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Strategic University Research Partnerships
JPL is committed to working with universities to accomplish the nation's space exploration goals. Strong collaborative relationships with the academic community provide accelerated innovation for NASA's missions as well as the discovery of new science and technology opportunities for the future. JPL has formal strategic relationships with ten universities with major commitments to space exploration. By cultivating collaborative efforts of mutual strategic value, we anticipate positive impact on our combined science and technology research portfolios, on our capabilities, and on our missions. The Strategic University Research Partnership (SURP) office was established to encourage and support these relationships.
News Board
The SURP Opportunity is Open Promo Image
08.19.2009 - Full proposals are due October 2. Linked summer internships are now offered.

Recruiting Schedule Posted Promo Image
08.05.2009 - JPL will be recruiting at strategic universities this Fall.

The SURP Newsletter will be a downloadable resource with news and updates about upcoming activities and current projects relevant to strategic universities. Stay tuned for this work in progress.

Site Manager: Paula Grunthaner
Webmaster: Lori Williams
JPL Clearance: CL#09-3070