Press Room


June 3, 2002

U.S. International Reserve Position

The Treasury Department today released U.S. reserve assets data for the week ending May 17, 2002. As indicated in this table, U.S. reserve assets totaled $68,931 as of the end of that week, compared to $68,519 million as of the end of the prior week.

I. Official U.S. Reserve Assets (in US millions)
TOTAL May 10, 2002 May 17, 2002
68,519 68,931
1. Foreign Currency Reserves 1 Euro Yen TOTAL Euro Yen TOTAL
a. Securities 5,659 10,423 16,082 5,714 10,577 16,291
Of which, issuer headquartered in the U.S.     0     0
b. Total deposits with:
b.i. Other central banks and BIS 9,560 4,345 13,905 9,660 4,410 14,070
b.ii. Banks headquartered in the U.S.     0     0
b.ii. Of which, banks located abroad     0     0
b.iii. Banks headquartered outside the U.S.     0     0
b.iii. Of which, banks located in the U.S.     0     0
2. IMF Reserve Position 2     16,336     16,360
3. Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 2     11,151     11,167
4. Gold Stock 3     11,044     11,044
5. Other Reserve Assets     0     0

II. Predetermined Short-Term Drains on Foreign Currency Assets
  May 3, 2002 May 10, 2002
Euro Yen TOTAL Euro Yen TOTAL

1. Foreign currency loans and securities

    0     0

2. Aggregate short and long positions in forwards and futures in foreign currencies vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar:

2.a. Short positions     0     0
2.b. Long positions     0     0

3. Other

    0     0

III. Contingent Short-Term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets
  May 3, 2002 May 10, 2002
Euro Yen TOTAL Euro Yen TOTAL
1. Contingent liabilities in foreign currency     0     0
1.a. Collateral guarantees on debt due within 1 year            
1.b. Other contingent liabilities            
2. Foreign currency securities with embedded options     0     0
3. Undrawn, unconditional credit lines     0     0
3.a. With other central banks            
3.b. With banks and other financial institutions            
Headquartered in the U.S.            
3.c. With banks and other financial institutions            
Headquartered outside the U.S.            
4. Aggregate short and long positions of options in foreign            
Currencies vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar     0     0
4.a. Short positions            
4.a.1. Bought puts            
4.a.2. Written calls            
4.b. Long positions            
4.b.1. Bought calls            
4.b.2. Written puts            


1/ Includes holdings of the Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) and the Federal Reserve's System Open Market Account (SOMA), valued at current market exchange rates. Foreign currency holdings listed as securities reflect marked-to-market values, and deposits reflect carrying values.

2/ The items, "2. IMF Reserve Position" and "3. Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)," are based on data provided by the IMF and are valued in dollar terms at the official SDR/dollar exchange rate for the reporting date. The entries for the latest week (shown in italics in the table above) reflect any necessary adjustments, including revaluation, by the U.S. Treasury to the prior week’s IMF data. The IMF data for the prior week are final.

3/ Gold stock is valued monthly at $42.2222 per fine troy ounce.