ii 0937* JOHN JARMAN DISTRICT 5 - OKLAHOMA CITY O@TAHOMA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Now in its second year of operation, the Oklahoma Program has planning funds in the amount of $282,100. With early planning leadership supplies by Dean James L. Dennis, the Oklahoma Medical Center has emphasized the development of liaison with other organizations in the state and informing and involving physicians in the program. Extensive participation of a great variety of health resources has been observed through the use of planning task forces and decentralization initiated using hospitals in Houston, Stillwater, Pcnca City, McAlester and Tulsa as sub-regional bases. Feasibility studies covering such areas as computer use, sharing of specialized cardiac diagnosis among hospitals, cancer, epidemiology, diabetes and laboratory services. More detailed information on the program in your district -follows. JOHN J@IAN DISTRICT 5 - OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM REGION State of Oklahoma COORDINATING HEADQUARTERS University of Oklahoma Medical Center STARTING DATE September 1, 1966 FUNDING Current Award: $282,100 Projected Next Year: $1,000,000 OPERATIONAL STATUS Operational application request anticipated by April 1, 1968 PROGRAM COORDINATOR Kelly M. West, M.D. (Acting) Head, Department of Continuing Education ADVISORY GROUP 1. Chairman: Dr. James L. Dennis, Dean 2. Membership: 39 (attached) Medical Centers, 4; Practicing Physicians,il; Hospital Administrators, 3; Volup-tary Health Agencies, 5; Public Health Officials, 1; Other Health Workers, 4; Public, 4; Other, 7 Pre-planning activities began in November, 1965 when the Dean of the Medical Center, Dr. James L. Dennis, appointed a Committee for Regional Medical Pto6ranis. In February 1966, the Governor designated the University as the planning agency, and in March 1966 appointed the Regional Advisory Council. In the initial planning phase, 13 community hospitals were invited to join in initiating preliminary activities. The Oklahoma Regional Medical Program is being developed in three overlapping phases: 1) the "tooling-up.. phase, 2) the planning phase-, and 3) the operational phase. The "toolinc,-up" phase involves recruitment of professional, administra- c) tive and supporting staff, and of advisory personnel and committees; establishment of an administrative structure, equipment and facilities; and explaining the program to potential collaborators, contributors and recipients. Durina 1967 much of the "tooling-up" process was completed, and the planning phase and operational phase will begin in 1968. Organization and Staffing, A staff of about twelve Drofessionals have been recruited, about half of these being MD's who are working the categorical and related disease areas; others -2- include a director of health manpower planning, and directors of continuing education, library planning, computers, and data collection. A permanent Coordinator has not yet been appointed. Or5zanization A Medical Center liaison and Advisory Group has been established which relates programs of the P3T to institutions and departments in the medical school. Four task forces, involving about 30 individuals from institutions around the state, are assisting in studying relevant needs and proposing projects to meet these needs. They are in such areas as computer utilization, health careers, libraries, the categorical diseases, and diabetes. A subregional advisory committee, with task forces, is being established for the Tulsa area. ReRional Advisorv GrouD The group has expanded from 33 to 39 members and has established a 7-man Executive Committee, with Governor Bartlett as Honorary Chairman. The Regional Advisory Committee has received considerable-assistance from the nine-man Liaison Committee of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. Subregionalizat--ion Hospitals in Houston, Stillwater, Ponca City, McAlester and Tulsa will be used as the base for initial approaches to subregionalization, and community studies and feasibility activities are contemplated for these areas. Planning Activities The major efforts of the Oklahoma RMP during the first year, which are expected to be continued and expanded during the second year, include: 1) DevelopinR liaison with other organizations - Consultation and utilization of existing committees and boards of organizations with regional functions have been extensive, and include the Health Intelligence Facility for data collection and studies; the Health Science Foundation which is the governing body of the Oklahoma Health Center; the Oklahoma Heart Association and Cancer Society; the State Medical Society; the Statewide Task Force on Health Economics; and many others. All of the Boards of these organizations have representatives on the Regional Advisory Group. (2) Informing and involving physicians in t o ram - this has included extensive meetinas and consultation with the State and County medical societies. Joint planning with these aroups has proceeded for library programs, and several C> articles on RMP have appeared in the Medical Society Journal. These activities preceded a more extensive effort to launch joint activities with local hospitals. (3) Feasibility_ tudies - Several studies and feasibility projects are being developed including: (a) library and information services; (b) communication and audio-visual resources, which includes computer services to large and small hospitals; (c) continuing education programs for physicians and allied health personnel including computer-assisted learning methods; (d) diabetes and nutrition program, which includes improved patient education and continuing education for health professionals; (e) laboratory services to include collaborative efforts among many statewide organizations to improve quality control, extend availability of services, and improve the systems of continuing education for laboratory -3- personnel; (f) establishment of facilities for cardiac diagnosis to be shared by hospitals in specified geographic areas; (g) cancer epidemiological studies and improved continuing education of health professionals in the cancer area and (h) improved trainina in the field of strokes. All of these projects are being planned in cooperation with the key relevant organizations in the Region. Relationship to Comprehensive Health Programs Present plans call for coordinating the two Advisory Groups once the CHP Group is appointed. Dr. Colyar, Commissioner of Health and Head of CHP, is now on the RMP Advisory Group. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PLANNING FOR REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN OKLAHOMA Chairman James L. Dennis, M.D. Director and Dean University of Oklahoma Medical Center Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Executive Committee Dr. James L. Dennis, Chairman Dr. Leonard P. Eliel Dr. A. B. Colyer Dr. W. W. Rucks Dr. Vernon Cushing Mr. C. D. Ellison Mrs. Jannell Hubbard Governor Dewey F. Bartlett, Honorary Chairman Members Mr. W. R. Bethel, President Oklahoma Blue Cross-Blue Shield Tulsa, Oklahoma Mr. Don Blair, Executive Secretary Oklhhoma State Medical Association Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Donald L. Braiqner, M.D., President Tulsa County Medical Society Tulsa, Oklahoma Mr. Bert L. Castleberry, Executive Director Oklahoma State Dental Association Oklahoma City, Oklahoma John J. Coffelt, Ph.D., Associate Chancellor and Director of Research, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Oklahoma City, Oklahoma A. B. Colyar, M.D., Commissioner Oklahoma State Department of Health Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Frank B. Cox, D.D. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Members Continued - 2 George L. Cross, Ph.D., President University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma James L. Dennis, M.D., Director and Dean University of 0' klahoma Medical Center Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. E. Dunlap, Jr. (Independent Oil Operator) Ardmore, Oklahoma Leonard P. Eliel, M.D. Vice President & Director of Research Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. C.D. Ellison Frontiers of Science Foundation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma E. Edwin Fair, M.D. Ponca City, Oklahoma Mr. Don Ferrell, Publisher Lincoln County News Chandler, Oklahoma Hallie G. Gantz, Ph.D., President Phillips University Enid, Oklahoma George H. Garrison, M.D., Chairman Medical Center Liaison Committee Oklahoma County Medical Society Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. Lowell E. Green, Director Vocational Rehabilitation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. R. Boyd Gunning Executive Director University of Oklahoma Foundation Norman, Oklahoma Loyd E. Harris, Ph.D., Dean School of Pharmacy University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma Members Continued - 3 Charles K. Holland, M.D. McAlester Clinic McAlester, Oklahoma Mrs. Jenell D. Hubbard, President Oklahoma State-Nurses Association Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. David Hutchison, Area Director United Auto Wor ers Tulsa, Oklahoma Maxwell A. Johnson, M.D., President Oklahoma State Medical Association Tulsa, Oklahoma William P. Jolly, M.D. 1202 Arlington Lawton, Oklahoma Robert B. Kamm, Ph.D., President Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma Mr. Robert S. Kerr, Jr., Director The Kerr Foundation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Marvin K. Margo, M.D., President Oklahoma County Medica Society Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Miss Rita Matthews, Executive Secretary Oklahoma Heart Association Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. Paul D. McDaniel, Executive Vice. Pres. American Cancer Society, Okla. Division Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr. Dean A. McGee Chairman, Executive Committee Oklahoma Health Sciences Foundation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma James G. Moore, M.D. Director of Medical Education St. John's Hospital Tulsa, Oklahoma Members Coninue@- Mrs. Rex R. Moore, Jr- (Member, Governoris Committee on Status of Women) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Francis W. Pruitt, M.D. Director of Medical Education Hillcrest Medical Center Tulsa, Oklahoma Mr-Lloyd E. Rader, Director Oklahoma Department of Public Welfare Oklahoma CitYt Oklahoma Mr. Cleve Rogers, Executive Director Oklahoma Hospital Directors Association Tulsa, Oklahoma Dr. Eugene Ross (Past President, Osteopathic Association) Lindsay, Oklahoma William W. Rucks, M.D., President Presbyterian Hospital - Okla. City Clinic Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Ralph A. Smith, M.D., Chairman Medical Center Liaison Committee Oklahoma Academy General Practice Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Riley M. Strong, M.D., Chairman 08MA Medical Center Liaison Committee El Reno, Oklahoma