Table 2au. New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized Unadjusted Units for Regions, Divisions, and States Annual 2006 Num of Struc- tures With 3 and 4 5 units 5 units Total 1 Unit 2 Units Units or More or More United States 1838903 1378220 35256 41348 384079 19220 Northeast 174615 103419 10262 9141 51793 2379 New England 46782 33204 2162 1142 10274 491 Connecticut 9236 7107 332 63 1734 99 Maine 7293 6483 242 119 449 48 Massachusetts 19580 10916 926 666 7072 270 New Hampshire 5677 4826 170 139 542 36 Rhode Island 2370 1801 314 87 168 14 Vermont 2626 2071 178 68 309 24 Middle Atlantic 127833 70215 8100 7999 41519 1888 New Jersey 34323 17113 3088 1708 12414 732 New York 54382 19981 4398 5655 24348 880 Pennsylvania 39128 33121 614 636 4757 276 Midwest 279376 209318 7362 8267 54429 3175 East North Central 178813 134244 4480 5749 34340 2023 Illinois 58802 37903 1134 2236 17529 773 Indiana 29069 24438 1026 573 3032 278 Michigan 29191 24782 370 396 3643 249 Ohio 34422 27514 608 1750 4550 368 Wisconsin 27329 19607 1342 794 5586 355 West North Central 100563 75074 2882 2518 20089 1152 Iowa 13357 10250 334 287 2486 140 Kansas 14619 11133 350 186 2950 174 Minnesota 26352 20901 232 281 4938 201 Missouri 29172 19926 1572 1293 6381 401 Nebraska 8230 6554 196 110 1370 98 North Dakota 3529 2297 60 126 1046 58 South Dakota 5304 4013 138 235 918 80 South 929734 726200 10398 12564 180572 8879 South Atlantic 543413 423825 4702 6204 108682 5007 Delaware 6504 5015 216 137 1136 95 District of Columbia 2105 126 14 6 1959 26 Florida 203238 146236 2088 3054 51860 2603 Georgia 104200 86106 658 898 16538 590 Maryland 23262 17858 112 68 5224 203 North Carolina 99979 82672 920 877 15510 774 South Carolina 50776 41675 258 396 8447 461 Virginia 47704 38977 352 731 7644 219 West Virginia 5645 5160 84 37 364 36 East South Central 111283 90962 1372 1682 17267 1120 Alabama 32034 24132 154 201 7547 435 Kentucky 16628 13496 364 598 2170 178 Mississippi 16618 14138 262 211 2007 155 Tennessee 46003 39196 592 672 5543 352 West South Central 275038 211413 4324 4678 54623 2752 Arkansas 13885 10769 770 313 2033 171 Louisiana 28671 23806 560 270 4035 342 Oklahoma 15840 14088 336 132 1284 88 Texas 216642 162750 2658 3963 47271 2151 West 455178 339283 7234 11376 97285 4787 Mountain 207751 168890 2306 5087 31468 1575 Arizona 65363 55633 378 1714 7638 524 Colorado 38343 30365 654 563 6761 306 Idaho 17075 14789 432 750 1104 71 Montana 4542 3405 248 378 511 37 Nevada 39445 26722 112 801 11810 383 New Mexico 13573 12294 54 166 1059 76 Utah 25873 22595 374 561 2343 149 Wyoming 3537 3087 54 154 242 29 Pacific 247427 170393 4928 6289 65817 3212 Alaska 2739 1612 276 131 720 49 California 160502 107714 2586 3921 46281 2290 Hawaii 7530 5597 86 158 1689 59 Oregon 26623 19859 766 645 5353 328 Washington 50033 35611 1214 1434 11774 486