United States Department of Agriculture
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The  Ethnobotany of Culturally Significant Plants

Updated 09/10/2008

Manhattan Plant Materials Center

The historical use of native plants has become of interest to many Tribal peoples and also to the general public. This information was developed as a general educational tool to satisfy this interest. This program is not a source of reference for research or an in-depth explanation of individual plant characteristics and uses. For a more detailed study of each plant you should visit the NRCS Plants Database web site: http://plants.usda.gov or follow the "PLANTS Guide Page" link for each species.

Plants played an integral part of every American Indian tribe's existence. Plants were used as food, ceremonial artifacts, and in medicines. Additional plants were also important in traditional American Indian lifestyles. Each slide lists the major food, cultural or medicinal qualities once used by American Indians or European colonists for the plants shown.

Each slide has the common and scientific name as listed on the Plants Database web site. Additional scientific synonyms and common names are listed because these plants are referred to in some older publications or geographic locations by different names. Many people will recognize the plant by a previously used Latin name or a different common name.

You may use any of this information for your own uses. For more information please contact Pat Broyles by email or phone (785) 539-8761.

If you encounter any problems with the files provided on this page, please contact Leslie Glass at 701-250-4330.


Scientific Name Common Name PowerPoint File PLANTS Species Profile Plant Guide
Allium canadense L. meadow garlic Power Point File Go to Profile for ALCA3
Artemisia frigida prairie sagewort Power Point File Go to Profile for ARFR4 Plant Guide
Arurndinaria gigantea switchcane Power Point File Go to Profile for ARGIT8
Artemisia ludoviciana white sagebrush Power Point File Go to Profile for ARLU Plant Guide
Arisaema triphyllum Jack in the pulpit Power Point File Go to Profile for ARTR
Asarum canadense Canadian wildginger Power Point File Go to Profile for ASCA Plant Guide
Asclepias tuberosa butterfly milkweed Power Point File Go to Profile for ASTU Plant Guide
Baptisia bracteata longbract wild indigo Power Point File Go to Profile for BABRL2
Betula nigra river birch Power Point File Go to Profile for BENI Plant Guide
Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama Power Point File Go to Profile for BOCU Plant Guide
Bouteloua gracilis blue grama Power Point File

Go to Profile for BOGR2 Plant Guide
Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory Power Point File Go to Profile for CACO15
Campsis radicans trumpet creeper Power Point File Go to Profile for CARA2
Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea Power Point File Go to Profile for CEAM Plant Guide
Cornus sericea redosier dogwood
Power Point File Go to Profile for COSE16
Dalea candida white prairie-clover Power Point File Go to Profile for DACA7
Dalea purpurea violet prairie clover Power Point File Go to Profile for DAPU5 Plant Guide
Echinacea angustifolia blacksamson echinacea Power Point File Go to Profile for ECAN2 Plant Guide
Euonuymus americana strawberry bush Power Point File Go to Profile for EUAM7
Euphorbia marginata snow on the mountain
Power Point File Go to Profile for EUAM8
Fagus grandifolia American beech Power Point File Go to Profile for FAGR
Fraxinus americana white ash Power Point File Go to Profile for FRAM2 Plant Guide
Hierochloe hirta northern sweetgrass Power Point File Go to Profile for HIHI
Hierochloe odorata vanilla grass Power Point File Go to Profile for HIOD Plant Guide
Hieracium venosum rattlesnakeweed Power Point File Go to Profile for HIVE
Hydrangea quercifolia oakleaf hydrangea Power Point File Go to Profile for HYQU3
Iris virginica Virginia iris Power Point File Go to Profile for IRVI Plant Guide
Juniperus virginiana eastern redcedar Power Point File Go to Profile for JUVI Plant Guide
Kalmia latifolia mountain laurel Power Point File Go to Profile for KALA
Levisticum officinale garden lovage Power Point File Go to Profile for LEOF
Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Power Point File Go to Profile for LIST2
Monarda fistulosa wild bergamot
Power Point File Go to Profile for MOFI Plant Guide
Nepeta cataria catnip Power Point File Go to Profile for NECA2
Nelumbo lutea American lotus Power Point File Go to Profile for NELU
Opuntia species, including O. compressa, O. fragilis, O. humifisa, O. macrorhiza, O. polyacantha and O. tortisipna. pricklypear Power Point File Go to Profile for OPUNT
Oxydendrum arboreum sourwood Power Point File Go to Profile for OXAR
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper Power Point File Go to Profile for PAQU2
Pediomelum esculentum large Indian breadroot Power Point File Go to Profile for PEES
Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas fern Power Point File Go to Profile for POAC4
Populus alba white poplar Power Point File Go to Profile for POAL7
Populus deltoides eastern cottonwood
Power Point File Go to Profile for PODE3 Plant Guide
Podophyllum peltatum mayapple Power Point File Go to Profile for POPE
Prunus virginiana chokecherry Power Point File Go to Profile for PRVI Plant Guide
Quercus alba white oak Power Point File Go to Profile for QUAL Plant Guide
Quercus falcata southern red oak Power Point File Go to Profile for QUFA
Quercus muehlenbergii chinkapin oak Power Point File Go to Profile for QUMU
Quercus prinus chestnut oak Power Point File Go to Profile for QUPR2
Rudbeckia triloba browneyed Susan Power Point File Go to Profile for RUTR2
Sassafras albidum sassafras Power Point File Go to Profile for SAAL5 Plant Guide
Salix amygdaloides peachleaf willow Power Point File Go to Profile for SAAM2 Plant Guide
Sanguinaria canadensis bloodroot Power Point File Go to Profile for SACA13
Sagittaria latifolia broadleaf arrowhead Power Point File Go to Profile for SALA2 Plant Guide
Sambucus nigra common elderberry Power Point File Go to Profile for SANIC4 Plant Guide
Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem Power Point File Go to Profile for SCSC Plant Guide
Smilax bona-nox saw greenbrier Power Point File Go to Profile for SMBO2
Sphaeralcea coccinea scarlet globemallow Power Point File Go to Profile for SPCO
Sporobolus heterolepsis prairie dropseed Power Point File Go to Profile for SPHE
Thuja occidentalis northern white cedar Power Point File Go to Profile for THOC2

Plant Guide

Toxicodendron pubescens Atlantic poison oak Power Point File Go to Profile for TOPU2
Trillium cuneatum little sweet Betsy Power Point File Go to Profile for TRCU
Viburnum acerifolium mapleleaf viburnum Power Point File Go to Profile for VIAC Plant Guide
Viola palmata early blue violet Power Point File Go to Profile for VIPA3
Vitis rotundifolia muscadine Power Point File Go to Profile for VIRO3
Vitis aestivalis and Vitis riparia summer grape and riverbank grape
Power Point File Go to Profile for VITIS
Xanthorhiza simplicissima yellowroot Power Point File Go to Profile for XASI
Zanthoxylum americanum common pricklyash
Power Point File Go to Profile for ZAAM Plant Guide

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