Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

The New Deal

Links to web sites relating to the New Deal era and to Reference at Your Desk web resources for research on New Deal agriculture, labor, and arts programs.

"The New Deal", Painting/Mural by Conrad A. Albrizio. Dedicated to President Roosevelt. Placed in the auditorium of the Leonardo Da Vinci Art School, 149 East 34th Street, New York, New York,& ca. 1934 (FDR Presidential Library NLR-PHOCO-A-59333)

General history

Selected topics

Related web sites

By the People, For the People: Posters from the WPA, 1936-1943 is a Library of Congress collection consisting of 908 original posters produced from 1936-1943 as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal.

Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill (ERVK), a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting humanitarian causes, maintains a web site with information about the organization's history and activities as well as information about and links to web sites concerning the life and work of Eleanor Roosevelt.

The web site of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute provides information about the lives of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, digital photographs, and speeches as well as information about the institute itself.

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Digital Archives features information about the Roosevelt Presidential Library and Research Center in Hyde Park, New York as well as well as online documents. The web site also features a list of collections from the New Deal era held in other repositories.

The James F. Justin Civilian Conservation Corps Museum contains links to stories and documents related to the Civilian Conservation Corps. It also includes biographies, a book list, a history of the CCC, a large photograph collection.

The National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni web site has information about the research center and museum in St. Louis, Missouri and about the history of the CCC as well as aids for researchers including a bibliography of materials related to the CCC and a list of CCC camps.

The New Deal Era and Its Origins web site, sponsored by H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine, provides resources for educators and information about materials relating to the New Deal era as well as logs of on-line discussions and information about joining the discussion list for U.S. history between 1918 and 1945.

The New Deal Network web site features lesson plans and education tools related to the New Deal, on-line photographs and documents, and more in-depth information on a variety of featured topics.

The National New Deal Preservation Association is a non-profit organization whose goal is to raise awareness about the legacy the New Deal programs and encourage the preservation of materials related to these projects. The association maintains a web site with information about the organization, its activities, and various New Deal topics as well as links to other web resources.

The Reference at Your Desk resources for the New Deal were compiled by Melissa Rohde, an ALIC intern during the summer of 2001. Melissa Rohde is a graduate of Kalamazoo College.

The above photograph is available on-line through NARA's ARC database.

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