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Passenger Arrested With Multiple IDs Spotted by Travel Document Checker

News & Happenings

July 1, 2008

photo of security checking ids

A passenger attempting to use multiple fraudulent IDs was recently arrested after a security officer at Jackson-Evers (Miss.) International Airport identified a discrepancy with her driver’s license.

On June 12, when the passenger handed her boarding pass and driver’s license to Transportation Security Officer Bryan Davis Stringer, he noticed two different sets of state seal holograms as he inspected the ID with an ultra-violet light and a magnifying loupe.

Behavior Detection Officers Frank Juarez and Carlos Lee interviewed the passenger, who provided yet a different driver’s license – this one from California, and expired.

Law enforcement was called and the passenger was arrested on charges of possession of fraudulent identification.

“The vigilance and training exhibited by Transportation Security Officer Stringer is deserving of recognition,” said Federal Security Director David Wynn. “TSA officers are dedicated to ensuring the safety of the traveling public and have shown a continual emphasis in the same regard.”