
NTIS order number:
Price codes:
A05 (Paper)
A01 (Microfiche)

Firm Size and Productivity

Steven Lustgarten
1982. 87p. Contract awarded in FY 1980 to Steven Lustgarten, 40 Parkway West, Mount Vernon, NY 10552.

This study reports on the relationships between firm size and productivity levels and between firm size and long-term productivity growth. The objective in analyzing productivity growth was to compare gains in efficiency that could be attributable to cost saving innovation or other technical
progress in industries dominated by different-sized firms.

NTIS order number:
Price codes:
A07 (Paper)
A01 (Microfiche)
RS number: 63

Firm Size and Resource Mobility

Steven Lustgarten and Stavros Thomadakis
[1985]. 136p. Contract awarded in FY 1983 to Baruch College, 17 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

The most mobile firms in the United States were found to be those with less than 500 employees that do business in more than one location. Birth and death rates were higher in smaller firms in both expanding and declining industries.

*Verified as Current: QTR3 2002