International Lion of Judah Conference

Hundreds of the world’s most powerful Jewish women will convene in Tel Aviv in November to celebrate Israel’s 60th birthday and women’s philanthropy.   More

Voices from Sderot

We welcome you to this blog, where the people of the Sderot region share their stories, photos and videos of life under the constant threat of missile attacks from Gaza, and can hear back from American Jewry. Read it


ENP has made an enormous contribution in fighting dropout rates, delinquency and flat college attendance. But even with this success, programs are in jeopardy. Become part of the ENP effect. Click Here

Planned Giving & Endowments

A planned gift to your Jewish community enables you to be present forever. more


The Israel Emergency Campaign helps thousands of Israelis affected by the Hezbollah attacks of last summer and by the ongoing threat to Sderot. more

National Women's Philanthropy

Jewish women are setting the standards for creative philanthropic giving and commitment to future generations. More

National Young Leadership

Visit the elderly, clean up a park or a synagogue, tutor a child. You are at the right place at the right time to make a difference. More

UJC Israel

We facilitate Israel missions, initiate and monitor programs to support the Israeli people, promote the concerns of the federations to Israelis, and work with Israel's government, business and voluntary sectors, JAFI and the JDC. More

UJC Washington

Promoting the interests and concerns of UJC to members of Congress and the Administration, while ensuring that the voice of the Jewish federations is a prominent force in health and human service policy decisions. More

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