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U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General

Office of Justice Programs


Management of the Office of Justice Programs’ Grant Programs for Trafficking Victims, Audit Report 08-26, July 2008

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The Office of Justice Programs' Implementation of the Hometown Heroes Survivors Benefits Act of 2003, Evaluation and Inspections Report I-2008-005, March 2008

Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative Reimbursement Program, Audit Report 08-22, March 2008

Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 2007, Audit Report 08-11, March 2008
(Commentary and Summary Only)

Review of the Office of Justice Programs' Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program, Evaluation and Inspections Report I-2008-001, January 2008


Department of Justice Conference Expenditures, Audit Report 07-42, September 2007

Office of Justice Programs National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Centers, Audit Report 07-22, March 2007

Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 2006, Audit Report 07-13, January 2007
(Commentary and Summary Only)

Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 2006, Audit Report 07-21, January 2007
(Commentary and Summary Only)

Cooperation of SCAAP Recipients in the Removal of Criminal Aliens from the United States, Audit Report 07-07, January 2007


The Department of Justice's Grant Closeout Process, Audit Report 07-05, December 2006

National Court-Appointed Special Advocate Program, Audit Report 07-04, December 2006

Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 2005, Audit Report 06-17, March 2006
(Commentary and Summary Only)

Effectiveness of the Office for Victims of Crime Tribal Victim Assistance Program, Audit Report 06-08, February 2006

Oversight of Department of Justice Expenditures Related to Hurricane Katrina, Audit Report 06-11, February 2006

Office of Justice Programs, Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Awarded to the Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Audit Report GR-80-06-002, February 2006
(Executive Summary Only)


Review of the Office of Justice Programs' Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program, Evaluation and Inspections Report I-2006-002, December 2005

Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 2004, Audit Report 05-17, March 2005
(Commentary and Summary Only)

Administration of Department of Justice Grants Awarded to Native American and Alaska Native Tribal Governments, Audit Report 05-18, March 2005


The No Suspect Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program, Audit Report 05-02, November 2004

Office Of Justice Programs, Technical Assistance And Training Program, Audit Report 04-40, September 2004

Office Of Justice Programs, Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 2003, Audit Report 04-34, September 2004
(Commentary and Summary Only)


Streamlining of Administrative Activities and Federal Financial Assistance Functions in the Office of Justice Programs and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Audit Report 03-27, August 2003

Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement Fiscal Year 2002, Audit Report 03-21, June 2003
(Commentary and Summary Only)


Independent Evaluation Pursuant to the Government Information Security Reform Act Fiscal Year 2002, The Office of Justice Programs' Enterprise Network System, Audit Report 03-01, October 2002

Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 2001, Audit Report 02-25, July 2002
(Commentary and Summary Only)

The Office of Justice Programs Convicted Offender DNA Sample Backlog Reduction Grant Program, Audit Report 02-20, May 2002

Office of Justice Programs State and Local Domestic Preparedness Grant Programs, Audit Report 02-15, March 2002


Office of Justice Programs Fiscal Year 2000, Audit Report 01-22, August 2001


Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement, Fiscal Year 1999, Audit Report 00-14, June 2000
(Executive Summary Only)

Office of Justice Programs State Criminal Alien Assistance Grant Program, Audit Report 00-13, May 2000
(Executive Summary Only)


Office of Justice Programs Annual Financial Statement Fiscal Year 1998, Audit Report 99-17, May 1999
(Executive Summary Only)

Office of Justice Programs Safefutures: Partnerships to Reduce Youth Violence and Delinquency, Audit Report 99-15, April 1999
(Executive Summary Only)


Management of the Office of Justice Programs' Regional Information Sharing Systems Program, Audit Report 98-27, September 1998
(Executive Summary Only)

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