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On behalf of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel (the Panel), I am privileged to issue this Final Report, Building on the Ticket: A New Paradigm forInvesting in Economic Self-Sufficiency for People with Significant Disabilities to the President, Congress, and the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA). The passage of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act (the Act) eight years ago represented the culmination of efforts by diverse stakeholders who recognized the importance of removing barriers to employment and labor market activity for individuals with disabilities. Their contributions, in an inclusive workforce, benefit not only the individuals themselves, but also employers, communities, and our nation. In passing the Act, Congress recognized that the contributions of individuals with disabilities cannot be fully realized without choice and access to needed services, workplace supports and health care.

The charge to the Panel was to provide advice on the Act’s implementation and make recommendations that would result in increased employment and greater economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities. Through literature review, dialogue and discussion at regular meetings, open forums, and field visits across the country, the Panel has obtained substantial public input. The voices of beneficiaries and other stakeholders have played a critical role in shaping the Panel’s final recommendations. These recommendations build on findings from the Panel’s Adequacy of Incentives Report, the $1 for $2 Benefit Offset Report, the Employment Network Summit Report, the Beneficiary Summit Report, the Work Incentive Utilization Report, as well as the Panel’s seven Interim Annual Reports.

Across federal agencies, efforts to coordinate and integrate services and supports at a community level must improve and be united by a consistent policy goal of work as a preferred option to promote independence and enhanced community participation. No single set of policy and practice actions can address all of the challenges identified by beneficiaries and confirmed by other diverse stakeholders in the public and private sectors. However, a key recommendation articulated at the beneficiary summit and recommended by the Panel is the creation of a National Disability Beneficiary Work Advocate’s Office and a Beneficiary Work Council within SSA. The purpose of these offices is to elevate and incorporate the beneficiary voice on a permanent basis to impact future policy development and procedures related to the disability programs.

I appreciate the dedication and commitment of Panel members and staff to advance a comprehensive vision of employment and economic self-sufficiency for current and future generations of youth and adults with disabilities who receive disability benefits.

This final report shares what the Panel has learned, documents the diverse experiences of beneficiaries, recommends short-term, incremental improvements to current programs, and identifies critical investments that must continue to be made on a national basis to advance and modernize the current disability programs.

Following the Panel’s sunset, I encourage Congress and relevant federal agencies to maintain their focus on employment for people with disabilities. Congress should conduct hearings annually on the progress of the Ticket to Work program, design and execution of demonstrations, and Medicaid Buy-In implementation. These hearings should solicit recommendations from beneficiaries and other stakeholders, and should highlight adequacy of incentives issues, including addressing the needs of people receiving sub-minimum wages, those with high-cost accommodations and individuals with a need for ongoing support and services.

Respectfully Submitted,

Berthy De La Rosa-Aponte, Chair
Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel

For more information please contact: Jason Olsen 410.965.3676

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