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Human Genome News Archive Edition

Human Genome News, January-June 1997; 8:(3-4)

Genetic Networks

NOTE: A later version of the information listed below is available.

To aid people who are seeking information about specific genetic conditions, contact with others impacted by a genetic condition, or professionals providing genetic services, HGN is making available the following list of resources.

All the entities below receive some funding from the Genetics Services Branch of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Alliance of Genetic Support Groups
35 Wisconsin Circle, Ste. 440; Chevy Chase, MD 20815
800/336-4363 or 301/652-5554, Fax:/654-0171,

The Alliance was established in 1986 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families affected by genetic disorders. The Alliance Web site lists publications (many of them free), upcoming events such as meetings and conferences, and some 301 support groups in the Directory of National Genetic Voluntary Organizations. This directory, which gives full contact information for each support group and links to other Web sites, is also available in hard copy.

The Council of Regional Networks (CORN) for Genetic Services

Emory University; Pediatrics-Medical Genetics; 2040 Ridgewood Drive; Atlanta, GA 30322
404/727-1475, Fax: -1827,

CORN was formed in 1985 to coordinate 10 regional networks representing all 50 states; District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands; national sickle cell disease programs; and the Alliance of Genetic Support Groups. CORN brings together network representatives to facilitate communication and planning for genetic services and to address national public health priorities in genetics.

Regional Genetics Networks

Within their regions, the ten networks coordinate genetic services; promote communication among genetic professionals and consumers through CORN membership, network newsletters, and meetings and other events; share resources; and promote education and awareness of genetic disorders.

Each network will answer inquiries about genetic evaluation and counseling services.

Other Groups

Compiled by Laura Yust, June 1997

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Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v8n3).

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