Table 2v. New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized Valuation for Regions, Divisions, and States (in thousands of dollars) Annual 1993 3 and 4 5 Units Total 1 Unit 2 Units Units or More United States 106800971 97118621 1478601 1281696 6922053 Northeast 12201989 11259957 243176 112569 586287 New England 3947309 3727697 38138 21198 160276 Connecticut 929664 873057 3712 2398 50497 Maine 308569 295412 1729 969 10459 Massachusetts 1890560 1787774 25344 10070 67372 New Hampshire 381486 358984 3171 2905 16426 Rhode Island 235128 226860 2288 1875 4105 Vermont 201902 185610 1894 2981 11417 Middle Atlantic 8254680 7532260 205038 91371 426011 New Jersey 2087085 1926452 38680 6772 115181 New York 2620744 2242559 138853 58211 181121 Pennsylvania 3546851 3363249 27505 26388 129709 Midwest 25031843 22594383 488487 406086 1542887 East North Central 17716133 16002379 361201 311880 1040673 Illinois 4487398 4048223 93588 102842 242745 Indiana 2896209 2715278 49047 21292 110592 Michigan 3389520 3123419 24522 36685 204894 Ohio 4318975 3937698 75657 91030 214590 Wisconsin 2624031 2177761 118387 60031 267852 West North Central 7315710 6592004 127286 94206 502214 Iowa 882419 752369 18009 18402 93639 Kansas 1027807 932945 25085 9760 60017 Minnesota 2672437 2468567 21519 14785 167566 Missouri 1749829 1626393 44487 33254 45695 Nebraska 551055 480510 11725 7007 51813 North Dakota 189878 146578 2612 5416 35272 South Dakota 242285 184642 3849 5582 48212 South 40808046 37484236 363038 294566 2666206 South Atlantic 26613162 24231965 238019 193331 1949847 Delaware 313243 301616 5033 1551 5043 Dist. of Columbia 20557 15761 0 3796 1000 Florida 9658404 8291202 119973 122671 1124558 Georgia 4301528 4057658 22894 11750 209226 Maryland 2309289 2140272 5875 733 162409 North Carolina 4431043 4169295 49422 23248 189078 South Carolina 1694090 1589743 10834 6908 86605 Virginia 3699728 3493903 20930 20712 164183 West Virginia 185280 172515 3058 1962 7745 East South Central 4986583 4656147 46156 53981 230299 Alabama 1147452 1045697 8291 8296 85168 Kentucky 1172971 1060457 18444 22805 71265 Mississippi 495062 463693 4737 5047 21585 Tennessee 2171098 2086300 14684 17833 52281 West South Central 9208301 8596124 78863 47254 486060 Arkansas 644421 553710 42466 15571 32674 Louisiana 859373 831074 5969 2272 20058 Oklahoma 808617 797705 5660 2654 2598 Texas 6895890 6413635 24768 26757 430730 West 28759093 25780045 383900 468475 2126673 Mountain 12070432 11173771 129761 174211 592689 Arizona 3777972 3592356 22851 30742 132023 Colorado 3095858 2882752 47696 25621 139789 Idaho 928542 815856 17882 38085 56719 Montana 212314 171176 13679 10614 16845 Nevada 1636879 1471199 9775 16525 139380 New Mexico 775187 749587 1431 10413 13756 Utah 1507621 1360765 14322 40120 92414 Wyoming 136059 130080 2125 2091 1763 Pacific 16688661 14606274 254139 294264 1533984 Alaska 228406 196478 4418 8978 18532 California 10194908 9088473 119237 175374 811824 Hawaii 679494 566580 14936 6607 91371 Oregon 1956405 1708555 35895 32959 178996 Washington 3629448 3046188 79653 70346 433261