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Salmon and Trout in King County, Washington State

Literature Review and Recommended Sampling Protocol for Bull Trout in King County

Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus)This technical report contains a summary of the available information regarding bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) distribution and life history strategies within King County.

King County produced this summary to help fill large information gaps regarding the recently listed bull trout . This summary provides information essential to completing Biological Assessments for federally-linked projects and various efforts to conserve and recover the species in local watersheds.

This report also includes a recommended sampling protocol for gathering additional information regarding bull trout populations in King County, Washington. Water and Land Resources Division staff are working closely with stakeholder groups in King County to use the recommended sampling protocol and other means to gather information necessary to bull trout conservation and recovery efforts. The intended audience of this report is primarily technical staff involved in salmonid conservation planning efforts within King County, although the information presented here and gathered through the sampling program will be of interest to citizens, and public and private organizations within local watersheds.

The report and maps are provided in Adobe Acrobat format. For help using Adobe Acrobat, please visit the Acrobat Help page.

Go to Bull Trout White Paper Literature Review and Recommended Sampling Protocol for Bull Trout in King County
This report is a166 Kb Adobe Acrobat file, and will take appx 0.8 minute to download using a 28.8 Kb/s modem.
Map of Bull Trout observations, spawning, and rearing areas Figure 2.1
Current Known Distribution of Self-Sustaining Native Char Subpopulations and Isolated Observations of Native Char in King County
This map shows Isolated Observations of Native Char within the Last Decade and Known Native Char Spawning and Rearing Areas. The map is 11" x 8.5", landscape orientation.
This map file is 741 Kb in size, and will take about 3.6 minutes to download on a 28.8 kb/s modem. Adobe Acrobat file.
Map of Proposed Bull Trout Survey areas Figure 3.1
Sampling Areas within King County Initially Proposed for Bull Trout Reconnaissance Surveys
This map displays Stream Reaches Proposed for Reconnaissance Surveys of Native Char. The map is 11" x 8.5", landscape orientation.
This map file is 671 Kb in size, and will take about 3.3 minutes to download on a 28.8 kb/s modem. Adobe Acrobat file.