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UPDATED: 21 Sep 2008 GMT
  • Islamabad, September 18, 2008 - U.S. Ambassador Anne W. Patterson and WFP Country Representative Wolfgang Herbinger are handing over a wheat-bag to Pakistan Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock Nazar Muhammad Gondal. U.S. Provides $8.4 million Grant in Food Aid

    The United States of America, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations World Food Program, in Pakistan, officially announced the signing of an agreement valued at $8.4 million to help ease Pakistan's food crisis.

  • Rawalpindi, September 16, 2008 - Ambassador Anne W. Patterson cutting the ribbon to mark the opening of the Susan B. Anthony Reading Room at the Central Library of Fatima Jinnah Women University. U.S. Establishes Reading Room at Fatima Jinnah Wom

    U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Anne W. Patterson, inaugurated the Susan B. Anthony Reading Room at the Central Library of Fatima Jinnah Women University, declaring it “Another milestone in the dynamic partnership between the FJWU and the U.S. Mission in Pakistan.”

  • Lahore, September 8, 2008 - U.S Consulate Lahore Principal Officer Bryan D. Hunt presents $50,000 check to Inspector General of Police, Punjab Shaukat Javed for flood relief operations in Rajanpur District. U.S. Provides $50,000 to Punjab Police

    The United States Government has provided $50,000 in emergency assistance to the Punjab Police force which is assisting with flood relief operations in Rajanpur.

Embassy News
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, visited Pakistan, September 16-17. During ...

U.S. Embassy Press Statement

The United States Government, through the Agency for International Development (USAID), marked the ...

Pakistan’s Computerized Electoral Rolls System

The following is a statement to the people of Pakistan from U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson:

More News from the Embassy
Islamabad, August 18, 2008 - USAID signed three Memorandums of Understanding with corporate sector firms Mobilink, Medentech, and Unilever Pakistan Ltd.

USAID Joins Hands with Corporate Sector to Improve Health of Pakistanis
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) signed three Memorandums of Understanding today with well-known corporate sector firms Mobilink, Medentech, and Unilever Pakistan.

Islamabad, August 13, 2008 - USAID Pakistan Mission Director Anne Aarnes and Additional Secretary of Ministry of Education Shahid Ahmed are grouped together with students who are embarking on a two-week USAID education program to Washington.

26 Pakistani High School Students Embark on Two-Week Education Program to U.S.
The Mission Director of United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Anne Aarnes, underlined the need for buildings "cross-cultural understanding" and termed the exchange programs as the "first step of broadening world view" of the participating students.

Lahore, August 12, 2008 - United States Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs Daniel S. Sullivan speaks with students and faculty of the Lahore School of Economics.

Senior U.S. Official Visits Lahore School of Economics
United States Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, Mr. Daniel S. Sullivan, emphasized "the strong and vibrant US-Pakistan bilateral trade relationship" during his visit to the Lahore School of Economics in Lahore.

The United States Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, Mr. Daniel S. Sullivan visited earthquake affected areas in Pakistan’s Muzaffarabad region to assess the progress of the U.S.-supported reconstruction work.

Senior U.S. Officials Visit Earthquake-Hit Areas in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
The United States Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, Mr. Daniel S. Sullivan, and the Acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for South Asia, Claudio Lillienfeld visited earthquake affected areas in Pakistan’s Muzaffarabad region to assess the progress of the U.S.-supported reconstruction work.

Islamabad, August 13, 2008 - USAID Pakistan Mission Director Anne Aarnes and Additional Secretary of Ministry of Education Shahid Ahmed are grouped together with students who are embarking on a two-week USAID education program to Washington.

American Diplomat Meets Academicians of Urban Sindh
The Mission Director of United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Anne Aarnes, underlined the need for buildings “cross-cultural understanding” and termed the exchange programs as the “first step of broadening world view” of the participating students.