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Human Genome News Archive Edition

Vol. 11, No. 1-2, November 2000
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In this issue...

HGP and the Private Sector
Private Sector Leverages HGPs Successes
HGP & Private Sector: Rivals or Partners?
Congressional Hearing - April 2000

HGP Milestones
White House Draft Sequence Celebration
FAQs about Working Draft Sequence
JGI Sequences Chromosomes 5, 16, 19
High Quality Sequence for Chr. 21, 22

HGP Data Sites for Monitoring Progress
Post-Sequencing Research Challenges

In the News
Initative Drives Protein Research at DOE, NIH
Hi-Res Ribosome Image Obtained

Gene Patenting Update
House Hearing on Patenting
SNP Consortium Progress
International SNP Meetings
Public, Private Join Mouse Consortium
BERAC Report Endorses New Program
Imaging Workshop Report Available

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
Molecular Medicine in 21st Century
Judicial Education Conference Report
DOE Grantee Scott Wins Award
DOE ELSI Grants, FY 2000

Web, Publications, Resources
Chromosome Poster Available
HGPI Website Revamped
Calling All Teachers!!
Microbial Genomics Resources
Genetics, Public Health Book
New BSCS Module Available
New Your World Biotech Issue
DIMACS Special Focus Series
Worker Human Subjects Book
Genetics, Insurance Article Online
Online Bioinformatics Newsletters
Recent Publications, Resources

Federal Technol. Funding Guide
NIH Genome Centers of Excellence

US Genome Research Funding

Meeting Calendars & Acronyms
Genome and Biotechnology Meetings
Training Courses and Workshops

HGN archives and subscriptions
Human Genome Project Information home

Public, Private Sectors Join in Mouse Consortium

Sequencing Results will Spur Discovery of Human Genes and Their Functions

In October, a collaboration was announced to speed up sequencing of the mouse genome and produce a draft map by spring 2001. The Mouse Sequencing Consortium (MSC) consists of six NIH institutes, the Wellcome Trust philanthropy, and three private companies. It provides another example of public and private sectors joining forces to support large-scale genomics research and generate freely available data crucial for basic biomedical research (see related article).

MSC members and their contributions are SmithKline Beecham ($6.5 million), the Merck Genome Research Institute ($6.5 million), Affymetrix, Inc. ($3.5 million), Wellcome Trust ($7.75 million), and NIH ($34 million). Total funding of $58 million will support sequencing for 6 months at three centers: Whitehead Institute (Cambridge), Washington University (St. Louis), and the Sanger Centre in the United Kingdom.

Why the Mouse?
With the working draft sequence of the human genome in hand, scientists in industry and academia now seek to interpret its meaning. The mouse genomic sequence is a powerful comparative tool because genes in the two organisms are very similar. Understanding gene function in the mouse will accelerate knowledge about comparable human genes and will aid in understanding human disease and in developing new treatments.

On average, protein-coding regions in the mouse and human genomes are 85% identical. These regions are evolutionarily conserved because they are required for biological functions shared by both organisms. In contrast, noncoding genomic regions are less than 50% identical. When comparing the same DNA regions from human and mouse, therefore, functional elements stand out clearly because of greater similarity.

Data from this project will be invaluable to us in annotating the final draft of the human genome, observed researcher John McPherson (Washington University). It is exciting that we are moving rapidly toward completion of both projects, he said.

Rapid Data Release
The consortium project focuses on the black six (C57Black/6) mouse strain, which is different from the three strains being sequenced by Celera Genomics. Celera's data are available by paid subscription.

The MSC data-release policy calls for raw data (individual DNA sequence traces, about 500 bases long) taken directly from automated instruments to be deposited in two public databases. These are operated by the National Center for Biotechnology Information and the European Bioinformatics Institute. Individual sequences will be assembled into larger units as soon as a working draft is obtained.

Sequencing Strategy
MSC sequencing melds the best features of two strategies used to produce a working draft of the human genome: the map-based shotgun method used by the public Human Genome Project consortium and the whole-genome shotgun system used by Celera. The overall depth of coverage for the mouse genome will be 2.5x to 3x, a level of detail useful to researchers; a finished, highly accurate sequence is expected at a later date.

Trans-NIH Mouse Initiative

The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v11n1-2).

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