BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Local time: 11:30 PM

Lithuania - Gold Key Matching Service

business meeting

The Gold Key program provides visiting American firms with prequalified and prescreened meetings with potential overseas agents, distributors, sales representatives and strategic business partners.
We will pre-screen your product/service for potential opportunities in Lithuanian market prior to signing you up.
This program is very flexible and can be applied to a wide range of one-on-one meeting needs, depending on receptivity of the sector.

This program features:

  • Appointments with prescreened and prequalified Lithuanian firms
  • Background and contact information on each potential partner, such as: the size of the company, number of years in business, product or service lines and capability to provide after-sales service
  • Customized market briefing with U.S. Commercial Service staff
  • Debriefing with U.S. Commercial staff to discuss results and plan follow-up action

Note: The Gold Key fee does not include translation, transportation and other services you might require, but we can arrange them at the current market rates. We can also arrange for hotel reservations at the Embassy rate.

For fees see the link:
Delivery: 4 weeks minimum after receipt of company literature and payment
How to apply: To start planning your Gold Key visit to Lithuania, please fill contact our Commercial Assistant, Jonas Vasilevicius.