
Client Assistance Program

A Place To Turn . . .

. . . When you have questions

. . . are confused about your rights as a person with a disability

. . . feel tangled up in the rehabilitation process

"What is CAP?"

CAP is Alaska's Client Assistance Program. We are an ombudsman/advocacy service which provides the following:

"How do I qualify?"

CAP can provide information about services to anyone. If you have applied for or received services from any of the following programs CAP can assist you:

"Will my counselor be notified if I contact CAP?"

No. The services provided by CAP are completely confidential. We will talk to your counselor only with your permission.

"Is there a fee?"

No, there is no fee for this service. We just want to help!

"Sounds good, who do I call?"

Contact your nearest CAP office as soon as possible when you have a problem that you cannot resolve. There are time limits that must be met in appealing certain agency actions. CAP can help you only if you tell us your problems in time to meet those deadlines.


The Alaska Client Assistance Program is operated by ASIST, Inc. under a contract with the State of Alaska. It is our policy to not discriminate on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color, national origin, or age in admission and access to treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Questions or complaints can be directed to: Ms. Pam Stratton, 2900 Boniface Parkway, Suite 100, Anchorage AK 99504; 333-2211 or (800) 478-0047.