne attention to regional coordination. Tne training proarams for co=unity hospital- library tech- 21 -'ll be developed through the cooperative L n-1 cla-,is w efforts of the three extension services librarians under the direction of the Library Service 0 Coordinator. z Each community hospital will be specifically related to an appropriate 0 resource library of its own selection. Contact: cn Joan Titley, Librarian m University of Louisville co m -o m 0 m m co -19- 0 C) OKLA.HOKND- An Oklahoma KT Task Force Adviscri Committee on Biomedical Information composed of 2 ph'7Sic@-ans, a nurse, and si-@ librarians has been formed and serves as consultative group to the Coordinator c-Lc Re--fonal Plannina for C:-z Library and Info--mat4@on Ser-74@ces. A medical library newsletter is beina 5n published to foster communication amona hospital librarians in Oklahoma. o@ A statistical survey of hos:)ital 1-'orary resources has been done which i-,ldi-- cates tha-- their resources a-re far from adequate and that many hospital libraries are staffed par!---:4-me bv peoDle with no professional library trainin-. Pending approval of operational funding, there will be a clinical reference librarian in the Oklahoma Medical Center Library to perform on- call reference and lit@-ature searches for anv health professional in the State. Contact: ('.4rs.) Patricia Smith Coordinator of Re-ional Plannin- for Librar-,r and Infor-,@7ation Services Oklahoma Re-ional @ledical Procram OREGON The librarian of the University of Oregon Medical School and the Program Coordinator of the Oregon Reaional Medical Proara.1 have been members of the advisory council of the Pacific North@,7est Regional Health Sciences Library at the University of Washington. Contact: Margaret E. Huahes z Librarian 0 University of Oreaon Medical School rr. rn 0 m m 0 -20- m G) ROCHESTER 74 The Rochester Re,,ional Medical Proaram has no funded library projects. m c At a meeting of med4-ca librarians from the Region held last winter at the University of Rochester Medical Center and hosted by the University librarian, Wil-lis Bridegam, discussions on what could be done to t,ie existing co=.uni-- cations systems took place. rr x Contact: Ralph C. Parker, Jr., @f. D. r Pro-ram Coordinator a Rochester Regional Medical Program 0 C. SOUTH CAROLINA No library project associated with South Carolina Regional Medical Procram at this time. Howeier, several potential projects under discussion, include: a) Extension of Library services throughout t,ie State from the Medical Colleae of South Carolina. b) Establishin- a student learning center, and c) Developin- an extensive audio-visual library at the Medical Colleae. Contact: Charles D. Kimsey z 0 Associate Coordinator for Continuing F) Education and Communication T South Carolina Reaional Medical Proaram :i m c m 0 rn 0 -21- co 3 C')= c C) SUSOU@'-"i-.NA V-%LL'--y The Susqueharna Valley RAG has approved a proposal submitted bv Hershey > -NI.edical Center for creation of a Suscuehanna Valley %@ Information Service. m Plans for the information Ser-7ice call for e--coansion of Hershev's preseit library services. The new service will -;@nclude preparing, C performing literature searches, suDDly4 a photocopies of medical literature, in 0 . . Ln. .> loanin- texts, and conductin- worl-qlloT)s for training of library pe--scnnel-. n 0 0 In addition to servin- Dhysi-cians and ot,iers in the Susque.ria=a Va'--l@ 0 1 -Y m Region, the project would of-car 14-brary services to the 12,000 meirl)ers oF .L t:ie Peinsylvan4a Medical Society. A pacl,,a-e library ser -74CE of@er-'-'17 -e- prints from recent medical journals has been available throu-h the Penpsyl- vani-a Medical Society for many years. In July, 1966, this service was n assumed by the Hershe,,, Medical Center. The present program is an e-@ansion of the past ef.Lorts of the Pennsylvania Medical Society and the Hersney Medical Center. Contact: Richard B. McKenzie, Director Susque't.ianna Valley Regional- Medical Program TE-Yi@NESS'@-7E NIID-SOUTH The Library Project of the Tennessee Mid-South Regional LNIedical Pro-,ram proposed by Vanderbilt University Medical Center Library in conjunction with five other libraries (.Meharry -Y-edical Colleae Library, Oak Rid-a z c Associated Library, University of Tennessee Memorial Research Center and Hospital Library, the Veterans Administration Center Library at Johnson City, and Baroness Erlanger-Hamilton County Library in Chattaaooga) is to establish a re-ional biomedical library pro-ram. This library program will be readily available to serve all health professionals in the Re.-ion and will have special relationship to the area education office being developed bv the Tennessee Mid-South Reaional Medical Program. The biomedical libraries of the above mentioned institutions are cooperating to form the primary nodes for a network of library resources in z 0 0 the area. The bases of selecting the six libraries have been their willing- -4 0 0 ness to participate, their resources and their geographical locations. By means of telephone, teletypewriter, messenger, and mail, library information will be transmitted to health professionals as needed. In response to several individual proposals for regional library services, the study group for Education and Communication organized a Regional Biomedical Library workshop on November 4, 1968. At this meeting approximately 35 health pro- viders and librarians assessed the library resources in the Re-ion and m 0 m 0 m -22- 0 co 3 0 > agreed that, using the proposals as a regional ':)-'@omed--;ca',- r a ry pro-ram should be planned, into consideration t-E need for increasing 0 > the li'orary resources at or near each area office. This would make it m 0 easier for the area coordinators to pro::ot-e continuing education in their respective areas. c: The workshop demonstrated that in Iz@-neral, the 1-_,"-,rar4---s of co..@mu@ii-t-.r C) c 27 hosDil--a'@s are ineffective because of l-'7-i--d books and 4cur-.Ials, Door 0 < .i 0 I.D physical facilities, and inadequate personnel-. life wo-@'---chon re7;ealed that m health care providers need two cate-or--'es of library i@r-@crmatior.: (1) a x 0 0 specific item of information related to an immediate Drobi-em and needed promptly, (2) more complete information aDout a 1)roble- -----ss urgently needed but requiring considerable literature searching. Because the latter tvDe is present!-7.- available in c.-il,7 two or three biomedical libraries in the Re.-ion and r=-auires exteisi ..,e resources, the following immediate major objectives of the Regional Biomedical Library Proaram are: (1) to provide rapid access to biomedical data and to printed documents for all physicians, dentists, nurses and other members of the health professions in the geographical area served by t-,e Re,@4.on, (2) to or-an4-ze the personnel and resources of t'-e si--@.- ma4or centers into a cooperative organization ser-iin- the area education c=-nzars, (3) to conduct m orientation cl-inics for the health professionals to demonstrate 14@'orarv -i o services, (4) to serve as the be-inniri- ol- a re-ional network for informat- -,i a a 0 transfer that will evolve beyond librar,,, services, (5) to conduct- in-servi-ce 3: medical library instruction for nonprofessional personnel- in charge of CD C- book and our-,ial collections in hospitals and medical centers of the Re-ion. The Regional Medical Library Pro-ra@m will be coordinated b,7 an advisory council composed of Executive Committee representatives from each area and 0 the reaional medical librarian as an ex-oz-ricio member. z m Among the services to be provided are (a) ready-re--@erence, an automatic answering and recording system, 14ATS to and from the library at Vanderbilt which will provide basic telephone communication, (b) loan of books and journals, or photocopies if feasible, without charae and with twice daily C, delivery schedule by bus or mail, (c) retrospective literature searches and bibliographies prepared either manually or by @EEDLAPS facilitv at Alabama or the National Library of Medicine, (d) current awareness either by the above techniques or by distribution of cooies of contents pages of new journals in selected subject fields, (e) a compute---based union list of serial title z 0 holdings in the cooperative medical libraries, (f) clinics for health-pro- fessionals and already skilled librarians, (h) editorial services preparing 0 articles for publication, (i) translation of foreign language material, (j) distribution of current acquisitions to health professionals and to area education centers and development of a computer-based book catalog of current acquisitions. m Contact: Robert M. Metcalfe, @I.D. -< co Acting Director m -0 Tennessee Ilid-South Re-ional Medical Program m 0 -q m m 0 co -23- < 0 TE@US Ca r- > T'ne Texas Council of Health Science Libraries is presently evaluating m 0 the biomedical resources of the State of Texas, a direct outgrowth of 0. which wi-li be a Union List of Biomedical Serial Holdin-7s in the State. c: The Council is aDD!-ying-to t-he Regional Medical Proaram for funds to in perpetuate this project over the next th ree years. nF Two Hospital Librarian Training WorkshoDs, one in Houston and one in m Dallas have been held by the Texas Council oz Health Science Libraries as x -- I a result of influence of the Texas Reaional Medical Progra,-.a. Contact: 0 C. Lee Jones, Director Medical Branch Librarv University of Texas, Galveston 0 TR--@-STATE Tri-State Re-ional Medical Procram comorises L@lassachusp-tts, New c 0 2. Hampshire and Rhode Island. The only Reaion'-wide library service available E CD to the Tri-State area at this tir.-,e is available throuah the Ye@v England 0 Re y4 or@al Medical Library Service (YiE,@S) funded bv the National Librar, 5' CD of Medicine. Services render;d by NER:,ILS to other'@,fP areas that it serves (such Ps Connecticut, Maine and the V6rmont portion of the Northern New England &NfP) are being developed in close coordination with R.-@-supported 2 library development programs in these regions of New England. A task force z made uD of representatives from the major medical library centers in each of the four P-@IP areas of New En land is about to be-in meetina on a regular basis to ensure maximum coordination of development and operation. NEP-'4LS is presently working with the Post-graduate Medical Institute (PMI) in Boston on a librarv development program for community hospitals in the Tri-State Region. PMI is a non-profit educational institution sponsored by the Massachusetts Medical Society in collaboration with the medical schools and other health agencies in the Tri-StAte area. PMI is primarily concerned with the continuing education of physicians and has been z 0 intimately involved with the Tri-State @'IP in the development of educational 0 programs for this region. Under a subcontract with NEP-,ILS, PMI has developed a Core Library for community hospitals. The Core Library is a sophisticated and flexible > collection of medical books and journals which encompasses all the conven- m m tional medical specialties but which is modest enouah that it can be purchased and displayed by even the smallest of community hospitals. PMI has concluded agreements with nineteen hospitals in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire > m -0 :0 0 m 0 m 0 -24- CD I and Rhode which have a-reed to Durchase and shelve the coll-ecti-on,to hi-re a person to service t-e collection and to participate in an > experimental Drogram to evaluate the collect-Lon's usefulness. In return for the hospitals' participation, NER!ILS will operate a filie-day trainin- institute for tae ne@qlv-hired librar7 attendants and will provide special- priority back-up consultation and library ser-7-'@c5-s to the cooperating hospitals. Tie Core Library is desc.--;-'z)ed in detail in an issue of the c: New England journal of Medicine (@-ebruary 2"1, 1969). Contact: T. Mark Hod-es, Director .,.e@,7 V-nlg --and Re-14@onal Medical Library service VIRGINIA C. The Vir-l-'-Ini-a Recional Medical Pro-ra,,i is olannin- a project to support a State-wide procra-.i of li-brary service. The L-'@':)ra--y, Medical Colle-e o@-z i-s o-f'Larin- a comprehensive program of l-'-brs-rv service to 21 hcs@i---al-s af--@i-1-4-ated with the Medical College of Vi-r-,4@ni-a in its Continuing Education Proarara. These are community hospitals scattered throughout the State. Ser-.,,i-ces i-nclude interlibrary loans, reference service, consultation vi-s4-t-s, assistance in establishing a 5-year journal file in a selected li-st of ti-tl---s, assistance in selection of core collections, and training of personnel. One conference of administrators, Directors of Education and library z personnel of these hospitals has been held. One two-day workshop presentin.- a general overview and introduction to library procedures was held. Instructors for this workshop were members of the Medical College of V--'rl-inia library staff. A two-day cataloging workshop will be held October 17 and 18 with visiting fatuity to assist the local staff. Two-day workshops in other areas of library work are planned to meet the needs and requests o-@ the library personnel of the 21 hospitals. Preparation of an instruction workbook and syllabus for each type of workshop is completed. 0 n. This pro-ram is supported by the Medical College of Virginials Resource 51 z Grant from Medical Library Assistance Act and will serve as the feasibility 0 study and project of the anticipated State-wide proaram. m Contact: (Mrs.) June Leath Huntley, Director > m Tompkins-McCai,T Library m Medical College of Vira.inia > m -v m 0 m 0 m -25- 0 co WASHINGTON - ALASKA The Washington-Alaska Re,,,4-onal Medical Pro-ram is involved in establishing Alaska's first medical library and is workinc, with the 0 Pacific Nort.-nqest Recional Medical Library. The Proaram Coordinator of the Washington-Alaska Recional Medical Program isoa member of the Pacific Northwest Reaional Health Services Library Advisory Committee, and t,ie Director of the Library serves on the Reaiona'- Medical Program Consultin- Committee. Contact: Gerald J. Oppe.@eimer, Director Pacific Nor,"@iwest Recional Health Sciences Library ,qESTE.-,N NEW YORK The library portion of Western New York Re-ional Medical Program is still in planning phase. A meetiha was held on December 6, 1967, in which pro tem officers were elected and there was agree:,-eit- that a current awareness service was the first priorit,7 for a recional information proaram. The machinery for such a service already exists and is used for Health Sciences Faculty Teachin- Staff. It may prove to be useful for physicians in outlying areas. Contact: Erich Meverhoff Librarian Health Sciences Library State University of New York at Buffalo z C F c rr c-I r, -26- c c WESTERNT PE.@ISYLVALNIA m The University of Pittsbur-oh Health Professions Libraries propose to c establish a Library Svstem throu-h which information concerning heart, cancer, and strokE in the published literature will be made more accessible to the physician and other health personnel. The System will be a cooper- < ative arrangement establishin- a mechanism for the sharin- of librarv resources a-@ion-- hospitals and for 14-nk4-n- hospital and medical libraries r more ef-L-ect4-veiv With the Health Professions Libraries of the University, the Mid-Easter-1 Re24@onal Medical Library in Philadelphia, the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, and other resource collections. To e: The following objectives of the workshop were agreed upon in a plannina < session of representatives of the organizations involved: (1) to determine m existing services provided by each area medical library, and resources of each as related to one another, for purposes of more effective inter-library loan; m a -27- 3 0 (2) to provide a "short course" on fundamental t.-ainin- for "acti-,.ig 14-brar-f-ans?' of community hospitals; (3) to determine what materials > hospitals can obtain from West Vir-ini-a and Marshall Universities, and how the university libraries mi-ht be tied into tie proposed inter- > library exchange services. m c Library technicians of all hospitals within two hours driving time C: of the Huntington VA. HosDital were invited. No fee was charged for those > attending this dav-long session. C The pro-ram included speakers from the sponsoring organizations and m x a considera'ole period of time in the afternoon was assi,,ned for a "practical session" on reference materials, tools, bibli-o-,-@aoh-i-es and instructions for interlibrary loans with free exchange between SDeakers and attendees. C, Of the 30 hospitals who were invited to send one representative eac'n, 8 seit 14 representatives. It was discovered that a few hospital ad-mini-s- trators thought the emphasis was to be on the existing inter-library loan service and did not send anyone because they alreadv knew about this service. It is thought better promotion might attract better attendance. Feedback from the workshop participants indicated there is acritical need for training of hospital li'orarian personnel, althouah no evaluation of the program was made. Tqo additional plannin- meetin-s have been held with c hospital library leaders including the Director of Library Services of the Veterans Administration. Another such meetin- will be held on March 7,1969, 0 inia. at tie VA Hospital in Clarksburg, West Virg The results of a survey of the libraries of West Virginia Hospital, Vnich was made by the American Hospital Association, will probably be analyzed at that meeting. The data concerning books, periodicals, use-ratio, etc., is being tabulated and will be the basis for a program of support which the West Virginia Regional Medical Program will propose. z It is anticipated that a program will be outlined to upgrade libraries of selected community hospitals (probably 9 or 10) which utilize the joint resources of this program and the VA Hospital svstem. Additionally, short courses in medical library science will probably be initiated for "actin- librarians" of all community libraries desiring such training. i 0 Contact: !2. James R. Youn- z Information Officer 0 West Virginia Regional Medical Proaram C) 0 m -28- m WIQ-CONS I@T > Wisconsin Medical School Library has 40 years experience in providin- and because of the pa -;n of service a-dc service to the rural physicians tte n utilization already developed, is prepared to take off from a more advanced position t,ian most others. New activities such as teleconferences, wori@sho--;z and bulletins have beei undertaken with University subsidizing in expectation of grant suDDort--. The teleconferences are funded bv @fP throu-h the Medical Communications Center and includes support -for @elevisio-,i t4@Z',e, distribution of materials, publicity, etc. The library has asked for funds for (1) a series of four 1-day classes for untrained clerical level "liorarians" in charce of health science laboratories in the state, one a week for four weeks -- The series to be held in four different areas in conjunction with the Li-brary Science DivisicT.1 o---- University Extension, (2) production o@ a state-wide union list of seri-al-s, and (3) consultation to administrators and librarians. On e a m is to stre,.iathe-i t-ie networ- concept at all levels, encourazi.-Ic! eac.i library to help its smaller nei-hbor and all to he'D each other. An example of this took place at a recent teleconference @nen a librarv mana-er expressed lack of knowledge and need for he!D in oraanizina a library. A nearby Veterans Administration librarian volunteered to assist. The li'orar4--,-rs have started a journal exchance and the @ladi-son group have done preliminary planning for a union list. Seven bulletins, each with a special current awareness or reference feature, a sari-es of teleconferences and three articles in the Wisconsin Medical Journal have beer, produced; two of the teleconferences arranged for next spring are taped programs with telephone participation of the speaker from National Library of Medic-Lne. At this point request for funds had been favorably reviewed by the Post-graduate Education of the Wisconsin RNIP and an application was formulated with the Planning Committee. Contact: < Helen Crawford, Librarian William S. Middleton Medical Library University of Wisconsin z rr rr :c C; rr -29-