Research Abstracts from the
DOE Genome Contractor-Grantee Workshop IX

January 27-31, 2002 Oakland, CA


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Instrumentation Abstract Index

26. Method for Fast and Highly Parallel Single Molecule DNA Sequencing

Jonas Korlach, Michael Levene, Stephen W. Turner, Harold G. Craighead, and  Watt W. Webb

27. Fast Detection of Nucleic Acid Hybridization with a Tapered Optical Fiber Sensor

Hyunmin Yi, Vildana Hodzic, James J. Sumner, Matthew P. Delisa, Saheed Pilevar, Frank H. Portugal, James B. Gillespie, Christopher C. Davis, and William E. Bentley

28. High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis in DNA Sequencing and Analysis: Recent Developments

Barry L. Karger, Lev Kotler, Arthur Miller, and Hui He

29. Microchannel DNA Sequencing by End-Labeled Free Solution Electrophoresis (ELFSE): Development of Polymeric End-Labels, Wall Coatings, and Electrophoresis Methods

Wyatt N. Vreeland, Jong-In Won, Robert J. Meagher, M. Felicia Bogdan, and  Annelise E. Barron

30. Microfabricated Fluidic Devices for the Analysis of Genomic Materials

K. A. Swinney, R. S. Foote, C. T. Culbertson, S. C. Jacobson, and J. Michael Ramsey

31. Molecular Gates for Improved Sample Cleanup and Handling in Microfabricated Devices

Tzu-Chi Kuo, Donald M. Cannon, Mark A. Shannon, Paul W. Bohn, and Jonathan V. Sweedler

32. Electron Tomography of Whole Cells

Grant J. Jensen and Kenneth H. Downing

33. Cast Thy Proteins Upon the Water: Fluid Proteomics in a 2–D World

Barry Moore, Chad Nelson, Mike Giddings, Mark Holmes, Melissa Kimball, Norma Wills, John Atkins, and Ray Gesteland

34. Single Cell Proteome Analysis — Ultrasensitive Protein Analysis of Deinococcus radiodurans

Shen Hu, Amy Dambrowitz, Roger Huynh, and Norm Dovichi

35. High-Throughput SNP Scoring with GAMMArrays: Genomic Analysis Using Multiplexed Microsphere Arrays

P. Scott White, Hong Cai, David Torney, Lance Green, Diane Wood, Francisco Uribe-Romeo, LaVerne Gallegos, Julie Meyne, Paul Jackson, Paul Keim, and John Nolan

36. Characterization of the D. radiodurans Proteome using Accurate Mass Tags

R. D. Smith, G. A. Anderson, M. S. Lipton, L. Pasa-Tolic, J. Fredrickson, J. R. Battista, M. J. Daly, C. Masselon, R. J. Moore, M. F. Romine, Y. Shen, and H. R. Udseth

37. Combining “Top-Down” and “Bottom-Up” Mass Spectrometry Approaches for Proteomic Analysis: Shewanella oneidensis — A Case Study

Robert Hettich, Nathan VerBerkmoes, Jonathan Bundy, James Stephenson, Loren Hauser, and Frank Larimer

38. Oligonucleotide Mixture Analysis via Electrospray and Ion/Ion Reactions

Scott A. McLuckey, Jin Wu, Jonathan L. Bundy, James L. Stephenson, Jr., and  Gregory B. Hurst

39. Peptide Sequencing and Identification Using de novo Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectra

William R. Cannon, K. D. Jarman, and K. H. Jarman

40. Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometer for DNA Sequencing and Hybridization Detection

Winston C. H. Chen, Steve L. Allman, Klara J. Matteson, and Lauri Sammartano

41. Novel Molecular Labeling for Post-Genomic Studies

Xian Chen, Tom Hunter, Fadi Abdi, Haining Zhu, John Engen, Songqing Pan, Sheng Gu, Li Yang, Morton Bradbury, and Vahid Majidi

42. Monolithic Integrated PCR Reactor-CE Microsystem for DNA Amplification and Analysis to the Single Molecule Limit

Eric T. Lagally, Chung N. Liu, and Richard A. Mathies

43. Advances in Radial Capillary Array Electrophoresis Chip Sequencing and Genotyping Technology

Brian M. Paegel, Robert G. Blazej, Lorenzo Berti, Charles A. Emrich, James R. Scherer and Richard A. Mathies

44. Integrated Platform for Detection of DNA Sequence Variants Using Capillary Array Temperature Gradient Electrophoresis

Zhaowei Liu, Cymbeline T. Culiat, Tim Wiltshire, Christina Maye, Heidi Monroe, Kevin Gutshall, and Qingbo Li

45. New Microfabrication Technologies for High-Performance Genetic Analysis Devices

Charles A. Emrich, Toshihiro Kamei, Will Grover, and Richard A. Mathies

46. Microarray Electrophoretic DNA Mapping System

Gregory Zeltser, Alfred Goldsmith, Ilya Agurok, and Paul Shnitser

216. A Microfabricated Hybrid Device for High-throughput and Long Read-length DNA Sequencing

Shaorong Liu, Jianzhong Zhang, Hongji Ren, and Jianbiao Zheng

The online presentation of this publication is a special feature of the Human Genome Project Information Web site.