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Banking Study, 2001

Introduction | Research BulletinSmall Business Lending  | Obtaining Reports

Starting this year, the banking study and Micro-business lending reports are published as two separate reports. This edition of the 2001 Banking Study includes the Bank-Holding Company and Small Business Lending, which have been integrated into one report. For other related reports visit: Finance


The eighth annual Small Business Lending study is being released by Office of Advocacy. The analysis is based on the call report and Community Reivestment Act (CRA) data collected by the Federal Reserve on the lending performance of individual reporting banks in the United States. To enable small business borrowers and depositors to make better decisions about banking services, the information is provided on a state-by-state basis. Studies resulting from this analysis may be located by clicking on the titles below.


Small Business Lending in the United States (PDF file) (text file)

The banking study published annual by the Office of Advocacy, provides rankings of commercial banks on their lending to small businesses by state.

View Table 3A. Expanded version (PDF file)- This table uses the call report data to rank all lenders by state, not just small-business-friendly banks.

The state and territory profiles are in Adobe PDF in text format. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF Files or Convert PDF files if necessary. The Adobe Acrobat Reader may be obtained from the Adobe Home Page. Be sure to read the Adobe Electronic End User License Agreement and any other instructions prior to installing the Adobe Acrobat Reader on your system. Adobe also offers Accessibility Tools for PDF Documents


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