How to Use the Catalog

Scope of the Catalog

The 1995 edition of the "Catalog of Small Business Research"-entitled "Catalog of Completed Research Studies" in previous editions--is a cumulative listing of the U.S. Small Business Administration's contracted research studies completed between 1978 and mid-1994. It also includes a back file of some 100  out-of-print publications of the SBA's Office of Advocacy dating  from the late 1970s, as well as some technical reports published  by other SBA offices.

The more than 500 titles included in this edition cover a broad scope of small business topics and issues, including studies on finance and credit, capital formation, taxes and regulation, government competition and procurement, job creation, innovation, and business ownership by women and minorities.

Arrangement of Entries

The reports in the "Catalog" are listed in alphabetical order by title within 25 subject categories. The entry for each report contains the following information:

* Title.
A title is listed exactly as it appears on the title page of the report.

* Author. Multiple authors have been noted in alphabetical order. If authorship has not been indicated in the report, the name of an editor or primary researcher has been listed.

* Bibliographic information. This includes the date of the report (as listed on the title page, with square brackets indicating a submission date where no date is indicated); the number of pages (with square brackets indicating page counts when pages have not been sequentially numbered); the name and address of the contractor responsible for the report; and other information about the report (such as ISBN, Library of Congress catalog card number, etc.).

* NTIS order number. This is a 10-digit alphanumeric code unique to each report. It is assigned by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), a unit of the U.S. Department of Commerce through which most of these reports are available for purchase.

* Price codes. Most of the studies are available from NTIS as either paper prints or 105mm microfiche. A table listing the price codes and their corresponding prices as of September 1, 1994, is in the "How to Order from NTIS" section that begins on page 151.

* RS number. This refers to the consecutively numbered Research Summaries that, from 1981 to 1991, were occasionally published by the SBA's Office of Advocacy on certain of these research reports. Since 1991, every research report has had a Research Summary published simultaneously with its release to the public. Single copies of these summaries are available without charge upon request from the SBA's Office of Advocacy. Back issues of the Research Summary series are available in three collections that are described on page 141.

* Abstract. Every report listed in this catalog has a brief abstract describing the report's findings.

Ordering Information

Most of the materials described in the "Catalog" are distributed by the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia. Complete ordering information is in the "How to Order from NTIS" section. Availability from other publishers has been  noted where applicable.

For Further Information

Questions regarding the SBA's research program may be directed to the Office of Advocacy's Office of . Economic Research at (202) 205-6530, or by writing to the office at the address listed on the title page.

*Verified as Current: QTR3 2002