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Human Genome News Archive Edition

Vol.10, No.3-4   October 1999 
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In this issue... 

DOE '99 Oakland Highlights
* Meeting Intro
* HGP Progress, Challenges
* Joint Genome Institute
JGI Facility Opening
Device Speeds Sequencing
* Chromosome 19 Genes
* Functional Genomics
* Sample Prep System
* Informatics
* Education & Bioethics
* Microbial Genomes
* Next Meeting Feb. 2000

Genome Project
* Accelerated Timetable
* FY1999 Budgets
* JGI Refits Facility
* Progress

In the News 
* Drosophila Near Completion
* Directors, Researchers Receive Awards
* Chromosomes 21, 22 Near Finish
* Human MHC Region Sequenced
* Mouse Probes Aid Mapping
* Genetic Testing Committee
* DOE Labs & Biomedicine
* Biomedical Engineering Proposals
* Drug Firms Create SNP Resource
* SBIR 1999 Awards
* HUGO News
* 1999 Hollaender Winners

Microbial Genomics 
* EcoCyc Database for E. coli
* Developing EcoCyc
* Thermotoga Sequence
* Clostridium Sequenced
* Microbial Gene Finder
* Neisseria Sequence
* Microbial Web Sites

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
* Education, Counseling Foundation
* ELSI Studies
* ELSI Retrospective
* Protecting Privacy

* MGI 2.2 Released
* DNA Repository

Web, Other Resources, Publications 
* Metabolic Pathways
* New Staden Package
* PDB Newsletter
* Polymorphism Database
* Bacterial Protein Database
* DOE BER Publications
* HGP Information Web
* Biotechnology Business Webs
* Behavioral Genetics
* Office of Science Reports
* Articles on Genetics

* Genome Research Funding

Meeting Calendars & Acronyms 
* Genome & Biotech Meetings 
* Training Courses & Workshops 
* Acronyms 

*HGN archives & subscriptions 
*HGP Information home

In the News

New Mouse Probes Aid Gene Mapping

A team led by Julie Korenberg (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles) has produced a family ofDNA probes that "light up" mouse chromosome sites under fluorescence microscopy. The markers, spaced at an average 19 million bases throughout the 3billion bases of the mouse genome, aid researchers who are hunting for mouse counterparts of human genes. The work is described in the May 1999 cover article of Genome Research.

The mouse is a favorite research model for understanding human biology, and researchers are finding more and more corresponding genes on human and mouse chromosomes. Unlike human chromosomes, however, mouse chromosomes have few distinguishing features that help cytogeneticists hunt for particular disease genes. The new markers thus far have led researchers to the mouse counterpart of the human Down's syndrome region.

The DNA resource consists of 157 BAC clones, each an identifier of specific bands or band borders, with 42 linked to genetic markers from the centromeric and telomeric ends of the Whitehead-MIT recombinational maps. Inclusion of BAC clones containing markers from the ends of genetic maps is expected to facilitate development of an integrated view of mouse cytogenetic, genetic, and physical maps.

The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v10n3-4).

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