Research at the National Archives

Records of Independent Counsel Whitney North Seymour, Jr. relating to Michael Deaver

1981 to 1989
Volume: 92 feet

The records of Independent Counsel Seymour must be requested under the Freedom of Information Act. The documents are NOT available on line. For access to these records, contact the Special Access and FOIA Staff:

Write: Special Access and FOIA Staff
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740

Call: (301) 837-2041


For additional information about records of Independent Counsels in the National Archives and Records Administration, please visit the Special Prosecutors and Independent Counsels Home Page.

Series Title List

Records Relating to the Grand Jury Investigation:

  • Register of Documentary Exhibits, FBI Interview Reports, and Grand Jury Testimony Received
  • FBI Special Agent Interview Reports
  • Transcripts of Testimony
  • Audio Recording of Testimony
  • Name and Subject Card Index to Exhibits and Document File
  • Exhibits
  • Document File
  • Copies of Documents Furnished under Brady and Jencks Act Requirements
  • Working Files
Records Relating to Civil Action Deaver v. Seymour (CA 87-477):
  • Transcripts of Trial Proceedings
  • Records Relating to Trial Procedures and Motions
Records Relating to Criminal Trial U.S. v. Deaver (CR 87-96):
  • Records Relating to Trial Preparations
  • Juror Questionnaires
  • Transcripts of Pretrial Proceedings
  • Transcripts of Trial Proceedings
  • Government Trail Exhibits
  • Defense Trial Exhibits
  • Records Relating to Trial Procedures and Motions
  • Transcripts of Proceedings Relating to Presentencing and Sentencing
  • Records relating to Sentencing
Administrative and Other Records:
  • Classified Document File
  • Records Relating to the Dingell Subcommittee Investigation and Hearing
  • Chronological File of Administrative Correspondence
  • Newspaper Clippings
  • Miscellaneous Records

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272