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Instruments and Science Data Systems
Active and Adaptive Optics Active and Adaptive Optics
Far IR and Microwave Imagers, Radiometers and Spectrometers Far IR and Microwave Imagers, Radiometers and Spectrometers
High Contrast Imaging High Contrast Imaging
<i>In Situ</i> Instruments Systems In Situ Instruments Systems
Instrument and Science Software Systems Instrument and Science Software Systems
Instrument Autonomy Instrument Autonomy
Instrument Systems Implementation Instrument Systems Implementation
Microdevices Microdevices
Stellar Interferometry Stellar Interferometry
Visible and Infrared Imaging and Spectrometers Visible and Infrared Imaging and Spectrometers
Welcome to Instruments and Science Data Systems Home

JPL's Instruments and Science Data Systems Division has been providing unique expertise in instrument system and technology development for over 45 years, beginning with the first Pioneer mission to the moon in 1958.

Our success comes from bringing highly trained and technically diverse cross-disciplinary teams of hardware engineers, software engineers and scientists together to solve unique and challenging problems and create one-of-a-kind instrument systems. Our expertise spans the entire instrument system life-cycle, beginning with research in advanced technologies that maximize scientific knowledge capture and delivery, infusing those technologies into instrument and data system concepts, engineering the design and implementation, operating the flight and ground instrument system, delivering the science and instrument data products, and finally archiving the products.

Some examples of our recent achievements are:

  • The Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer (MECA) on Phoenix combines several scientific instruments including a wet chemistry laboratory, optical and atomic force microscopes, and a thermal and electrical conductivity probe
  • Achieving Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI) Maturity Level 3 for our science ground data systems and instrument flight software
  • The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), a world-class spaceborne imaging spectrometer, was delivered in record time for India's first mission to the Moon for 2008 launch.
  • Enabling over 1200 Sols of tactical operations and science on Mars with Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity
  • Delivering high-fidelity engineering model Focal Plane System and software to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) European partners for optical system verification model testing
  • Being selected by NASA to be science Co-Investigator and provide science operations support for the Stardust-NExT and EPOCH missions of opportunity selected as part of the Discovery Round 12 Announcement of Opportunity

Our areas of expertise are listed in the menu on the left side of these pages and provide navigation to dig deeper and discover more about JPL's Instruments and Data Systems.

Division Projects

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