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Microsoft Customers and Partners Get Virtual Now

Microsoft and its partners and customers show how their solutions remove barriers to virtualization from the desktop to the datacenter at the Microsoft Virtualization Launch. Read more.

Learn More About Windows Server 2008 Power Savings

Read in these newly released white paper and datasheets how Windows Server 2008 will help to reduce the power consumption of server and client operating systems, minimize environmental byproducts, and increase server efficiency. 

Want Microsoft to Pay a Partner to Help Your Deployment?

With each qualifying purchase, Microsoft may pay you partner subsidy dollars to use toward the purchase of additional services and products from a partner to enrich and help with a successful deployment of the solution in your small or medium-sized business. Learn more at http://www.microsoftincentives.com/bigeasy/.

  • Looking for information about Windows Server 2003? Click here.

  • Outside the United States? See Windows Server 2008 sites worldwide.

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